CACSOA - FOA: Nachrichten im Umfeld von Objektzuordnungen
The following messages are stored in message class CACSOA: FOA: Nachrichten im Umfeld von Objektzuordnungen.
It is part of development package CACSO3 in software component ICM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Framework for Object Assignment (FOA): Application".
It is part of development package CACSO3 in software component ICM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Framework for Object Assignment (FOA): Application".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Process '&1' does not have step '&2' |
002 | A group element with the required key already exists |
003 | Database operation &1 for updating worklist is not possible |
004 | The number range for worklist update is missing in assignment type '&1' |
005 | Number assignment error during update of worklist |
006 | Invalid call of database interface for worklists |
007 | A database error has occurred during worklist update |
008 | Worklist '&1' does not exist |
009 | Method '&1' is not valid in applicion plug '&2' |
010 | Activity '&1' currently not possible because worklist '&2' is locked |
011 | Invalid call of method '&1' of process controller |
012 | Process '&1' does not exist |
013 | Error while deleting assignment instructions in assignment set &1 |
014 | Error while deleting assignment instructions in group &1 |
015 | Assignment instructions for assignment set '&1' cannot not created |
016 | Error while deleting elements of assignment group &1 |
017 | Error while deleting elements of assignment set &1 |
018 | Invalid call of update for trigger |
019 | Error while reading assignment groups for worklist &1 |
020 | Error while reading selection parameters of assignment set '&1' |
021 | Error while reading parameters in assignment set &1 |
022 | Error while making assignments for assignment set &1 |
023 | Error during exchange of data definition for returning object data |
024 | No configuration for assignment rule &1 in &3 at time-spot &2 |
025 | Error while reading assignment instructions in assignment set &1 |
026 | Error while reading object data in the connected application |
027 | Error while executing method &1 on worklist &2 |
028 | Error while scheduling background processing of process step &1 |
029 | Error while executing step &1 in process &2 |
030 | Error while attempting to send user interface for process control |
031 | Step '&1' in process '&2' successfully carried out/scheduled |
032 | Error while determining step to be executed in process &1 |
033 | Error while reading process step &1 in process &2 |
034 | Specify a valid worklist number |
035 | Enter a worklist definition |
036 | Scenario '&1' does not exist for worklist definition '&2' |
037 | Assignment type '&1' does not exist |
038 | No interface for '&1', structure '&2', method '&3', type '&4' |
039 | Assignment group '&1' does not exist |
040 | Invalid call of method '&1' for worklist '&2' |
041 | Error while creating assignment group |
042 | Assignment set '&1' does not exist |
043 | Process definition &1 does not exist |
044 | Process definition &1 has no process steps |
045 | No process step sequence has been defined for process definition &1 |
046 | No application log exists for selected object |
047 | Error while reading elements of assignment group &1 |
048 | Database operation '&1' is not intended for process update |
049 | Process definition '&1' has no number range for updating instances |
050 | Number assignment error during update of process |
051 | Invalid call of update for assignment process |
052 | Worklist definition &1 does not exist |
053 | No interfaces for object search defined for assignment type '&1' |
054 | Process '&1' is created from template '&2' with '&3' steps |
055 | No interface can be generated without selecting fields |
056 | User interface '&1' was created successfully |
057 | Selected interface already exists and should not be changed |
058 | No configuration exists for required interface |
059 | Invalid call of method '&1' |
060 | Assignment group is either not created or not selected |
061 | Assignment set is not selected |
062 | Hitlist with &1 elements exceeds the specified maximum number |
063 | A period-dependent assignment is only possible with a validity period |
064 | Worklist '&1' was saved |
065 | Error while attempting to create worklist with definition &1 |
066 | Worklist '&1' was not changed |
067 | Workflow '&2' has already been started for process '&1' |
068 | A technical error has occurred while executing method '&1' |
069 | Application plug '&1' does not meet requirements of framework |
070 | Technical error while creating or activating the selected workflow |
071 | Error while updating Customizing |
072 | Workflow definition was transferred to Customizing |
073 | Data inconsistencies detected in worklist '&1' |
074 | Process definition '&1' is currently locked |
075 | Error while determining next release level for process step |
076 | Process step '&1' (method '&2') created for worklist '&3' |
077 | Workflow definition could not be initiated |
078 | Execution of process step requested at event '&1' |
079 | Process step definition &1 does not exist in process definition &2 |
080 | Process definition &1 is not intended for scenario &2 |
081 | User interface could not be added to transport |
082 | Assignment set'&1' successfully created |
083 | No assignment group exists for description '&1' |
084 | Assignment set '&1' was deleted |
085 | Error while attempting to create application log |
086 | Worklist '&1' could not be deleted |
087 | Worklist '&1' was successfully deleted |
088 | Error while deleting worklist &1 |
089 | Error while deleting assignment groups for worklist &1 |
090 | Workflow '&1' created |
091 | Error while saving workflow |
092 | Technical error while generating interface |
093 | Configuration of user interface '&1/&2/&3' is currently locked |
094 | Error while reading application log |
095 | Error while attempting to read configuration of application plug &1 |
096 | Process &1 was saved |
097 | Process &1 was not changed |
098 | New worklist is created from template '&1' |
099 | Assignment group '&1' is created |
100 | Error while writing application log |
101 | Error while instancing assignment process &1 |
102 | Error while saving assignment process &1 |
103 | Error while saving worklist &1 |
104 | Error while attempting to start workflow &1 for process &2 |
105 | No description exists for objects types participating in assignment |
106 | Technical error during dynamic typing of object data |
107 | Execution of process step '&1' requested at event '&2' |
108 | Specify a process definition |
109 | Invalid field definition for selection of entries from table '&1' |
110 | Error while attempting to create process with definition &1 |
111 | Error while scheduling background processing of worklist &1 |
112 | Error while selecting object based on current selection set |
113 | Error during exchange of table definition for returning object data |
114 | Method '&1' cannot be executed for worklist '&2' |
115 | Background processing '&1' of worklist '&2' successfully scheduled |
116 | Instructions of assignment group '&1' were successfully carried out |
117 | Method '&1' successfully carried out for worklist '&2' |
118 | Error while attempting to display application log |
119 | Worklist processing was requested |
120 | Specify a process step for the required function |
121 | Error during registration of generated user interface |
122 | Error while executing customer implementation for for BAdI definition &1 |
123 | Assignment instruction '&1' was successfully carried out |
124 | Error while instancing process step &1 |
125 | Assignment set '&1' '&2' '&3' does not exist |
126 | Error while attempting to read variant &1 for interface &2 |
127 | A technical error has occurred in the user interface |
128 | Error while reading elements in assignment set &1 |
129 | Some functions defined in application plug '&1' are inactive |
130 | A database error has occurred while updating assignment processes |
131 | Group element &1 does not exist |
132 | Error while reading process &1 |
133 | No workflow started for process &1 |
134 | Error while attempting to display related list of background jobs |
135 | No background jobs exist for worklist '&1' |
136 | Generation of field types '&1' (&2) is currently not anticipated |
137 | Worklist '&1' is currently locked by user '&2' |
138 | Error while attempting to set a lock |
139 | You must specify the job name and start time for background processing |
140 | Process step '&1' is currently locked by user '&2' |
141 | No background jobs exist for process step '&1' |
142 | A techical error has occurred while attempting to set up a workflow event |
143 | Instructions of all assignment groups have been carried out |
144 | Error while reading attributes of process step &1 |
145 | Release level '&1' is set for process step '&2' |
146 | Process step '&1' has already been released |
147 | Target objects for all assignment sets were successfully selected |
148 | Assignment instructions successfully created for all assignment sets |
149 | Entry missing in field &1 (&2) |
150 | Configuration of assignment rule picked up from application |
151 | Job &1 with method &2 scheduled in worklist &3 for event &4 |
152 | Environment information is not anticipated for worklist type '&1' |
153 | Field information is not anticipated for process type '&1' |
154 | Process step '&1' is created according to definition '&2' |
155 | Job &1 for process step &2 scheduled in process &3 for event &4 |
156 | Incorrect entry in field &1 (&2) |
157 | Selection set with no restrictions for selecting from table &1 |
158 | Worklist created successfully according to assignment rule '&1' |
159 | Application plug '&1' does not exist |
160 | Error while executing method '&1' in plug '&2' |
161 | A program under name '&1' already exists |
162 | Required interface is not yet generated |
163 | Invalid call of method '&1' in application plug |
164 | Invalid result after calling method '&1' in application plug |
165 | No workflow template has been specified for process '&1' |
166 | Workflow '&2' with definition '&3' started for process '&1' |
167 | Method '&1' may not be executed on assignment set '&2' |
168 | No hitlist for specified selection |
169 | Process controller method '&1' does not match any method in worklist |
170 | Not all interfaces defined for worklist exist |
171 | Not all functions defined in application plug '&1' exist |
172 | Function module '&1' does not exist |
173 | You are not authorized to execute activity '&1' in the worklist |
174 | Assignment process '&1' was successfully deleted |
175 | You are not authorized to execute activity '&1' in this process |
176 | Workflow '&1' has not yet reached final status |
177 | Error while deleting workflow item '&1' |
178 | Workflow template '&1' could not be reached |
179 | Technical error in display/change of object long text |
180 | No active implementation of BAdI definition '&1' exists |
181 | Open assignment sets exist in assignment group '&1' |
182 | &1 hit(s) excluded due to current assignment activity |
183 | Worklist '&1' can only be edited with process '&2' |
184 | Checking process step '&1' |
185 | Either specify start time or immediate start for background processing |
186 | Specify processor responsible for processing dialog |
187 | Specify processor responsible for error handling |
188 | Error while carrying out instructions of assignment group '&1' |
189 | No release possible for worklist processing in dialog |
190 | Specify expected release level if using release function |
191 | No person responsible for requested release level |
192 | Method '&1' requires ID of worklist definition |
193 | Step definition for process template '&1' contains errors |
194 | Cannot lock worklist '&1' due to long-term lock |
195 | Long-term lock for worklist '&1' was successfully deleted |
196 | Long-term lock of user '&1' changed to '&2' |
197 | Step &1 in process &2 cannot be locked due to long-term lock |
198 | Long-term lock for step '&1' in process '&2' was successfully deleted |
199 | No long-term lock exists |
200 | Trigger processing for &1 '&2' |
201 | No open triggers of type '&1' exist for the selection |
202 | An error has occurred during the update of assignment process triggers |
203 | '&1' trigger of type &2 was successfully deleted |
204 | Invalid data record to generate a trigger of type '&1' |
205 | Trigger '&1' is currently locked |
206 | You are not authorized to execute activity '&1' for trigger |
207 | None or multiple active implementations for BAdI &1 and filter &2 |
208 | No description/name exists for &2 &3 in logon language '&1' |
209 | Assignment instruction '&1' '&2' '&3' '&4' does not exist |
210 | Navigate to the 'Worklist' tab page for the chosen function |
211 | Select one entry only for the required function |
212 | Process step &1 is not subject to release |
213 | Request was sent to terminate workflow for process '&1' |
214 | Enter a process number |
215 | Workflow &1 already has final status |
216 | No processing result exists for the selected assignment instruction |
217 | Process '&1' has no process steps |
218 | Dialog processing is not allowed due to expected runtime |
219 | Assignment group '&1' has no open assignment sets |
220 | Assignment group '&1' has no instructions for processing |
221 | Navigation in plug methods only through an entry in field 'Applic. Plug' |
222 | Process definition &1 is consistent |
223 | Process step '&1' does not have attributes for scenario '&2' |
224 | Controller method '&1' can only execute multistep tasks (type 'WS') |
225 | More than one active implementation exists for BAdI '&1' |
226 | Technical error in enhancement framework for BAdI definition '&1' |
227 | Execution of process step '&1' was rejected |
228 | Execution of process step '&1' has been rejected |
229 | No dialog processor named for handling rejections in process step release |
230 | An exception has occurred in the execution of a process step |
231 | No worklist can be created for the chosen definition |
232 | No process can be created for the chosen definition |
233 | Error on external database during commit change |
234 | Error on local database during commit change |
235 | Function is not possible because worklist '&' is not locked |
236 | Function is not possible because assignment group '&1' is not locked |
237 | Error in transport connection for entries in table '&1' |