CFD_DE_UTILITIES - Custom Fields: Data Source Extension Utilities
The following messages are stored in message class CFD_DE_UTILITIES: Custom Fields: Data Source Extension Utilities.
It is part of development package S_CFD_DE_REPOSITORY_UTILITIES in software component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-FLD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Custom Fields: Data Source Extension Utilities".
It is part of development package S_CFD_DE_REPOSITORY_UTILITIES in software component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-FLD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Custom Fields: Data Source Extension Utilities".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Entry for underlying view &1 missing. |
001 | Invalid path_id &1. |
002 | No reference field found for field &1. |
003 | Corresponding database view not found for CDS view entity &1. |
004 | Reference field for field &1 has not been selected. |
005 | Field &1 not found in dabasebase view &2. |
006 | Field &1 is not consistent. Missing at least one used field. |
007 | Invalid Path parameters. |
008 | Invalid extension. Found more than one entity extension. |
009 | Invalid extension. Entity &1 is not registered. |
010 | Invalid extension. Entity &1 is not released. |
011 | Invalid extension. MDS implemented Entites must not have CDS Extensions. |
012 | Invalid extension. More than one CDS extensions found. |
013 | Invalid extension. CDS Extension &1 for entity &2 not found. |
014 | Invalid extension. Registered CDS view &1 for entity &3 does not match &3 |
015 | Invalid extension. CDS View &1 is not registered. |
016 | Invalid extension. Entity extensions are not allowed for CDS data sources |
017 | CDS view &1 is neither publicly released nor registered. |
018 | Invalid path. Found unexpected segment &1. |
019 | Invalid path. Can not build subtree of a field. |
020 | Invalid path. Field &1 does not exist. |
021 | All paths must refer the same data source. |
022 | No further association is allowed. |
023 | Reference field determination for field &1 in CDS view &2 failed. |
024 | Invalid On Condition for association &1 for field &2. |
025 | Foreign key association &1 is not available in CDS view &2. |
026 | Field &1 in view &2 is not available. |
027 | Could not determine CBO field name in field path &1. |
028 | No binding exists for local field name &1. |
029 | Local field &1 needed for value help not selected. |
030 | Data type &1 is not supported. |
031 | UI texts do not exist for &1 in language &2. |