CFD_SUPPORT_METRICS - Messages thrown in extensibility metrics tools

The following messages are stored in message class CFD_SUPPORT_METRICS: Messages thrown in extensibility metrics tools.
It is part of development package S_CFD_SUPPORT_METRICS in software component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-SUP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Custom Fields: Support Tools - Metrics".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Selection of snapshot for table &1 failed
001Transformation of snapshot for table &1 failed
002Column &1 of snapshot table &2 was not found for anonymization
003Hash calculation to anonymize column &1 of snapshot table &2 failed
004Transformation of metric data for message payload failed
005Cleanup of outdated snapshot data failed
006Unexpected field type &1 for persistence statistic snapshot
007Determination of DB table behind Extension Include View &1 failed
008Custom field name &1 of Business Context &2 contains invalid characters
009Access to DB table &1 behind Extension Include View &2 failed
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