The following messages are stored in message class CBC_XPRA: CBC XPRA API Messages.
It is part of the development package S_CBC_XPRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CBC XPRA Integration".
It is part of the development package S_CBC_XPRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CBC XPRA Integration".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Empty XPRA name is not allowed. |
001 | Empty table name is not allowed. |
002 | Table &1 was already registered. |
003 | Table &1 is invalid or does not exist. |
004 | Table &1 has invalid type &2. Only C, E and L are allowed. |
005 | Error during client determination. |
006 | Error during hash key generation for table &1. |
007 | Error creating before snapshot for table &1. |
008 | Error creating after snapshot for table &1. |
009 | Error during delta calculation for table &1. |
010 | Error retrieving before snapshot of table &1. |
011 | Table &1 has invalid size category &2. Only 0 and 1 are allowed. |
012 | Delta calculation started for table &1. |
013 | Delta calc. finished: &1 created, &2 deleted, &3 updated, &4 unchanged. |
014 | Before snapshot created for table &1 with &2 records. |
015 | After snapshot created for table &1 with &2 records. |
016 | Key change not registered. Table &1 was not registered before. |
017 | Empty Backsync ID is not allowed. |
018 | No table data provided. Backsync Item will not be created. |
019 | No Backsyn Item data provided. |
020 | Client &1 is not relevant for XPRA execution. |
021 | Header for Backsync Id &1, XPRA name &2 in client &3 already exists. |
022 | No Pre-Staging data provided. |
023 | Header for Backsync ID &1, XPRA name &2 in client &3 does not exist. |
024 | Empty Backsync Item key is not allowed. |
025 | Backsync Item does not exist. |
026 | Table &1 does not have a client field. |
027 | Error during delta serialization for table &1 and client &2. |
028 | Error during key change serialization for table &1 and client &2. |
029 | Starting save of collected changes. |
030 | Saving of collected changes failed. |
031 | Finished save of collected changes. |
032 | Error writing backsync items. |
033 | Error writing backsync header for client &1. |
034 | No tables registered. Nothing to save. |
035 | Failed to write &1 backsync items. |
036 | Delta calculation memory consumption for table &1: &2 bytes. |
037 | Delta serialization memory consumption for table &1: &2 bytes. |
038 | Error creating hash for string &1. |
039 | Error creating application log. |
040 | Context of type &1 is not allowed. |
041 | Missing authorization. |