CA_TTE - TTE Messages
The following messages are stored in message class CA_TTE: TTE Messages.
It is part of development package AP_TTE in software component AP-TTE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Transaction Tax Engine (Customizing tables and Views)".
It is part of development package AP_TTE in software component AP-TTE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Transaction Tax Engine (Customizing tables and Views)".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | No errors occurred |
001 | Country &1 is invalid; enter a valid country |
002 | Tax type &1 is invalid; enter a valid tax type |
003 | Organizational unit type &1 is invalid |
004 | BP Tax Group &1 is invalid for location &2 for tax type &3 |
005 | Business partner taxability &1 is invalid |
006 | Tax origin &1 is invalid for country &2 |
007 | System has not assigned tax determination parameters to the item |
008 | System has not assigned business partners to the item |
009 | System has not determined own tax location |
010 | System has not assigned product to item |
011 | Direction indicator has not been set |
012 | Threshold indicator is invalid |
013 | Warnings occured |
014 | Errors occurred |
015 | Maintain parameter &1 that is required in &2 &3 |
016 | System errors occurred in subobjects |
017 | No partners provided at item level |
018 | System parameters have not been specified |
019 | Acquisition parameters are not specified |
020 | Reporting parameters are not specified |
021 | Business partner header data is not specified |
022 | No items specified |
023 | No input document provided |
024 | No command specified |
025 | No valid processing mode specified; default used |
026 | System cannot assign product attributes |
027 | |
028 | Tax location is not specified |
029 | Tax type is default tax type &1 |
030 | Enter a valid tax type |
031 | Partial key used to validate &1 &2 |
032 | Cannot validate &1 &2 |
033 | Cannot determine taxable location |
034 | Cannot determine relevant partners (Supplier and Recipient) |
035 | Cannot determine tax event with key '&1' |
036 | Tax situation differs on item level; calculation may be incorrect. |
037 | Product ID could not be assigned |
038 | Product ID missing |
039 | Product origin is not specified |
040 | Exception in preliminary main partner determination |
041 | Error during tax determination |
042 | Cannot initialize &1 |
043 | Multiple document currencies found |
044 | Header errors have occurred |
045 | Connection parameters are not located; TTE is not initialized |
046 | Business partner tax number not available |
047 | Failed to prepare the tax calculation |
048 | Tax categories for tax event &1 in tax location &2 cannot be determined |
049 | Country is not specified |
050 | Country &1 is not valid |
051 | Calculation tax procedure cannot be determined |
052 | Cannot assign document currency |
053 | Cannot validate incoterms &1 &2 |
054 | Triangulation indicator invalid; default: "no simplification rule" |
055 | No key fields for assignment found in header |
056 | Input item &1 not found |
057 | External Item ID not specified; internal key &1 used |
058 | Cannot register item in lookup table; see long text |
059 | Document has been completed and cannot be changed |
060 | No valid tax date specified; specify it in tax determination |
061 | Tax determination is not specified |
062 | Decimals for quantity cropped to &1 places |
063 | Partner tax classification is not defined |
064 | Product tax classification is not defined |
065 | Decimals for amount cropped to &1 places |
066 | Tax location is not specified |
067 | Tax location not valid; check tax location or address on Input Document |
068 | Tax location not valid; check tax location or address on Input Document |
069 | Country &1 is not a member of tax community &2 |
070 | Tax region &1 is not defined for country &2; check tax location settings |
071 | Address data not available; enter address |
072 | Could not complete business partner &1, role &2 |
073 | Locational relationship cannot be determined |
074 | No input header provided |
075 | Direction indicator is not defined |
076 | Direction indicator &1 is invalid |
077 | Business process &1 is invalid |
078 | Could not derive direction indicator from partners |
079 | Direction indicator is not defined |
080 | Direction indicator &1 is invalid |
081 | Business process not specified; specify it in "Tax Determination" |
082 | Triangulation indicator unknown. Default "not applicable" chosen. |
083 | Product taxability &1 unknown; check product taxability settings |
084 | Document &1 is not available; define it |
085 | Product attributes &1 are invalid |
086 | Role is not specified |
087 | Tax location &1 is invalid |
088 | Error creating pricing document &1 &2 |
089 | Error creating item &1 &2 |
090 | Processing parameters are not specified |
091 | Could not build field catalog entries for &1 |
092 | Could not assign partner tax classification |
093 | Tax category is not specified |
094 | Tax category &1 is invalid |
095 | Product tax classification cannot be defined |
096 | Own partner ID is not specified; specify own partner ID in header |
097 | Tax reporting currency unknown for country &1 at date &2 |
098 | Currency type is not specified; document currency is used as default |
099 | Currency type &1 unknown; check pricing element on input document |
100 | Pricing element type &1 unknown; check pricing element type settings |
101 | Pricing element type is not specified; default 'net base' used |
102 | Invalid base amount specified; check input pricing elements |
103 | No base amount in document currency specified |
104 | Currency unit is not specified |
105 | Currency unit &1 is invalid; check input pricing elements |
106 | Error occured while adding partner with role &1 |
107 | Partner with role &1 already exists; entry will be overwritten |
108 | Partners are inconsistent |
109 | Calculation error: &1 |
110 | Missing partner information; cannot determine tax registration |
111 | &2 partner &1 has an invalid VAT tax registration number |
112 | Cannot determine tax registration number |
113 | No tax relevant supplier found; check partners and business process |
114 | No tax relevant recipient found; check partners and business process |
115 | External tax calculation error: &1 |
116 | Cannot create external tax calculation document: &1 |
117 | Cannot find pricing/tax assignment for country &1, tax type &2 |
118 | Cond. records inconsistent for tax type &1 (country &2, tax procedure &3) |
119 | Tax component &1 for tax type &2 is not defined |
120 | Condition record for tax type &1 is not defined |
121 | Exception during tax result building |
122 | Tax number type &1 is invalid |
123 | Cannot determine tax jurisdiction code |
124 | Determined jurisdiction code is not unique; possibilities: &1 |
125 | Partner ID cannot be assigned |
126 | Tax type cannot be assigned |
127 | Product tax group cannot be assigned |
128 | Partner tax group cannot be assigned |
129 | Partner ID is not defined |
130 | Define Partner Tax Group required for Tax Type &1 in &2 |
131 | Define Product Tax Group required for Tax Type &1 in &2 |
132 | Define tax type |
133 | &1 (header) document currency is different from &2 (this item) currency |
134 | Cannot convert currency &1 to &2 at date &3; maintain conversion rate |
135 | Invalid currency conversion specified: &1 |
136 | Invalid tax date defined; today's date used as default |
137 | Product Tax Group &1 invalid for location &2 for tax type &3 |
138 | Calculation currency type &1 of Pricing Element is &2, but expected &3 |
139 | Currency Handling for country &1 and date &2 not found |
140 | No valid calculation currency found |
141 | Cannot convert currency &1 to &2: &3 |
142 | &1 in calculation currency &2 missing |
143 | No valid &1 partner specified; define for tax calculation |
144 | Cannot determine main partners for Busines Process &1 |
145 | Net and gross amount items in same document not supported |
146 | No Tax Rate ID defined |
147 | Wrong condition table type |
150 | Tax category &1 and tax type ID &2 for country &3 already defined |
151 | Country &1 defined in TTE but not defined in CRM |
152 | Community &1 (European Union) is not defined |
153 | Country &1 is not assigned to the community EU |
154 | Tax region &1 for country &2 is not defined in CRM |
155 | Tax type &1 for country &2 is not defined in CRM |
156 | BP Tax Grp &1 for country &2, region &3, tax type &4 not defined in CRM |
157 | Pr Tax Grp &1 for country &2, region &3, tax type &4 not defined in CRM |
158 | Tax tariff code &1 for country &2 is not defined in CRM |
159 | Currency &1 is defined in TTE but not defined in CRM |
160 | No currency defined for country &1 |
161 | No. of decimal places for currency &1 is not the same in TTE and CRM |
162 | Incoterm &1 is defined in TTE but not defined in CRM |
163 | Country &1 &2 |
164 | Select one or more countries |
165 | No tables selected for importing |
166 | Update is not possible because some tables are locked |
167 | Community &1 ,Country &2, Tax event type &3, Tax event &4 |
168 | Validation: TTE customizing objects |
169 | Validation: TTE-CRM Integration |
170 | Check: &1 |
171 | &1 &2 &3 &4 &5 |
172 | No tax regions defined for country &1 |
173 | No tax events defined for country &1 |
174 | No tax types defined for country &1 |
175 | No business partner tax groups defined for country &1 |
176 | No product tax groups defined for country &1 |
177 | No tax procedure defined for country &1 |
178 | No condition type for tax rates assigned to country &1 |
179 | No condition type for exemption assigned to country &1 |
180 | No currency defined for country &1 |
181 | No tax reporting currency defined for country &1 |
182 | Country &1 is not allowed to assign to community BLANK |
183 | Tax type &1 assigned to: &2 (&3 &4) |
184 | BP Tax Group &1 assigned to: &2 (&3 &4) |
185 | Product Tax Group &1 assigned to: &2 (&3 &4) |
186 | Define calling system identifier for (&1,&2) |
187 | TTE BDOC download object &1 is deleted |
188 | Deductibility reason for tax type &1 is not maintained |
189 | No decision tree assigned for country &1 |
190 | Decision tree &1 for country &2 was copied to &3 for country &4 |
191 | Tax type IDs were reset to consecutive numbers within a tax category |
192 | Default setting is reset; choose a default tax event |
193 | Choose default tax event setting for country &1 tax code &2 |
194 | &1 &2 valid to &3 |
195 | External Mapping of Account Determination Key '&1' is not unique |
196 | External Mapping of Business Process Type '&1' is not unique |
197 | External Mapping of Business Partner ID '&1' is not unique |
198 | External Mapping of Product ID '&1' is not unique |
199 | Ext. Mapping of BP Tax Group '&1' is not unique (Country &2) |
200 | Input Document Checking Time: &1 ms |
201 | Tax Calculation Time (pricing): &1 ms |
202 | Output Document Preparation Time: &1 ms |
203 | No tax procedure assignment for country &1 |
204 | No rule assignment for country &1 |
205 | No reporting currency assignment for country &1 |
206 | External Mapping of Tax Code '&1' is not unique (Country &2) |
207 | External Mapping of Tax Type '&1' is not unique (Country &2) |
208 | Ext. Mapping of Product Tax Group '&1' is not unique (Country &2) |
209 | No MWST to VAT mapping possible because VAT is missing for Country &1 |
210 | No action required |
211 | No import of BP Tax Group &1 Country &2 (no mapping for Tax Type &3) |
212 | No import of Product Tax Group &1 Country &2 (no mapping for Tax Type &3) |
224 | Group processing must be performed for formula &2 (condition type &1) |
225 | Group processing must not be performed for formula &2 (condition type &1) |
226 | |
300 | Decision tree interpretation failed |
302 | Taxable country conflict |
400 | Internal error: Table &1 in client &2 is not defined |
401 | Error while accessing the database for table &1 |
402 | Tax determination was successful (&1 milliseconds) |
403 | Error while accessing the database for table &1 |
404 | Error while accessing the database for table &1 |
405 | Cannot read table &1 |
406 | Assign valid decision tree for country &1, and date &2 |
407 | Invalid tree type for country &1, and date &2 |
408 | Release decision tree &1, tree type &2, and date &3 |
409 | Decision Tree ID &1, country &2, and date &3 loaded |
410 | Test: "&1" -> &2 |
411 | Assign valid tax procedure for country &1, tax event &2, date &3 |
412 | Maintain tax type for country &1, tax event &2 |
413 | Define tax incidence for country &1, tax event &2, tax type &3 |
414 | Maintain tax category for country &1, tax type &2 |
415 | Maintain EDI tax type for country &1, tax type &2 |
416 | Maintain tax type description |
417 | Result: "&1" |
418 | Error: "&1" |
419 | No decision trees found; see log warning messages 406, 407, or 408 |
420 | Interpreting decision tree &1, version &3 (type &2) |
421 | Maintain tax event indicator for: country &1, tax event &2 |
422 | Maintain valid tax procedure &2 for country &1 |
423 | Maintain tax rate condition type for country &1, tax type &2 |
424 | Maintain non-deductible condition tax rate for country &1, tax type &2 |
425 | TTE processing terminated |
427 | Maintain business partner ID assignment in item business partner &4 |
428 | Check tax elements |
429 | Calling system ID &1 &2 is not defined |
430 | If TTE and calling system have different product IDs, check assignment |
431 | If TTE and calling system have different tax type codes, check assignment |
432 | If TTE and calling sys. have different prod. tax groups, check assignment |
433 | If TTE and calling system have different BP IDs, check assignment |
434 | If TTE and calling sys. have different BP tax class., check assigment |
435 | If TTE and calling system have different BP tax group, check assignment |
436 | If TTE and calling system have different tax types, check assignment |
437 | Maintain tax rate ID for condition record &2 |
438 | Maintain tax rate ID description |
439 | Assign quantity-based condition type to tax type &2, country &1 |
440 | Maintain legal text ID description |
441 | Maintain deductibility reason |
442 | Maintain posting indicator |
443 | Maintain business partner tax classification for &1 |
444 | Maintain own business partner ID in item business partner |
445 | Maintain tax date type and tax date for item &1 |
446 | Maintain valid business partner for the &1 item business partner |
447 | Maintain item number for item ID &1 |
448 | Maintain product tax classification for product &1 |
449 | Maintain a valid product |
450 | Elapsed time checking = &1 milliseconds |
451 | Command &1 is invalid |
452 | Elapsed time mapping = &1 milliseconds |
453 | No trace mode defined in input header |
454 | Maintain system ID 1 on header level |
455 | Maintain Own Business Partner ID on header level |
456 | Elapsed time reverse mapping = &1 milliseconds |
457 | Maintain valid product taxability for product &2 |
458 | Elapsed time in between steps = &1 milliseconds |
459 | Enter a valid country for product &2 in product tax classification. |
460 | Pricing element contains both net amount and gross amount type |
461 | Tax type &1 for product &3, country &2 is invalid |
462 | Pricing element does not contain net amount or gross amount type |
463 | Maintain valid tax group for product &4 |
464 | Enter product quantity |
465 | Use the same pricing element type (gross or net) for the whole document |
466 | Maintain valid partner role for item business partner &2 |
467 | Level &1: base = &2 ; rate = &3 ; value = &4 |
468 | Enter valid country for business partner &2 |
469 | Enter a valid-from date for tax date type &1 |
470 | Maintain account determination key assignment for &1 |
471 | Enter valid tax date type |
472 | Item business partner ID is missing |
473 | Decision tree tax event does not match tax code tax event |
474 | Business process &1 is invalid; enter a valid value |
475 | Country and tax code must be unique in the item tax code values |
476 | BP taxability &1 is invalid for business partner &2 |
477 | Maintain tax code assignment for tax code &1 |
478 | Country &1 for tax classification of business partner &2 is invalid |
479 | Difference &1 &2 on document level &3 will be distributed to items |
480 | Tax type &1 for tax classification of business partner &3 is invalid |
481 | Difference &1 &2 distributed to item &3 |
482 | Tax group &1 for tax classification of business partner &4 is invalid |
483 | Checking successful |
484 | No countries defined for community &1 |
485 | Maintain exemption type and exemption class |
486 | Maintain exemption type |
487 | Maintain exemption class |
488 | Define tolerance range |
489 | Maintain aggregation rule for country &1 and date &2 |
490 | Header command &1 is invalid |
491 | Difference between tax code values and TTE taxes exceeds both tolerances |
492 | System error: SPE document not found; contact system administrator |
493 | System error: SPE procedure not found; contact system administrator |
494 | Non-numeric product ID is truncated to &1 |
495 | Numeric product ID is truncated to &1 |
496 | Tax determination is not possible |
497 | No condition record found for deductibility |
498 | System error &1 during pricing; contact system administrator. |
499 | SAP system &1, customizing client &2 |
500 | Data could not be found in input document &1 |
501 | Quantity/Product could not be created for pricing &1 |
502 | Gateway Host is not supplied; check IPC Administrator settings |
503 | Gateway Service is not supplied; check IPC Administrator settings |
504 | Program Id is not supplied; check IPC Administrator settings |
505 | External Tax Package is not supplied; check IPC Administrator settings |
506 | Invalid condition returned by pricing: level number = &1 |
507 | Reporting currency for country &1 is not defined |
508 | Organizational type is not defined in customizing &1 |
509 | Currency unit for all pricing elements must be the same |
510 | No tax values found |
511 | No tax event determined |
512 | Net amount calculation failed; contact system administrator |
513 | Enter transaction currency on header level |
514 | Validation version &1: TTE Online and MSA Tables: TTEC_USED_TABLES |
515 | Check: &1 &2 &3 |
516 | TTE Search Helps ( TableID OnlineTable --> Searchhelp) |
517 | Command &1 is not a header command |
518 | Item command &1 is invalid |
519 | Jurisdiction code too short acccording to jurisdiction code structure & |
520 | Jurisdiction code too long according to jurisdiction code structure & |
521 | Own business partner ID &1 is not assigned to item |
522 | No pricing elements have been entered for this item |
523 | Define incoming business partner on item level |
524 | Define outgoing business partner on item level |
525 | Replacement business partner is not defined for &1 |
526 | Business partner role &1 is not supported |
527 | Check found errors; process and remove errors below before proceeding |
528 | Validate number of entries in tables |
529 | Version &1: Number of entries in online tables and MSA tables |
530 | Only one tax rate allowed for tax type &1 and tax rate &2 |
531 | Tax event parameter is not maintained in decision tree &1 and &2 |
532 | No language is defined on header level |
533 | Tax calculation is not possible |
534 | No condition record determined |
535 | System error: Item &1 is duplicated in TTE document |
536 | System error: product &1 is duplicated in TTE document |
537 | System error: business partner &1 is duplicated in TTE Document |
538 | No currency unit defined in item pricing element |
539 | Validate table mapping of Online to MSA (CDB tables) |
540 | Version &1: Mapped tables Online to CDB |
541 | Document currency &1 is not the same as item currency &2 |
542 | Document currency &1 is not the same as reporting currency &2 |
543 | Invalid character in jurisdiction code structure & |
544 | Enter valid exempted tax region for BP &3 with country &2 |
545 | The pricing element amount &1 length is more than 15 (including sign) |
546 | TTE failed during IPC initialization; contact system administrator |
547 | Fiscal code parameter is not maintained in the decision tree |
548 | Decision tree result field &1 is not specified |
549 | Decision tree test field &1 is not specified |
550 | Decision tree context field &1 is not specified |
551 | Decision tree test field &1 is not specified |
552 | No fiscal code has been determined |
553 | Internal error: Decision tree context field &2 for field &1 is unknown |
554 | No value found for the field &1 |
555 | Maintain consistent direction indicator for own partner &2 with role &3 |
556 | No taxable tax event found |
557 | Differences could not be distributed |
558 | No condition record determined for deductibility |
559 | Item is statistical; header tax calculation will not occur for it |
560 | Tax calculation was successful (&1 milliseconds) |
561 | Aggregation rule &1 is not supported |
562 | Maintain legal text ID |
563 | Maintain legal text ID for condition record &2 |
564 | Check Customizing settings;no tax calculation on header level |
565 | No fiscal code mask is defined for fiscal code version &2 in country &1 |
566 | Tax-from role parameter is not maintained in the decision tree |
567 | Tax-to role parameter is not maintained in the decision tree |
568 | Distribution rule not maintained for country &1, date &2 |
569 | Fiscal code version parameter is not maintained in decision tree |
570 | No value for parameter &1 in pricing field catalog |
571 | Condition record not found |
572 | Tax jurisdiction role parameter is not maintained in decision tree |
573 | Too many placeholders: following message will be truncated |
574 | Placeholder number &1 too long: following message will be truncated |
575 | Elapsed time for processing document (Kernel): &1 milliseconds |
576 | Net amount calculation failed: taxable country not determined |
577 | No tax base pricing element found for currency type &1 |
578 | Decision tree is inconsistent &1 &2 &3 |
579 | Assign condition type &3 to jurisdiction level |
580 | Document tax code values contain both empty and filled tax code values |
581 | No condition record found for country &1 tax type &2 |
582 | Item tax code value is missing |
583 | Reverse mapping not possible due to ambiguous external value |
584 | Item tax code value is not referenced in the document tax code value |
585 | Reverse mapping not possible due to ambiguous external value |
586 | Tax rate ID non deductible description not maintained |
587 | Processing mode &1 is invalid if document tax code values are filled |
588 | Reference Item ID is mandatory if reference mode is set |
589 | External tax package &1 calculates tax |
590 | Business transaction on header level is invalid |
591 | Input tax code value not equal TTE tax amount: distribution takes place |
592 | Country &1 of tax code value is invalid |
593 | Tax code &1 of tax code value with country &2 is invalid |
594 | Tax component &1 of tax code value (country &2, tax code &3) is invalid |
595 | No currency unit defined in tax code value |
596 | Tax code &1 of tax code value with country &2 is time invalid |
597 | Maintain non-deductible tax rate ID in condition record |
598 | Tax code &1 of tax code value with country &2 is invalid |
599 | Country &1 of tax code value is invalid |
600 | Maintain valid tax component for country &2, tax code &3 |
601 | Tax code &1 of tax code value with country &2 is invalid |
602 | Tax event cannot be derived from tax code &2 (country &1) |
603 | Reverse mapping not possible due to ambiguous external value |
604 | No tax code determined &1 &2 |
605 | Tax code &1 derived different from tax code value &2 |
606 | Account determination key &1 is invalid |
607 | More than one tax code has been determined |
608 | Tax code &1 has been determined |
609 | Only incomplete match found for tax code &1 |
610 | The document tax code value is not referenced in the item tax code value |
611 | Decision Tree parser error: &1&2&3&4 |
612 | Tax code currency &1 is different from item currency &2 |
613 | Tolerance currency unit has to be defined for aggregation rule &1 |
614 | Absolute tolerance amount is zero &1 |
615 | Tolerance amount's currency is different from document currency |
616 | Difference between tax code values and TTE exceeds percentage tolerance |
617 | Difference between tax code values and TTE exceeds amount tolerance |
618 | Distribution failed |
619 | Reverse mapping not possible due to ambiguous external value |
620 | Adjust business partner tax group assignment |
621 | Adjust product tax key assignment |
622 | Database with client &1 is not defined; contact your system administrator |
623 | Adjust tax type assignment |
624 | Currency of item pricing element and header should be identical |
625 | Input tax event overwrites output tax event;no tax determination occurs |
626 | Maintain Tax Type ID for country &1, and tax type &2 |
627 | No jurisdiction code structure maintained for country &1 |
628 | Reverse mapping not possible due to ambiguous external value |
629 | Maintain a unique tax type ID/tax category assignment for country &1 |
630 | Enter valid region for business partner &3 with country &2 |
631 | Enter a jurisdiction code for the business partner &1 |
632 | Input document contains tax code values and tax events |
633 | Define tax code for country &1 and tax event &2 |
634 | TTE Kernel is deactivated; contact system administrator |
635 | The work area is not available; contact system administrator |
636 | No tax code defined for country &1 |
637 | Maintain tax code &1 in access sequence &2 |
638 | Decimal places for tax calculation populated &1 |
639 | Maintain Recipient and Supplier roles for business process &1 |
640 | BP address data on item level is for tax calculation |
641 | Compare key &1 to input document parameters |
642 | The TaxEventType is not taxable but the Tax Event &1 is |
643 | The TaxEventType is taxable but the Tax Event &1 is not taxable |
644 | The Taxable country in Fiscal code determination is not &1 |
645 | The TTE 3.x Tax Event Determination is being used |
646 | TTE condition &1 is flagged mandatory but has not been activated |
647 | &1&2 |
648 | Vertex/Taxware settings incorrect; check IPC log |
649 | Enter a valid ST product usage |
650 | Enter a valid SF product usage |
651 | Enter a valid Product Origin |
652 | Direction indicator is invalid &2 |
653 | Tax Rate Condition Type &1 is assigned multiple times |
654 | Condition Type &1 is assigned multiple times for country &2 |
655 | The processing mode &1 you entered is invalid |
656 | Enter a valid incoterm: incoterms &1 is invalid |
657 | Enter a valid tariff code: tariff code &1 is invalid |
658 | Maintain external tax system RFC dest. details for country &1 |
659 | TTE Customizing client not assigned |
660 | StandardExits for MSA: Complete Input Document |
661 | RFC: Calculate taxes, parameter command=complete input document |
662 | RFC: Calculate taxes, parameter command=calculate |
663 | RFC: Calculate taxes, parameter command=find tax event |
664 | StandardExits formula, OverwriteGroupConditionValue: Calc taxes for doc |
665 | StandardExits formula, OverwriteConditionValue: Calc taxes for item |
666 | Enter a valid transaction property type |
667 | Enter a valid transaction property value |
668 | Enter a valid business partner property type |
669 | Enter a valid business partner property value |
670 | Enter a valid product property type |
671 | Enter a valid product property value |
672 | Enter a valid fiscal code |
673 | Enter a valid org unit type |
674 | Maintain external tax system RFC destination for country &1. |
675 | TaxEvent determination by taxCode and 3.0 TaxDetermination impossible |
676 | Maintain fieldname for business partner property type &2 (country &1) |
677 | Maintain fieldname for transaction property type &1 |
678 | Maintain fieldname for product property type &2 (country &1) |
679 | Enter valid Tax Calculation Procedure |
680 | Enter valid tax role |
681 | Enter valid tax code |
682 | Enter valid account determination key |
683 | Tax calc. based on gross price is unavailable for ext. tax calculation |
684 | No tax value (exemption) created for level &1 |
685 | Maintain EDI tax type for country &1, tax type &2, level &3 |
686 | TaxEvents of Input Document have been copied to Output Document |
687 | No TaxElement in Input Document for country &1 and TaxEvent &2 |
688 | No tax values in input document for &1 &2 &3 &4 |
689 | No tax base in input document for &1 &2 &3 &4 |
690 | No tax rate in input document for &1 &2 &3 &4 |
691 | No tax value in input document for &1 &2 &3 &4 |
692 | Tax Component for Input Value invalid &1 &2 |
693 | Calculation Type invalid for &1 &2 &3 &4 |
694 | Account determination key invalid &1 &2 &3 |
695 | Currency Type invalid &1 &2 &3 &4 |
696 | Valid from dates &3 &4 inconsistent for decision tree &1 &2 |
697 | Versions &3 &4 are not consecutive for decision tree &1 &2 |
698 | Item reference invalid &1 |
699 | Duplicate item number &1 in item &2 and item &3 |
700 | RFC: CalculateTaxes processing time &1 |
701 | Standard Exit: CalculateTaxes processing time &1 |
702 | Initial item number is invalid &1 |
703 | Item number &1 is not unique &2 &3 |
704 | TTE document &1 has not been created yet |
705 | TTE could not create work area |
706 | Country &1, tax event &2: no tax element in output document |
707 | Kernel DB tables processing time &1 |
708 | Kernel TTE document processing time &1 |
709 | User &1 missing authorization &2 for accessing IPC functionality. |
710 | External Tax user exit class with class name &1 not found |
711 | External Tax user exit class with class name &1 cannot be instantiated |