CCMM - Nachrichtenklasse f�r A&D CCM
The following messages are stored in message class CCMM: Nachrichtenklasse f�r A&D CCM.
It is part of development package DI_CCM in software component PM-EQM-CC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "".
It is part of development package DI_CCM in software component PM-EQM-CC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | ** Messages for equipment transactions |
001 | iPPE access does not correspond to specified plant or usage |
002 | iPPE access defined in focus deviates from current iPPE access |
003 | Delete iPPE focus before deleting iPPE access |
004 | iPPE focus object does not correspond to specified part, plant, or usage |
005 | Error while reading iPPE access. Check part, plant, and usage. |
007 | You cannot choose forced installatn and forced dismant. at the same time |
008 | You cannot choose forced installation (equipment is not installed) |
009 | You cannot choose forced dismantling (equipment is installed) |
020 | ** Messages for configuration check |
021 | There is no top item of equipment |
022 | There are several top items of equipment |
023 | Different quantities or units found. Quantity check is not possible. |
026 | Neither a matching gap nor a similar material found in BOM |
027 | No material specified in &1 &2 |
028 | No structure gap exists at &1 &2 |
029 | More than one iPPE structure node has been found for function identifier |
030 | &1 &2 is not assigned to a function identifier |
031 | Material &3 of &1 &2 is not valid |
032 | Different quantities or units found. Quantity check is not possible. |
033 | &2 object(s) found below superior object &1. Expected quantity is &3 &4 |
034 | Equipment &1 (forced installation mode). Material &2 is not valid |
035 | Not all objects in FID group have the same superordinate equipment |
036 | Messages for the configuration check |
037 | Function identifier &1 of &2 &3 will be used for configuration check |
038 | FID &1 deviates from FID &2 of previously installed object |
039 | Equipment &1 |
040 | iPPE structure node &1 |
041 | Structure gap at &1 &2 &3 |
042 | No corresponding technical object can be found for function identifier |
043 | No function identifier maintained. Configuration check not possible |
044 | Configuration check for &1 has been performed successfully |
045 | No corresponding iPPE structure node found for function identifier &1 |
046 | Equipment &1 has been installed with forced installation mode |
047 | Function identifiers of superior objects do not correspond at &1 &2 |
048 | Different valid parts assigned to iPPE structure nodes |
049 | Configuration- and validation check not possible |
050 | Quantity has not been checked |
051 | Partial check requires an active implementation of the BADI_CCM_EXPL_ALWD |
052 | &2 objects were found for FID &1. Expected amount is &3 &4 |
053 | Master batch/valuation type can be changed |
054 | Master batch/valuation type has been changed from &1 to &2 |
055 | The higher-level object is marked for deletion |
056 | There are several active implementations for BAdI BADI_CCM_CHECK_SCOPE |
099 | Structure gap with function identifier &1 does not exist |
100 | **Messages for component installation and dismantling transaction** |
101 | Specify an equipment number |
102 | Equipment & does not exist |
103 | System: Status object does not exist |
104 | Equipment is different from equipment in order & |
105 | No stock available |
106 | Equipment &1 is installed in superordinate functional location &2 |
107 | Equipment &1 is installed in superordinate equipment &2 |
108 | Dismantling not possible: No superior equipment exists for equipment &1 |
109 | Equipment &1 is in storage location &2 |
110 | Reservervation for equipment number is not permitted |
111 | Movement type &1 is not possible |
112 | Goods movement not possible with movement type & |
113 | Dismantling date for equipment is in the future |
114 | Dismantling date is after the posting date |
115 | Serialized material not possible for external warehouse |
116 | Equipment &1 is locked by user &2 |
117 | Reservation &1 is locked by user &2 |
118 | Enter only one installation location |
119 | Installation date for equipment is in the future |
120 | Installation date is before posting date |
121 | Equipment view not activated |
122 | Serial number and material number copied from equipment & |
123 | Invalid serial number and material number |
124 | Invalid equipment number (Serial number does not exist) |
125 | Reference order & does not exist |
126 | Missing Customizing settings for software component & |
127 | No installation location entered. Data transfer not possible |
128 | No structure gap exists at &1 &2 &3 |
129 | At least one error was reported by the dismantling check routines |
130 | At least one error was reported by the installation check routines |
131 | At least one error occurred during attempted PM/MM posting |
132 | At least one error occurred during attempted notification creation |
133 | At least one error occurred during customer actions exit |
134 | At least one error occurred during attempted update of table |
135 | Movement type &1 is not possible for &2 |
136 | Enter a storage location |
137 | Material &1 not found in plant &2 (check your entry) |
138 | Special stock & not supported (check your entry) |
139 | Enter movement type or reservation |
140 | Storage location &1 has not been created for material &2 |
141 | Material &1 &2 is not batch-managed |
142 | Batch &1 &2 &3 &4 not found (check your entry) |
143 | Valuation category & does not allow split valuation |
144 | Valuation type not entered in spite of split valuation |
145 | Valuation type &1 &2 &3 &4 is not available (check entry) |
146 | Valuation data for material &1 valuation type &2 not maintained |
147 | No errors reported by check routines. Installation simulated successfully |
148 | No errors reported by check routines. Dismantling simulated successfully |
149 | No structure gap exists for superior object &1 |
150 | Structure gap (&1 &2 &3) is marked for deletion |
151 | Structure gap (&1 &2 &3) is currently locked |
152 | Structure gap has been deleted at equipment &1 &2 &3 |
153 | Structure gap has not been deleted for superior equipment &1 |
154 | Structure gap has been created at equipment &1 &2 &3 |
155 | Structure gap already exists and is currently locked |
156 | Structure gap has not been created for superior equipment &1 &2 &3 |
157 | Application log is empty |
158 | Link to equipment &4 deleted for structure gap at equipment &1 &2 &3 |
159 | FID of equipment &1 was updated with FID from structure gap (new: &2) |
160 | Error while updating equipment & |
161 | At least one structure gap exists for superior equipment &1 &2 |
162 | No further outstanding structure gap exists for installed equipment &1 |
163 | Structure gap at &1 &2 &3 could not be updated for dismantld equipment &1 |
164 | Notification &1 for &2 &3 was succesfully created |
165 | Notification type cannot be determined |
166 | Maintain serial numbers for total quantity |
167 | Notification &1 for &2 &3 was succesfully updated |
168 | Notification will be updated with new values |
169 | Enter a quantity |
170 | Document & does not contain selectable items |
171 | Reservation & does not exist |
172 | System error occurred during the locking procedure |
173 | Automatic reservation is not a valid reference |
174 | Reservation created automatically. No manual changes possible |
175 | Forced installation/dismantling not possible - No errors in log |
176 | Equipment & installed despite validation errors (forced installation) |
177 | Equipment & dismantled despite validation errors (forced removal) |
178 | &1 &2 of material number &3 received in storage |
179 | &1 &2 of material number &3 issued from storage |
180 | At least one error occurred during attempted posting of material & |
181 | You have selected a different part condition than "defect" |
182 | Entry &1 in table &2 missing |
183 | Enter a different equipment |
184 | Dismantling/installation time is in the future |
185 | At least one structure gap exists for functional location &1 &2 |
186 | Structure gap created at functional location &1 &2. Save your entries |
187 | Structure gap created at equipment &1 &2. Save your entries |
188 | Enter a functional location |
189 | Enter a piece of equipment |
190 | Structure gap does not exist |
191 | Structure gap (&1 &2 &3) has been dismantled by another user |
192 | Structure gap is locked by user &1 |
193 | Installation locations are identical |
194 | Enter a plant |
195 | A recursive replacement is not possible |
196 | No authorization for notification type & |
197 | No authorization for maintenance planning plant & |
198 | No authorization for goods movements: movement type & |
199 | No authorization for goods movements: plant & |
200 | ** Technical Notifications for Spare Part Installation and Dismantling |
201 | Rotables Management Customizing (for CMC Profile) not maintained |
202 | Rotable inventory mode not maintained for CMC Profile SAP_01 |
203 | No inventory objects found for rotable cond. &1 and profile &2 |
204 | Rotables Mngmt Customizing: Storage location &1 is not of category &2 |
205 | Rotables Mngmt Customizing: Valuation type &1 is not of category &2 |
206 | Rotables Mngmt Customizing: Batch &1 is not of category &2 |
207 | Messages for status check of rotable/inventory |
208 | Customizing for Rotables Management: Equipment is not serviceable |
209 | Notifications for structure gap maintenance activities |
210 | Notifications for notification generation/update activities |
211 | Notification was not created/updated due to an internal error |
212 | Structure gap has been created successfully at func.loc. &1 &2 &3 |
213 | Structure gap was not created for superior func. loc. &1 &2 &3 |
214 | Structure gap has been deleted successfully at func. loc &1 &2 &3 |
215 | Link to equipment &4 deleted for structure gap at func. loc. &1 &2 &3 |
216 | Error while updating FID of equipment &1 with new value &2 |
217 | Status &1 is not allowed for installation/dismantling w/o goods movement |
218 | Status of equipment & not readable |
219 | Eqmt must have status EFRE to be able to be placed in storage |
220 | Date of equipment dismantling is after date of material movement |
221 | Date of material movement is after date of equipment installation |
222 | Notifications for equipment dismantling in line with equipment/MM check |
223 | Notifications for equipment installation in line with equip./MM check |
224 | Notifications for material movement |
225 | Equipment &1 can be transported and installed successfully |
226 | Equipment &1 has been moved and installed successfully |
227 | Equipment &1 can be dismantled and transported successfully |
228 | Equipment &1 was dismantled and moved successfully |
229 | Equipment &1 can be installed successfully |
230 | Equipment &1 has been installed successfully |
231 | Equipment &1 can be dismantled successfully |
232 | Equipment &1 was successfully dismantled |
233 | Notifications for equipment replacement |
234 | &1 process completed. For more information, see the application log. |
235 | Enter serial number and material number |
236 | Storage location &1 for Handling Units mapped |
237 | Movement type & does not exist |
238 | Enter a sales order number and sales order item |
239 | Enter a WBS element |
240 | Enter a Customer |
241 | Enter a Vendor |
242 | No valid serial number profile exists for the material entered |
243 | Enter an item number of the reservation |
244 | Material in reservation &1 will be updated from &2 to &3 when saved |
245 | Material document batch differs from equipment master batch |
246 | Changing the original material &1 of the reservation is not allowed |
247 | Material &1 is not interchangeable with material &2 from the reservation |
248 | Material in reservation &1 has been updated from &2 to &3 |
249 | Reservation material number deviates from component material number |
250 | You do not have authorization to execute transaction IE4N |
251 | You do not have authorization for forced installation mode |
252 | You do not have authorization for the forced dismantling mode |
253 | Notification &1 cannot be used. Customizing settings only allows type &2 |
254 | No iPPE structure found for FID &1 and class &2/&3 |
255 | It is not possible to create a BAdI instance for authorization check |
259 | **IE4N movements in simulation mode |
260 | Installation of &1 &2 &3 &4 successful |
261 | Dismantling of &1 &2 &3 &4 successful |
262 | Replacement of equipment &1 with equipment &2 successful |
263 | Installation of &1 &2 &3 &4 failed |
264 | Dismantling of &1 &2 &3 &4 failed |
265 | Equipment &1 could not be replaced with equipment &2 |
266 | Installation of &1 &2 &3 &4 successfully simulated |
267 | Dismantling of &1 &2 &3 &4 successfully simulated |
268 | Replacement of equipment &1 with equipment &2 successfully simulated |
269 | Simulated installation of &1 &2 &3 &4 failed |
270 | Simulated dismantling of &1 &2 &3 &4 failed |
271 | Simulated replacement of equipment &1 with equipment &2 failed |
272 | Notification &1 for &2 &3 can be created |
273 | Notification &1 for &2 &3 can be updated |
274 | Structure gap can be deleted successfully for equipment &1 &2 &3 |
275 | Structure gap can be created successfully for equipment &1 &2 &3 |
276 | Structure gap cannot be deleted for superordinate equipment &1 |
277 | Structure gap cannot be created for superordinate equipment &1 &2 &3 |
278 | Structure gap can be created at functional location &1 &2 &3 |
279 | Structure gap cannot be created for superordinate funct. loc. &1 &2 &3 |
280 | Structure gap can be deleted at funct.loc. &1 &2 &3 |
281 | Structure gap cannot be deleted at superordinate funct.loc. &1 &2 &3 |
282 | Notification cannot be created /updated |
284 | Serial number &1 cannot be used (equipment view is active) |
285 | Material &1 is serialized |
286 | The application log was successfully saved |
287 | Reservation qty (&1) not equal to entered qty (&2). Check your entry. |
301 | No short text is available for material &1 in language &2 |
302 | Batch &1 of reservation cannot be changed |
400 | ** Messages for spare part installation and dismantling (CCM2) ** |
401 | The requested object is currently loading |
402 | Structure gap does not have subelements |
403 | Select one object in the actual configuration |
404 | Select an appropriate object in the actual configuration |
405 | &1 does not have any subelements |
406 | You can only create structure gaps under funct. location or equipment |
407 | Equipment &1 does not have a superordinate object |
408 | Functional location &1 does not have a superordinate object |
409 | Equipment &1 does not have any subelements |
410 | Functional location &1 does not have any subelements |
411 | Structure gap does not have subelements |
412 | Loading object does not exist |
413 | Structure gap changes when you save your entries |
414 | Equipment & changes when you save your entries |
415 | Error while displaying TSE |
416 | More than one equipment is installed in top functional location |
417 | Structure gap will be deleted if you save your entries |
418 | Superordinate object of structure gap has been changed on database |
419 | Internal Error |
420 | iPPE node &1 has no subelements |
421 | Select one object in the allowed configuration |
422 | Error during loading of the allowed configuration. |
423 | Enter an external ID for the configuration check (application log) |
424 | There are no configuration check logs for the available entries |
425 | &1 configuration check logs found. Select only one log (use F4-help). |
426 | You have no authorization to create a new structure gap |
427 | You have no authorization to delete a structure gap |
428 | You have no authorization to change structure gap data |
451 | New quantity of structure gap (&1) is &2 &3 |
452 | Quantity of structure gap (&1) changed. New quantity is &2 &3 |
453 | Installed quantity is greater than structure gap quantity |
454 | Several structure gaps exist for equip.BOM item (&1/&2/&3) |
455 | Quantity of structure gap (&1) will be decreased by &2 &3 |
456 | Quantity of structure gap (&1) will be increased by &2 &3 |
457 | Quantity of structure gap (&1) has been decreased by &2 &3 |
458 | Quantity of structure gap (&1) has been increased by &2 &3 |
459 | Structure gap can be created successfully for equipment &1 &2 &3 |
460 | Structure gap can be created successfully for equip.BOM item &1/&2/&3 |
461 | Structure gap has been created successfully for equip.BOM item &1/&2/&3 |
462 | New quantity of structure gap (&1/&2) is &3 &4 |
463 | New quantity of structure gap (&1/&2) is &3 &4 |
500 | BOM for equipment &1 with usage &2 is locked by user &3 |
501 | You are not authorized to change this BOM |
502 | BOM item changes when you save your entries |
503 | Structure gap already exists for BOM item &1/&2/&3 |
504 | BOM item &1 on equipment &2 |
505 | Changes to equipment BOM will not be considered in warehouse stock |
506 | Only equipment BOM with status AVLB can be changed |
507 | Detailed information is not complete |
898 | The object requested is currently locked by user & |
899 | Internal error |
900 | *** CUSTOMER MESSAGES AREA (901-999) -> DO NOT USE INSIDE SAP !!!! ''''' |