CACS_OCI - Messages for One-Click Application

The following messages are stored in message class CACS_OCI: Messages for One-Click Application.
It is part of development package CAXT00 in software component ICM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Internal SAP Tools to Create Test Applications".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Application &1 does not yet exist and can now be created
001Application &1 already exists; choose another name
002This program is for internal use only
003Users must be different from each other
004No RFC connection could be determined
005RFC user must be the same as the processor of root unit
006Package assignment for application &1 failed
007Package assignment for application &1 was successful
008This program must not be executed in a live system
009You are not authorized to execute this program
010Client release for application &1 failed
011Client release for application &1 was successful
020Structure for EDT does not exist
030User &1 has created application &2 using the one-click application
110Tables were successfully filled
111Error while filling TCACS_GLOB
112Error while filling TISIS_CNT_TYPE
113Error while filling TISIS_APPL
114Error while filling TCACS_BPCTRT
115Error while filling CACS_CONTR
116Error while filling TCACS_BUSCLAIM
117Error while filling TCACS_UPD_MODE
118Error while filling selection table
119Error while filling <APPL>_ACCAS
120Error while filling <APPL>_ACCST
150Number ranges were successfully created
151Creation of number ranges was terminated
170Condition records were successfully created
190Periods/period rules were successfully created
191Creation of periods was terminated
192Creation of period rules was terminated
210Creation of business partners successfully completed
211EDT run for business partners was completed with errors
212No vendor was created
230Creation of organizational structure was completed successfully
250Assignment of authorizations was completed successfully
251Cannot fill tables &1 with authorizations
252Cannot fill tables &1 with authorizations
270Creation of commission contracts was successfully completed
290Commission cases were successfully imported
300Fehlende Berechtigung f�r Benutzer &1 f�r RFC (Modul: &2)
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