CACSELT - ELT: Messages for Entitlement and Liability Transfer

The following messages are stored in message class CACSELT: ELT: Messages for Entitlement and Liability Transfer.
It is part of development package CACSE1 in software component ICM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ICM: ELT Application".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No contract data was transferred for determination of ELT rule
001An error has occurred during determination of commission application
002A technical error has occurred while executing method '&1'
003A technical error has occurred while executing function/method '&1'
004Creation of rule-based worklist without an ELT rule is not possible
005Creation of rule-based worklist must reference a contract
006Impossible to select remuneration without predefined values in field '&1'
007Impossible to select contracts without predefined values in field '&1'
008Active commission application '&1' does not match appl.'&2' in worklist
009Function is not possible (no authorization)
010Error while reading document data of remuneration '&1' to be transferred
011Technical error; incorrect transfer parameter(s)
012Technical error; unknown transfer parameter &1
013Technical error; no structures for settlement scheduling exist
014Quantities and amounts are mixed
015Remuneration line to be transferred has no remuneration
016Error while determining number for &1(&2)
017Transfer document not posted due to errors
018Simulation: no posting of transfer document
019Transfer document &1/&2 posted
020Exception triggered during process; processing is terminated
022Transfer of remuneration &1/&2/&3/&4
023More than one set with &1 found for remuneration line &2
024Remunerating commission document &1 not found for remuneration line &2
025Error in CORRTO relationship (remun.line &1 corrected by remun.line &2)
026Valuation line &1 could not be read
027Remuneration detail line for &1 could not be read
028Only customer fields may be changed in method &1 of BAdI &2
029Generation of instances of BAdI &1 failed
030Entitlement recipients cannot be determined without a group contract
031Error while determining partnerships for commission contract '&1'
032Contract '&1' is not a member of the partnership for group contract '&2'
033Error while determining members of partnership for group contract '&1'
034Package CACS44 must be active
035You can only select member contracts if you specify a group contract
036No standard Customizing exists for selected settings
037A technical error occurred while attempting to copy standard Customizing
038Error in transport connection for entries in table '&1'
039ELT standard delivery for commission application '&1' transferred
040Entitlement and liability transfer is not active for '&'
041Process step: Calculation of enterprise share
042Correction of entitlement: &1 &2
043Correction of disbursement: &1 &2
044Correction of liability: &1 &2
045Correction of offsetting: &1 &2
046Entitlement was created by document &1
047Cannot read remuneration line &1
048Transfer document &1 corrects more than one remuneration line
049Assignment type '&1' is reserved for another commission application
050Specify an enterprise commission contract for &1
051Process step: Calculation of remaining shares
052Remaining entitlement: &1 &2
053Remaining liability: &1 &2
054Disbursed entitlement: &1 &2
055Corrected disbursable entitlement is incorrect
056Corrected disbursable entitlement (payout): &1 &2
057Set contains no entitlement and liability transfer
058Transfer share for &1 must be between 0% and 100%
059&1 is not permitted as a recalculation indicator
060&1 is not a valid type of remuneration scheduling
061&1 is not a permitted type of payout
062Processing terminated due to errors in transfer parameters
063Receiving contract &1 is included in more than one set for &2
064More than one instruction exists for receiving contract &1 and remun. &2
065Remuneration type &1 is excluded from entitlement and liability transfer
066&1 undetermined, &1 is set to &2
067Transfer document &1/&2 was reversed
068Entitlement cannot be recalculated (no commission case)
069Cannot read remuneration line that initiated entitlement
070Cannot determine participation data for recalculation
071Process step: Calculation for contract &1 transferred share
072Transferred entitlement: &1 &2
073Transferred liability: &1 &2
074Entitlement to be transferred is being recalculated
075No recalculation due to result value splitting of source entitlement
076Remuneration agreement for original remuneration is unknown
077Remuneration agreement &1 is not permitted for contract &2
078Recalculation does not result in a remuneration
079Recalculation has no unique result
080Recalculated entitlement: &1 &2
081Reduction as a result of difference commission: &1 &2
082Remaining disbursable entitlement: &1 &2
083Remaining offsetting: &1 &2
084Transferred disbursable entitlement: &1 &2
085Transferred offsetting: &1 &2
086Technical error: transfer document &1/&2 incorrect on database
087Using filter for remuneration agreements
088Remuneration agreement &1 is not assigned to contract &2
089Remuneration agreement &1 not found for contract &2
090Reduced to remuneration share: &1 &2
091Process step: Complete transfer document
092Remuneration share cannot be determined
093Entitlement to be transferred (new calculation): &1 &2
094No remuneration scheduling found for remuneration line &1
095Different currency in &1 &2: &3 instead of &4
096Different unit of measure in &1 &2: &3 instead of &4
097&1 is not a valid value for indicator &2
098Assignment share for &1 must be between 0% and 100%
099Total of assignment share for &1 must be between 0% and 100%
100Internal error: Parameter record for assignment instruction &1/&2/&3/&4
101Process step: settlement items/remuneration scheduling
102Inconsistency: stt. item and stt. schedule of transferring remuneration
103Unable to transfer the date details
104No settlement scheduling for entitlement &1, no dates transferred
105Internal error: distribution table could not be generated
106Internal error: generation of local work areas failed
107Amounts and quantities are mixed in remuneration to be transferred
108Inactivating original settlement schedule
109Status of settlement schedule &1 is set to 'inactive'
110No settlement scheduling possible in incorrect transfer document &1
111New settlement schedule being created for remuneration line &1
112Scheduling rule &2 is not assigned to contract &1
113Release rule &2 is not assigned to contract &1
114Transfer of scheduling rule/release rule
115New settlement schedule being created for remuneration line &1
116Error while determining release rules for commission contract
117Scenario is not supported: groupings of due dates
118Error while determining ELT rule for assignment rule '&1'
119Entitlement cannot be recalculated (no performance-related remuneration)
120&1 is not a valid value for basis of liability transfer percentage rate
121Process step: post transfer document
122Remuneration line &1/&2/&3 has no transferable entitlement
123Remuneration line &1/&2/&3 does not have any transferable liability
124Effective or technical time stamp were not specified
125More than one settlement schedule exists for remuneration line &1
126Total of settlement items is different from disbursable entitlement
127Neither settlement items nor stt.scheduling for remuneration line &1
128Settlement items and settlement scheduling exist for remuneration line &1
129Contract '&1' has no performance-related remuneration agreement
130Inconsistent update of enterprise commission contract
131Possible error in update of difference &1/enterprise commission contract
132Liability transfer is not possible; package CACS03 is not selected
133Commission case is inconsistent; fields for liability are missing
134Transfer of scheduling rule/release rule for clearing item
135**** Document check ****
136Process step: check transfer document
137Document type &1 is not permitted for transfer documents
138Document type &1 is not defined
139Document type &1 can only be posted in the process
140Transfer doc. must not have any reference to triggering commission case
141Business object is not fully specified
142Remunerating business transaction specified incompletely or not at all
143Triggering business transaction not fully specified
144&1(&2) must not be set
145&1(&2) must be set
146&1: document identification incorrect (&2 does not equal &3)
147&1: double key (&2)
148&1: key field &2 is not filled (key: &3)
149Document has more than one remuneration line 'remaining entitlement'
150Posting year &1 does not match posting date &2
151Commission model currency &1 in doc. is different from system setting &2
152Comm.model currency &1 of remuneration line is different from doc. (&2)
153Contract currency of remaining remuneration must be &2
154Contract of remaining remuneration must be &2
155Reference to remunerating commission case must be complete
156Remunerating commission case &1 does not exist
157No document exists for remunerating commission case &1
158No valuation line &1 exists in document &2
159Document has no remuneration line 'remaining entitlement'
161Contract currency for entitlement or liability recipient must be &2
162New entitlement/liability must reference commission case &2
163New entitlement/liability must reference valuation &2
164Entitlement total in transfer doc. does not equal original entitlement
165Disbursement total in transfer doc. does not equal original disbursement
166Liability total in transfer doc. does not equal original liability
167Offsetting total in transfer doc. does not equal original offsetting
168Checking remaining entitlement/liability (&1/&2/&3, contract &4)
169Checking entitlement/liability to be transferred (&1/&2/&3, contract &4)
170Checking document header (&1/&2)
171Checking amounts
172Checking (original) remuneration line to be transferred (&1/&2/&3)
173Remuneration line to be transferred (&1/&2/&3) must not be reversed
174Remuneration line to be transferred (&1/&2/&3) must not be corrected
175Check correction of ceding remuneration line
176Transfer document corrects more than one remuneration line
177No document reference set in remuneration &1 to be transferred
178Document reference of remuneration line &1 is not correct
179Further checks (BAdI CACS41_ELTDOC)
180Remuneration line to be transferred (&1/&2/&3) must have 'posted' status
181Contract &1 has no settlement agreement for remuneration type &2
182Check settlement schedule of transferring remuneration
183Settlement schedule &1 is inconsistent
184Settlement schedule &1 determined for remuneration &2
185Settlement schedule item must not have status &1
186Canceled due to failed credentials check
187Check clearing of original entitlement &2 (&1)
188Only one clearing line is allowed
189Amounts or quantities in the clearing item are incorrect
190Clearing items cannot be transferred
210Transfer documents exist for commission document &1/&2
211Commission document &1/&2 could not be reset
212Process step: Clearing of original entitlement &1
213Cleared disbursable entitlement: &1 &2
214Settlement schedule for remuneration &1 has no open items
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