CFD_REPOSITORY_UTIL - Custom Fields: Repository

The following messages are stored in message class CFD_REPOSITORY_UTIL: Custom Fields: Repository.
It is part of development package S_CFD_REPOSITORY_HANDLER in software component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-FLD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Custom Fields: Repository Handler".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Custom Field &1: Field type &2 is not valid.
001Field type &1 does not have a common domain.
002Custom Field &1: Length must be between &2 and &3 characters.
003Custom Field &1: Name is already in use.
004Name &1 is not valid. Name must consist of alphanumeric characters only.
005Custom Field &1 is not valid. Name must start with a letter.
006Field type &1 has a common domain.
007Hash calculation for object name failed.
008Custom Field &1: Length &2 is not valid for field type &3. Maximum is &4.
009Custom Field &1: Scale &2 is not valid for field type &3. Maximum is &4.
010Custom Field &1: Scale &2 not valid. Scale must not exceed length of &3.
011Business context &1 is not valid.
012CDS view context &1, &2 &3 is not valid.
013OData model context &1, &2, &3 &4 not valid.
014Usage in business context &1 is missing.
015Custom Field &1: Code &2 Description &3 Language &4 is not valid.
016Custom Field &1: Label and/or Tooltip in language &2 is empty.
017Custom Field &1: Code value &2 is too long. Maximum length is &3.
018Custom Field &1: Code value &2 contains not allowed characters.
019Custom Field &1: Description for code value &2 in language &3 missing.
020Custom Field &1: Description for code value &2 in language &3 is empty.
021Custom Field &1: Labels and tooltips not supplied.
022CDS view &1 does not support inclusion in basic search.
023Custom Field &1: Code list not supported for field type &2.
024OData model &1 does not support inclusion in basic search.
025Custom Field &1: Code list and/or descriptions not supplied.
026Field type &1 is not enabled for basic search.
027Custom Field &1: Name &1 is not valid. Name must start with prefix &2.
028Custom Field &1: Code Value Descriptions missing in master language &2.
029Usage in CDS view context &1, &2, &3 missing.
030Custom Field &1: Label and tooltip are missing in master language &2.
031Custom Field &1: Published code value &2 must not be removed.
032Internal error occurred
033Custom Field &1: Label in language &2 is too long. Maximum length is &3.
034Custom Field &1: Tooltip in language &2 is too long. Max. length is &3.
035Determination of new object name failed.
036Unexpected hash length
037Scenario &1 is not valid.
038Data transfer &1 is not valid.
039Field type &1 does not support usage of aggregating CDS view &2.
040Properties of data element &1 could not be retrieved.
041Custom Field &1: Aggregation '&2' is not valid.
042Custom Field &1: Aggregation &2 is not supported for type &3 &4.
043Custom Field &1: ABAP dictionary data type &2 is not supported.
044Data element not allowed for type &1.
045Custom Field &1: Value help view not allowed for type &2.
046Custom Field &1: Value help view &2 is not valid.
047Labels and tooltips not allowed for type &1.
048Business context &1 does not contain field &2.
049Field &2 in business context &1 does not use data element &3.
050Custom Field &1: Origin &2 is not valid.
051Custom Field &1: Labels and tooltips not supported for origin &2.
052Length specification not supported for origin &1.
053Scale specification not supported for origin &1.
054Custom Field &1: Data element specification not supported for origin &2.
055Value help view specification not supported for origin &1.
056Custom Field &1: Type &2 not supported for origin &3.
057Custom Field &1: Type &2 not supported for ABAP dictionary type &3.
058Query CDS view context &1 not valid.
059Custom Field &1: Code value specification not supported for origin &2.
060Include &1 not found.
061No reference field found for field &1.
062No sql view found for CDS view &1.
063No fields for sql view &1 found
064Field type &1 does not have a common value help view.
065The class was called with the wrong data type.
066Custom Field &1: Data element &2 does not reference a domain.
067Deviating field name &1 is already in use by another field.
068Field with deviating field name &1 could not be found.
069Field &1 could not be found.
070Current user does not have Coding Block authorization.
071Deviating field name is not supplied.
072SAP GUI context &1, &2 is not valid.
073Custom Field &1: Length must not be decreased.
074Custom Field &1: Scale must not be decreased.
075Custom Field &1: Scale must not be increased differently than length.
076Name is not supplied.
077External name is not supplied.
078Field with external name &1 could not be found.
079Custom Field &1: Business context &2 is not available.
080CDS view context &1, &2 is not available.
081OData model context &1, &2, &3 not available.
082SAP GUI context &1, &2 is not available.
083Data transfer &1 is not available.
084Scenario &1 is not available.
085Custom Field &1: Associated business object not allowed for type &2.
086Custom Field &1: Associated Business Object &2 is not valid.
087Custom Field &4: SOAP context &1, &2, &3 is not valid.
088SOAP context &1, &2, &3, &4 is not available.
089Custom Field &1: SOAP Field Name &2 in namespace &3 is already in use.
090Field Name &1 or namespace &2 is not valid.
091Domain &1 is not valid.
092Custom Field &1: Business object &2 component names cannot be determined.
093Invalid component identifier &1 for field with external name &2.
094Custom Field &1: Association target &2 is not valid.
095Description Domain could not be received for Target &1.
096External Namespaces must be equal for all components of field &1.
097Custom Field &1: External Name not equal in all usages of data type &2.
098Custom Field &1: Length of numeric Custom Field must not be changed.
099Custom Field &1: SOAP context usages for data type &2 incomplete.
100Name &1 is not valid. It was already transported into another system.
101Dimension View &1 is not consistent.
102Custom Field &1: Type &2 (length &3) not allowed for Business Context &4.
103Custom Field &1: code &2 of description &3 does not exist.
104Custom Field &1: Duplicate label and tooltip for ui texts in language &2.
105Custom Field &1: Language &2 for ui texts is not valid.
106Custom Field &1: Adapation Item Id &2 does not match.
107Custom Field &1: Namespace not equal in all usages of data type &2.
108Prefix determination failed
109Custom Field &1: Name &1 contains invalid prefix.
110Custom Field &1: Business Context &2 is not valid.
111Custom Field &1: Associated business object &2 has other prefix category.
112Component &1 of field &2 has no description.
113Cannot read implementations for definition &1.
114Type &1 not allowed for Business Context &2
115Length &1 not allowed for Business Context &2
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