CFD_ARCHIVE - Custom Fields: Archive

The following messages are stored in message class CFD_ARCHIVE: Custom Fields: Archive.
It is part of development package S_CFD_FIELD_ARCHIVE in software component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-FLD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Custom Fields: Custom Field Data Archive".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Accessing Custom Field &1 failed
001Name Counter overflow
002Inconsistent archive table &1.
003Custom fields on transport request partly archived.
004Accessing Original Structure &1 failed
005Field &1 missing in Original Table &2
007In Archive Include &1 Field Components are missing
008Updating Archive Table &1 failed
009Status Message Determination failed due to unknown Status &1
010A Custom Field with name &1 already exists in the Archive
011Creating Archive Table &1 failed
012Adding Directory Entry for object type &1 object name &2 failed
013Reading object_type &1 object_name &2 from tadir failed
014Reading metadata of table &1 failed
015Archiving failed: No Key Attribute found for Table &1
016Archiving failed: Table &1 is not existent or not accesible
017Archiving failed: Execution of dynamic SQL Statement failed
018Archiving failed: System does not run on HANA DB. &1 detected.
019Key Fields Determination for table &1 failed
020DDIC Mass Activation: Activation failed
021Archiving failed: Datatype &2 of field &1 does not exist
022Archiving failed: Field &1 does not exist
023Archiving failed: Database Connection lost
024Field component &1 not found in table &2
025Capacity of archive table &1 could not be determined
026Accessing Archive Table &1 failed
027Field Determination for table &1 failed
028Removal of invalid last characters failed
029Custom field generation is currently locked
030Generation of unique name failed by creating an object of type &1
031Merge conflict for component &1. Add / Remove at the same time
032Archived Field Metadata not found for field &1.
033Mapping of components for Target field &1 and Archived Field &2 failed
034Component Determination failed for field &1 in business context &2.
035Archiving of fields failed.
036Generation of log id failed.
037Creating a Entry in Archive Log failed
038Internal Error
039Inconsistent component mapping for archive table &1 of field &2(&3).
040Field components are not unique for archive table &1 and field &2.
041User &1 not authorized for performing activity &2 for object type &3
042Determination of fields to be deleted failed.
043Could not determine data element for field &1 with type &2 and comp. &3.
044SQL statement did not pass security check
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