CCMSBI_MESSAGES - Nachrichten f�r die Extraktion von CCMS-Daten in das BW
The following messages are stored in message class CCMSBI_MESSAGES: Nachrichten f�r die Extraktion von CCMS-Daten in das BW.
It is part of development package RS_BCT_CCMS_CPH_EXTRACTORS in software component CA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CCMS System Management CPH Extractors".
It is part of development package RS_BCT_CCMS_CPH_EXTRACTORS in software component CA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CCMS System Management CPH Extractors".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | No value set available ! |
001 | Calculation of value set failed ! |
002 | Could not read dynpro values |
003 | Error during initialization of the ALV environment |
004 | Refreshing of the ALV display failed |
005 | Updating of the RECTYPE field failed ! |
006 | The selected lines in the ALV grid could not be calculated ! |
007 | First select a BW pointer ! |
008 | Reading of BW pointer data from the ALV table failed |
009 | The operation could not be executed without errors occurring! |
010 | Specification of the BW pointer key is missing ! |
011 | Invalid RECTYPE (&1) |
012 | The BW pointer does not exist ! |
013 | An unknown error has occurred ! |
014 | Reading of CPH data failed ! |
015 | BW pointer update check failed |
016 | Date and time zone information is missing in BW pointer ! |
017 | Saving of BW pointer in the DB failed ! |
018 | No selection date from / to was given |
019 | No CPH data was specified |
020 | The CPH data does not match the selection date |
021 | The TID of the BW pointer is invalid |
022 | Calculation of the most recent CPH data failed |
023 | The specification of the 'X' value for X aggregate is missing |
024 | Calculation of the new BW pointer date failed |
025 | The selection limits are invalid |
026 | Error occurred during processing of F4 help |
027 | First enter a name |
028 | The test case was saved |
029 | Test case &1 could not be loaded |
030 | First specify a test case |
031 | Test case &1 does not exist |
032 | First specify a test type |
033 | Invalid test type (&1 ) |
034 | Test &1 cannot be executed |
035 | Calculation of test cases failed |
036 | First select a test case |
037 | Deletion of the test case &1 failed |
038 | The name of the requested transport request cannot be queried |
039 | The test case were included in order &1 |
040 | The inclusion of the test case in order &1 failed |
041 | First select a name for the target |
042 | Select only one test case |
043 | Copying of the test case &1 failed |
044 | There is no data for the entered selection options |
045 | There is currently no F4 help available for parameter &1 |
046 | First choose a selection paramater |
047 | First choose a selection option |
048 | First choose a value for 'SIGN' |
049 | The initialization of the online extractor aborted |
050 | Extraction of online data aborted |
051 | Test case has been deleted |
052 | CCMS Business Warehouse Reporting |
053 | Environment for data extraction in the CCMS monitoring architecture |
054 | Components for data extraction in the CCMS monitoring architecture |
055 | Start of last extractor run |
056 | End of last extractor run |
057 | Name of the job from which the extractor was called by BW |
058 | Runtime of the extractor in seconds |
059 | Number of extracted records |
060 | Extractor messages |
061 | Runtime &1 &3 > &2 &3 |
062 | Number of records transferred ( &1 ) > &2 |
063 | No test data exists currently |
064 | Extractor for CPH reorganization data |
065 | Extractor for static MTE master data |
066 | Extractor for time-dependent MTE master data |
067 | CPH delta pointer for administration |
068 | CPH delta pointer administration messages |
069 | Evaluation of selection options has failed |
070 | Calculation of the aggregates to be extracted has failed |
071 | CPH data could not be calculated: |
072 | >>> TID = &1 |
073 | >>> Aggregation type = &1 |
074 | >>> Time explosion = &1 |
075 | >>> from date = &1, to date = &2 |
076 | An error occurred while processing MTE data: |
077 | &1 |
078 | >>> CPH pointer update: Invalid date specification: &1 |
079 | >>> CPH pointer update: From date &1 > to date &2 |
080 | >>> CPH pointer update: No CPH data was passed |
081 | >>> CPH pointer update: Calculation of most recent CPH data has failed |
082 | >>> CPH pointer update: X value was not passed |
083 | >>> CPH pointer update: Calculation of new pointer values has failed |
084 | >>> CPH pointer update: Selection limits (from &1, to &2 ) do not fit |
085 | CPH pointer (Client, TID = &1, RECTYPE = &2, Date = &3, Time = &4 ) |
086 | >>> Pointer update: Pointer key (TID, RECTYPE ) is invalid |
087 | >>> Pointer update: date / time zone does not exist |
088 | >>> Update of pointer in database table CCMSBI_CPH_BWPTR has failed |
089 | >>> Deletion of pointer in database table CCMSBI_CPH_BWPTR failed |
090 | >>> Action: Update pointer in database: |
091 | >>> Pointer delete: Pointer key ( TID, RECTYPE ) is valid |
092 | >>> Pointer read: Pointer key ( TID, RECTYPE ) is invalid |
093 | >>> Reading the pointer in database table CCMSBI_CPH_BWPTR failed |
100 | 'From Date' has to be set to 01.01.1000 |
101 | 'From Time' has to be set to 00:00:00 |
102 | 'To Date' has to be set to 31.12.9999 |
103 | 'To Time' has to be set to 00:00:00 |
104 | Check intervals; the difference has to be exactly one second |
105 | There is no test data in ALPERFOB currently |
106 | Error when determining RFC destination for system &1 |
107 | Error during aRFC call for system &1 |
108 | Error when collecting MTE data for system &1 |
109 | Wait time for aRFC call for system &1 is up |
110 | Error getting data after RFC call for system &1 |
111 | Somebody holds enqueue 'forever' for table &1 |
112 | Error when locking table &1 |
113 | Error during aRFC call for system &1: &2 |
114 | Error when getting data after RFC call for system &1: &2 |
270 | Delta init request from &1 |
271 | Invalid update mode: &1. |
272 | Illegal CPH Access (performance attribute &1) |
273 | There is no data in the CPH for the selection |
274 | Serious error: New request before old request completed, or no init |
275 | A higher granularity was requested than exists in the CPH |
276 | Updating of CPH delta pointer was terminated |
277 | Delta request from &1 |
278 | Full request from &1 |
279 | Request from BW system &1 |