CA_TTE_DECTREE - Decision Tree
The following messages are stored in message class CA_TTE_DECTREE: Decision Tree.
It is part of development package AP_TTE_DECTREE_C in software component AP-TTE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Transaction Tax Engine ( Decision Tree)".
It is part of development package AP_TTE_DECTREE_C in software component AP-TTE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Transaction Tax Engine ( Decision Tree)".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Decision tree & type & doesn't exist |
001 | Decision tree & type & version & doesn't exist |
002 | Decision tree &1 type &2 has been flagged as deleted |
003 | Decision tree &1 type &2 version &3 has been saved |
004 | Define the target fields at first |
005 | Enter a tree ID |
006 | Enter a filename |
007 | No entry selected |
008 | Define target fields |
009 | End node isn't a result or error node: & |
010 | No data entered for the node: & |
011 | Please select only one entry |
012 | Field catalog variant1 & doesn't exist |
013 | Decision tree &1 (type &2) already exists |
014 | No error found |
015 | Decision tree &1 type &2 already exists |
016 | Context parameter "&2" was set to value "&3" for all occurences |
017 | The header node cannot be overwritten |
018 | Branch has been copied to clipboard |
019 | Branch has been deleted |
020 | Branch has been pasted from clipboard |
021 | Branch has been cut to clipboard |
022 | Clipboard is empty (paste is not possible) |
040 | Please select a tree node |
041 | No changes were made |
042 | Decision tree & type & was already released |
043 | Decision tree & type & is released |
044 | Message &1 doesn't exist in message class &2 |
045 | The tree node & doesn't exist |
046 | The tree node & doesn't have item |
047 | The tree node & doesn't exist in the clipboard |
048 | There are undefined nodes among the selected node and its children |
049 | You are not authorized to make changes to the tree & |
050 | You are not authorized to create new tree |
051 | You are not authorized to release a tree |
052 | You are not authorized to set deletion flag |
053 | You are not authorized to delete a tree from database |
054 | Lock failed due to a system error |
055 | Data locked by user &1 (display only) |
056 | Node contains an undefined node |
057 | Comparison values are missing |
058 | Test parameter is missing |
059 | Comparison parameter is missing |
060 | You are not authorized to display the tree & |
061 | Please create a new tree and upload the file |
062 | Decision tree &1 is used and cannot be deleted |
063 | Decision tree is not used |
064 | Decision tree &1 has been flagged as deleted |
065 | Decision tree &1 has been deleted |
066 | Error node is undefined |
067 | Error node is incomplete |
068 | Historic versions of decision tree &1 have been deleted |
069 | Search String is empty |
097 | Decision tree has warnings |
098 | Decision tree has no errors |
099 | Decision tree has errors and cannot be released |
100 | Unexpected error |
800 | Process is not supported |
999 | An error has occured |