CHK_ENH - Nachrichten zu Pr�fungen f�r Enhancements

The following messages are stored in message class CHK_ENH: Nachrichten zu Pr�fungen f�r Enhancements.
It is part of development package SEEF_TEST_ADDONS in software component BC-DWB-CEX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Enhancement: Tests (Checkman,...)".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Switch BC set &1 is in non-switchable package
002Classic BAdI implementation &1 is in a switchable package
003Classic BAdI definition &1 is in switchable package
004Method &1 used for direct switch query (&2, line &3)
005STATIC used in enhancement redefinition &1 (&2, line &3)
006Non-migrated implementation &2 for migrated BAdI &1
007Enhancement implementation &1 does not have ENHANCEMENT-SECTION/POINT
008Enhancement implementation &1 does not have ENHANCEMENT SPOT
009Migrated (&1, &2) switches do not match classic implementation &3
061A collector with the ID '&1' is not known
062A check with the ID '&1' is not known
200No ENHSPOTHEADER record found for enhancement spot &1 (version &2)
201No ENHOBJ record found for enhancement spot &1 (version &2)
202No ENHSPOTOBJ record found for enhancement spot &1 (version &2)
203No ENHCROSS record found for enhancement spot &1 (version &2)
204No ENHHEADER records found for existing ENHOBJ records (&1/&2)
205Incorrect spot &1 in management data of enhancement implementation &2
206Full name &1 of implementation &2 not found in enhancement spot &3/&4
207There is no record in table ENHINCINX
208Version &1 in SAVEINCINX of implementation &2 is different: &3
209No ENHINCINX entries for implementation &1/&2 for enhancement spot &3/&4
210Field INT_TYPE is empty in enhancement spot management data for &1/&2
211Incorrect INT_TYPE &3 in enhancement spot management data for &1/&2
212Field INT_NAME is empty in enhancement spot management data for &1/&2
213Field INCLUDE is empty in enhancement spot management data for &1/&2
214INCLUDE &3 entered in enhancement spot &1/&2 was not found in ENHCROSS
215Spot &1/&2, implementation &3/&4 have different data for INCLUDE_BOUND
216Enhancement spot &3: Hook &4 was moved from &1 to &2
217HOOK &1 in include &2 from spot ADMIN &3/implementation &4 not found
218Implementation &1 for enhancement spot &2/&3, ID: &4 source is empty
219Object name in spot &1 contains include name &3 instead of &2 name
220Enhancement object &2 of enhancement spot &1 does not exist
221Error when instantiating SPOT: &1 with &2 &3 &4
222Enhanced object &1/&2 for enhancement spot &3 does not exist
223Error in enhancement spot &1: DEF_UNIT field &2: correct &3, incorrect &4
224Object &1: TADIR type &2 has incorrect software component '&3'
225Spot &1/&2 is assigned to incorrect include &3; &4 would be correct
226Spot &1/&2, method/function name missing in management system (&3)
250No ENHHEADER record found for enhancement implementation &1 (version &2)
251No ENHOBJ record found for enhancement implementation &1 (version &2)
252No ENHCROSS record found for enhancement implementation &1 (version &2)
253Enhancement implementation &1 (version &2) has an ambivalent type (EX/IM)
254No ENHINCINX entries found for enhancement implementation &1 (version &2)
255ID &2 in management data for &1 does not exist in ENHINCINX
256Element with internal ID &3 for implementation &1 (version &2) is empty
257TADIR entry of enhanced object &2/&3 is missing for implementation &1
258Enhanced object &2 for enhancement implementation &1 does not exist
259Enhancement implementation &1 is not assigned to any object
270Implementation &1 has a method implementation with no matching definition
300Only one enhancement is permitted for the static code replacement &1
301Enhancement &1 for code replacement &2 cannot be switched
302Enhancement conflict &2 not resolved for code replacement &1
303Potential conflict &2 not resolved for code replacement &1
400No TADIR record found for enhancement spot &1
401Cannot parse XSTRING for enhancement spot &1 (version &2)
402Option &4 of enhancement spot &1 (version &2) not available
403Serious syntax error in enhanced object &3 of spot &1 (version &2)
404No TADIR record found for enhancement implementation &1
405Cannot parse XSTRING of enhancement implementation &1 (version &2)
406Inconsistent metadata (SAVE_ENHINCINX/ENHINCINX) in implementation &1
407Inconsistent metadata (ENHINCINX/HOOK_IMPLS) in implementation &1
408Syntax error in enhanced object &3 of implementation &1 (version &2)
409Option &4 for implementation &1 (version &2) not found in object &3
410Type of option &1 in spot &2 is inconsistent with enhanced object &3
411Enhancement option &1 in spot &2 is inconsistent with enhanced object &3
412Enhancement option &1 is not flagged as "INCLUDE BOUND" in spot &2
413Enhancement option &1 is flagged as "INCLUDE BOUND" in spot &2
414Enhancement option &1 is flagged as "INCLUDE BOUND" in enhanced object &2
415Option &1 is not flagged as "INCLUDE BOUND" in enhanced object &2
416Option &1 found in enhanced object &2, but not in enhancement spot &3
417Implementation &1 (version &2) has elements with identical "FULLNAME"
418No TADIR entry found for composite enhancement spot &1
419No TADIR entry found for composite enhancement implementation &1
420Enhancement implementation &1 does not exist (TADIR entry still exists)
421Enhancement spot &1 does not exist (TADIR entry still exists)
422Composite enhancement spot &1 does not exist (TADIR entry still exists)
423Composite implementation &1 does not exist (TADIR entry still exists)
424Inconsistent metadata in implementation &1 (missing entries in ENHOBJ)
425Inconsistent metadata in implementation &1 (incorrect entries in ENHOBJ)
800Composite enhancement implementation &1 cannot use itself
801Composite enhancement spot &1 cannot use itself
802Composite implementation &1 is already a higher-level implementation
803Composite enhancement spot &1 already defined as a higher-level spot
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