CBC_STA_ACR - CBC Staging Activation Request

The following messages are stored in message class CBC_STA_ACR: CBC Staging Activation Request.
It is part of the development package S_CBC_STA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CBC Staging".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Starting processing in client &1 on &2 &3 with user &4
002Processing completed in client &1 on &2 &3 after &4 seconds
003Processing aborted in client &1 on &2 &3 after &4 seconds
004Event to start processing in client &1 raised on &2 &3
005Raising event &1 failed with return code &2
006CBC staging is only supported in business clients
007CBC staging activation must run in batch mode
008Batch job &1 for event &2 is not in status "Released" in this client
009Batch job &1 is already active
010Calling activation handler &1 with request &2 and scope &3
011Default implementation called for handler &1 has not changed any data
012No BAdI implementation found for handler &1
013Exception occurred during the execution of the handler &1
014Executing BAdI handler &1 for request number &2 with request ID &3 as &4
015Executing handler &1 for request number &2 with request ID &3 as &4
016Handler returned after &1 seconds with request status "&2"
017Activation request &1 set to obsolete
018Activation already in progress with activation request &1
019Activation request &1 does not exist
020Request not specified
021Request &1 does not exists
022Request type not specified
023Request type "&1" is not supported
024Customizing request &1 created for activation request &2-&3
025Customizing request &1 used for activation request &2-&3
026Task type not specified
027Task type "&1" is not supported
028Customizing task &1 for user &2 used for activation request &3-&4
029Status of activation request &1-&2 changed from "&3" to "&4"
030Activation was stopped as the handler returned non-final status "&1"
031Act. stopped after successful completion of request with limited scope &1
032Batch job &1 for technical job definition &2 is not ready
033No customizing request specified for activation request &1-&2 processing
034CBC staging activation running for &1 activation requests in status "&2"
035Activation request &1-&2 processed successfully
036Batch job &1 for event &2 is ready for processing
037&1 activities set to status &2
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