CFS_MSG - Messages For Capacity Evaluation
The following messages are stored in message class CFS_MSG: Messages For Capacity Evaluation.
It is part of development package PPH_CAP_EVAL in software component PP-CFS-CE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Capacity Evaluation:Data Dictionary Objects".
It is part of development package PPH_CAP_EVAL in software component PP-CFS-CE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Capacity Evaluation:Data Dictionary Objects".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Enter a Shift Utilization between 1% and 399% |
001 | Enter a Shift Sequence |
002 | The date range you've selected lies beyond the evaluation horizon. |
003 | The number of capacities should be greater than zero |
004 | The date you've selected has passed. Select a valid date. |
005 | Invalid Shift Definition. Select a Shift Definition from the dropdown. |
006 | The shift you want to create overlaps with an existing shift. |
007 | Save unsuccessful. Try again. |
008 | Invalid Shift Sequence. Select a Shift Sequence from the dropdown. |
009 | The date you've selected is a non-working day. Override factory calendar? |
010 | Enter either a shift definition or the timings for your shift to continue |
011 | Maintain an active version in Change Work Center Capacity app to continue |
012 | The Capacity Utilization rate cannot exceed 399% for technical reasons. |
013 | No active version maintained for your capacity. Contact administrator. |
014 | You are not authorized to edit work center capacity for plant &1. |
015 | You are not authorized to edit work center capacity for category &1. |
016 | You cannot add more than 999 capacities. |
017 | This is a non-working period. Add a shift with override factory calendar. |
018 | The version you have entered is not an active version. |
019 | Intervals might have been adjusted. You can verify the changes. |
020 | The date range contains a non-working period. Override factory calendar? |
021 | Activity &1 cannot be replaced by class &2. |
022 | &1 &2: The selected Work Center follows a different Factory Calendar. |
023 | Error returned after executing CRAP_WORKCENTER_CREATE. |
024 | Shift Start Time exceeds 24 hours time |
025 | Shift end Time exceeds 24 hours time |
026 | &1 &2: An Active Version is not maintained. |
027 | &1 &2: Selected shifts are overlapping with existing shifts. |
028 | Successfully copied &1 &2 |
029 | Copy Shifts Action Messages Container |
030 | Import value for &1 missing. |
031 | Update the date range to resolve the error. |
032 | &1 &2: Work Center is locked by another user. |
033 | &1 &2: Action &3 Successful. |
034 | &1 &2: Action &3 Failed. |
035 | You are not authorized to change Production Order &1. |
036 | You are not authorized to change Planned Order &1. |
037 | You are not authorized to change Process Order &1. |
038 | Production Order &1 not found |
039 | Process Order &1 not found |
040 | Planned Order &1 not found |
041 | You are not authorized to edit the Work Center &1 in Plant &2 |
042 | The shift you want to edit overlaps with an existing shift. |