CFD_RCV_MESSAGES - Custom Fields: Recovery Support Tool CompCheck Message Class

The following messages are stored in message class CFD_RCV_MESSAGES: Custom Fields: Recovery Support Tool CompCheck Message Class.
It is part of development package S_CFD_SUPPORT_FIELD_RECOVERY in software component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-SUP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Custom Fields: Support Tools - Custom Field Data Recovery".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Aggregation &1 of target field does not match &2 of archived field
001Business context &1 of archived field is missing in the target field
002Additional business context &1 of target field
004Table &1 is missing in business context &2 of target field
005Additional table &1 in business context &2 of target field
006Length of target field is too short (required: &1)
007Length of target field is longer than required (&1)
009Scale of target field is too short (required: &1)
010Scale of target field is longer than required (&1)
011Field type &1 of target field does not match type &2 of archived field
012Associated BO &1 of target field does not match &2 of archived field
013Value &1 is missing in code list of target field
014Additional value &1 in code list of target field
015Target field &1 was already used for recovery of archived field &2
016Archived field &1 was already recovered on target field &2
017All checks passed, field &1 is a valid target for archived field &2
018Keys of Table &1 are unequal to Keys of Table &2
019Combination of length(&1, old: &2) and scale(&3, old: &4) not compatible.
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