CACS_STDCTR - Standard contract: Messages for standard contract

The following messages are stored in message class CACS_STDCTR: Standard contract: Messages for standard contract.
It is part of development package CACSC8 in software component ICM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ICM: Standard Contract: Global Types".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No standard contract &1 exists at time-spot &2 (technical &3)
001Agreement assignment of contract &1 to &4 &3 contains errors
002No text found in languague &2 for standard contract &1
003Agreement type &1(&2) is not allowed
004Agreement type &1(&2) only allows one agreement for each std contract
005Agreement &1/&3(&2) is not assigned to standard contract &4
006Cannot determine system parameters
007Error in versioning while loading header data (BD &1, TD &2)
008Cannot instantiate assignment of agreement &1 of type &2
009Assignment of agreement type &1 cannot be instantiated
010Configuration has errors; Check following messages
011Contract type &1 is not allowed
012Effective interval (start &1, end &2) is invalid
013Error in BAdI implementation &1 for application &2
014Error in BAdI enhancement &1 for consistency check of application &2
015Invalid application &1
016Application cannot be changed
017ID of contract must not be changed
018Contract type must not be changed
019Origin of contract must not be changed
020Error in BAdI enhancement &1 of change level for application &2
021ID must not be blank
022Contract type must not be blank
023Enter a description
024Standard contract &1 does not exist in application &2
025Error in assignment of agreements (type &1); Note following messages
026Error while activating contract header for contract &1, application &2
027Error while deleting contract &1 of application &2
028Error while deleting agreement assignment &1 type &2 in contract &3
029Agreement type must not be initial
030Change to standard contract &1, appl. &2 is not allowed in this system
031Effective interval &1-&2 is not within the permitted interval
032Agreement &1 (type &2: &3) must not be changed
033Assigned standard contract ID &1 violates namespace convention
034Error while ending agreement assignment &1 type &2 in contract &3
035Error while ending contract &1 of application &2
036Error while ending agreement assignment &1 type &2 in contract &3
037Error while resetting activation of contract &1, application &2 (header)
038Error while resetting activation (contract &1, appl. &2), agreement &3
039Cannot add universal agreement &1 &2 type &3 &4
040Error while writing to database: Appl. &1 contract &2 to &3
041Error while writing to database: Appl. &1 contract &2 (subobject)
042Error while writing assignment (type &1, ID &2) for contract &3
043Error while writing assignment (contract &1, type &2, ID &3) (rule)
044Error while deleting assignment (type &1, ID &2) contract &3 (version 0)
045Error while deleting contract &1, appl. &2 to &3 (version zero)
046Error on the database: read subsequent messages
047Object cannot be loaded at time-spot &1 / &2
048Effective interval &1-&2 for agreement &3 (type &4) is not allowed
049Error while reading deleted agreement assignments
050Log error; contact your system administrator
051Only one agreement is allowed for each contract for agreement type &1(&2)
052At least one agreement is required for agreement type &1(&2)
053Value &1 is not allowed for field &2
054At least one agreement is recommended for agreement type &1(&2)
055No remuneration agreement has been assigned to liability agreement &1
056Additional commission case agreement is missing for target agreement &1
057Standard contract &1 (appl. &2) is still in use
058Termination date is empty
059No settlement agreement was assigned
060Template contract &1 is not available at time-spot &2 / &3 in appl. &4
061Contract &1 in application &2 cannot be instantiated
062Required agreement type &1 (&2) is not assigned continuously
063No stt.scheduling agreement exists for settlement release agreement &1
064Agreement type &1(&2) is not (completely) covered by agr.type &3(&4)
065Tgt agrmt &1 is not completely covered by addit.comn case agreement
066Stt.release agreement &1 is not completely covered by stt.sched.agrmt
067Liability agreement &1 is not completely covered by remunerat.agreement
068Move-forward date is empty
069Error while moving forward contract &1 in application &2
070Agrmnt type &1(&2) of universal agrmnt &3 is not allowed for ctr.type &4
071Error while activating contract &1, application &2
072Error while moving forward agreement assignment &1 type &2 in ctrct &3
073Error while extending agreement assignment &1 type &2 in contract &3
074Extention date is initial
075Error while extending contract &1 of application &2
076Recommended agreement type &1 (&2) was not completely assigned
077Error while adding time slice to agrmnt assgnmnt &1 type &2 contract &3
078Agreement &1 (type &2) already assigned from &3 to &4
079Agreement &1 in interval &2 to &3 has multiple assignments
080**** Transport
081Error while generating SD transport data for agreement &1
101Error in rule characteristics of agreement &1
102It is not possible to cut a time slice
850******* For Migration/XPRA ***
851No entries in client table of ICM
852No contract types defined
853No agreement types exist
854No standard contracts exist
855No agreement assignments exist
856Error while writing to table &1
857No application exists
858XPRA '&1' was started at '&2 &3'
859XPRA '&1' was ended successfully on '&2 &3'
860Version zero is not allowed in APPL &1 standard contract &2
861Effective start date APPL &1 in contract &2, version &3 is not allowed
862Effective end date APPL &1 in contract &2, version &3 is not allowed
863Technical start date APPL &1 in contract &2, version &3 is not allowed
864Technical end date APPL &1 in contract &2, version &3 is not allowed
865Cannot determine system parameters
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