CACSSESRUN - Settlement Schedule Run and Reversal
The following messages are stored in message class CACSSESRUN: Settlement Schedule Run and Reversal.
It is part of development package CACSS3 in software component ICM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ICM Settlement Scheduling: Transaction Data".
It is part of development package CACSS3 in software component ICM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ICM Settlement Scheduling: Transaction Data".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | System error; run journal cannot be written |
001 | Counters for database commits of application &1 cannot be read |
002 | Run log &1 cannot be created |
003 | Contract &1 is currently locked |
004 | No currency details for application &1 |
005 | Application log for application &1 cannot be initialized |
006 | No number range object found for application &1 |
007 | Application log for contract &1 cannot be initialized |
008 | Update run with run number &1 started |
009 | Run &1 with key date &2 was written to the general run log |
010 | Remuneration types not valid on this date |
011 | Contracts not found for this date |
012 | Error while looking for contracts |
013 | No due settlement schedule items found for contract &1 up to &2 |
014 | Contract is locked and cannot be processed |
015 | It is not possible to lock a free number range for application &1 |
016 | No due settlement schedule items up to &2 exist for contract &1 |
017 | Commit counter &1 for application &2 read |
018 | Run log for run &2 completed |
019 | Due settlement schedule items up to &1 exist |
020 | Contract &1 |
021 | Test run; settlement schedule run for contract &1 started |
022 | Update run: settlement schedule run for contract &1 started |
023 | Test run; resetting of settlement schedule run for contract &1 started |
024 | Update run; resetting of settlement schedule run for contract &1 started |
025 | Update run for contract &1 completed |
026 | Test run for contract &1 completed |
027 | Stt.schedule log: ctrct &1 remun.type &2 run no. &3 date &4 (CACS_SESJO) |
028 | Document posting locked by another process |
029 | Test run with run number &1 started |
030 | No due settlement schedule items found up to key date &1 |
031 | Start of processing of remuneration type &1 |
032 | Due &1; remuneration &2; document &3, year &4; read |
033 | Settlement item &3 due &1 remuneration &2 |
034 | Stt.sched.log for ctrct &1, remuneration type &1 not written to database |
035 | No due settlement schedule items exist for contract &1 up to &2 |
036 | No due stt.schedule items exist up to &1 for the following contracts |
037 | No due settlement schedule items found up to &1 (&2) |
038 | Conversion of due settlement schedule items to settlement items |
039 | Selection of due settlement schedule items |
040 | Stt.schedule items successfully converted; settlement items generated |
041 | Contract &1 remuneration &2 remuneration amount &3 due date &4 |
042 | Error during posting; contact your technical support |
043 | Test run: delete operation for contract &1 is started |
044 | Update run: delete operation for contract &1 is started |
045 | Package CACS25 is not active in application &1 |
050 | Enter a run number |
051 | No runs exist for specified key date &1 |
052 | Settlement schedule run for run number &1 does not exist |
053 | No entry exists for general run log |
054 | Resetting of settlement schedule run &1 |
100 | No stt.schedule item converted to settlemen item exists for contract &1 |
101 | Settlement schedule items (contract &1) do not exist |
102 | Settlement schedule run contains errors; see log |
103 | Settlement schedule items for contract &1 (run &2) were not reset |
104 | Settlement schedule items for contract &1 (run &2) were reset |
105 | No open settlement item found for contract &1 |
106 | It is not possible to reset stt.schedule item &1 stt.item &2 |
107 | &1 settlement schedule items out of &2 could not be reset |
108 | Due date document(s) &1 / &2 / &3 cannot be reset |
109 | &1 settlement items out of &2 were successfully reset |
110 | Remuneration type &1 (converted settlement item &2 &3 ) reset on &4 |
111 | Remun.type &1 (converted settlement item &2 &3) cannot be reset on &4 |
112 | Stt.sched.item for remun.doc. &1 &2 with remun. &3 &4 reset |
113 | Stt.sched.item for remun.doc. &1 &2 with remun. &3 &4 not reset |
114 | Settlement schedule document &1 / &2 will be reset |
115 | Error while initializing resetting of settlement schedule run |
116 | Error while selecting settlement schedule documents for run &1 |
117 | Error during selection of settlement schedule items for run &1 |
118 | Cannot copy application log for contract &1 |
119 | Error in process for resetting settlement schedule run |
120 | Resetting of settlement schedule run contains errors; read log |
200 | Date must be at least &1 days previously |
201 | Application is not avaiflable in this system |
202 | No relevant settlement schedulels found for contract &1 |
203 | Settlement schedules identified for deletion: &1 |
204 | Release DB memory: &1 &2 |
205 | Settlement schedule items identified: &1 |
206 | No valid scheduling agreement found for contract &1 on &2 |