The following messages are stored in message class CBC_XPRA: CBC XPRA API Messages.
It is part of the development package S_CBC_XPRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CBC XPRA Integration".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Empty XPRA name is not allowed.
001Empty table name is not allowed.
002Table &1 was already registered.
003Table &1 is invalid or does not exist.
004Table &1 has invalid type &2. Only C, E and L are allowed.
005Error during client determination.
006Error during hash key generation for table &1.
007Error creating before snapshot for table &1.
008Error creating after snapshot for table &1.
009Error during delta calculation for table &1.
010Error retrieving before snapshot of table &1.
011Table &1 has invalid size category &2. Only 0 and 1 are allowed.
012Delta calculation started for table &1.
013Delta calc. finished: &1 created, &2 deleted, &3 updated, &4 unchanged.
014Before snapshot created for table &1 with &2 records.
015After snapshot created for table &1 with &2 records.
016Key change not registered. Table &1 was not registered before.
017Empty Backsync ID is not allowed.
018No table data provided. Backsync Item will not be created.
019No Backsyn Item data provided.
020Client &1 is not relevant for XPRA execution.
021Header for Backsync Id &1, XPRA name &2 in client &3 already exists.
022No Pre-Staging data provided.
023Header for Backsync ID &1, XPRA name &2 in client &3 does not exist.
024Empty Backsync Item key is not allowed.
025Backsync Item does not exist.
026Table &1 does not have a client field.
027Error during delta serialization for table &1 and client &2.
028Error during key change serialization for table &1 and client &2.
029Starting save of collected changes.
030Saving of collected changes failed.
031Finished save of collected changes.
032Error writing backsync items.
033Error writing backsync header for client &1.
034No tables registered. Nothing to save.
035Failed to write &1 backsync items.
036Delta calculation memory consumption for table &1: &2 bytes.
037Delta serialization memory consumption for table &1: &2 bytes.
038Error creating hash for string &1.
039Error creating application log.
040Context of type &1 is not allowed.
041Missing authorization.
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