CI - Plant maintenance task list messages

The following messages are stored in message class CI: Plant maintenance task list messages.
It is part of development package IMRM in software component PM-PRM-TL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Application Development R/3 Maintenance Task List Management".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Free material assignment construction site
001Last selected operation reached
002Material assignment to sub-operations not permitted
003Package & no longer contained in strategy &
004First selected operation reached
005Maintenance package assignment to sub-operations not permitted
006Maintenance package assignment to referenced operations not permitted
007Rel.maintenance not possible when using maintenance strategies/packages
008A cycle set is not permitted in the task list
009Maintain maintenance strategy in TL header for maint. package assignment
010Maintenance package & not contained in strategy &
011Maintenance package & already selected
012Maintenance strategy & does not exist
013Group counter & used in maintenance item(s): Deletion not possible
014Group counter & deleted
015Deletion flag for group counter & removed
016Maintain graphics profile
017Maintain short text key & for operation & correctly
018Group counter & is now flagged for deletion
020Description & not permitted for system condition
021Check work center entries
022Assembly & does not exist in plant &
023Please maintain work center
024Distribution key & invalid
026Only the first 20 maintenance packages are displayed - Use detail screen!
027Strategy does not contain any maintenance packages
030Maintain valid header assembly for material component allocation
031Maintain equipment number for material component allocation
032No further processing of non-stock components possible
033Material &1, plant &2 is flagged for deletion
034Material &1, plant &2 is flagged for deletion
035Material status is not available (Please check entry)
036There must be a serial number for material &1 in plant &2
037Backflush not possible when bulk material indicator is set
038Material &1 Plant &2 backflush owing to cancellation of bulk mat. indic.
039Material &1 Plant &2 backflush owing to cancellation of serial no. req.
041Maintain functional location number for material component assignment
042Structure cannot be exploded for functional location &
044Internal processing is not authorized for the selected control keys
045External processing is not authorized for the selected control keys
046Assembly & is not contained in the functional location bill of material
047A deletion flag already exists for this functional location
048& is not a valid functional location
049Creation not possible due to status of maintenance object
050Component & not contained in bill of material
051Quantity & for & is greater than BOM quantity &
052Structure cannot be exploded for object &
053Component & already assigned to current operation
054Enter a valid component first
055No bill of material exists for assembly &
056Assembly & not contained in equipment bill of material
057No material components selected from assembly &
058Invalid equipment number &
059Assembly & not contained in BOM header assembly
060No plant-specific data exists for the specified assembly
061No valid material component selected
062No components can be selected for header assembly &
063No assemblies can be selected
064Not all material assignments could be copied
065The assembly entered has no subordinate structures
066No assembly selected
067Material & not maintained in plant &
068Enter equipment number
069You cannot create task lists for equipment without a PM planning plant
070No equipment exists with this number
071No assembly structure exists for equipment $
072Enter functional location number
073Functional location & does not exist
074You cannot create FuntLocation task lists without a PM planning plant
075Maintain settings in Customizing for free assignment of components
076Functional location & copied from equipment
080Invalid selection: Choose function according to task list type
081You do not have the necessary authorizations for maintaining task lists
082The unit for the work has been copied from the sub-operation
089Task list still being used in maintenance item & !
090Task list used in maintenance item &, no changes possible
091TAsk list used in service product, no changes possible
092Only task list status with ID "Released" possible for maintenance item
093Material &1, plant &2 is flagged for deletion
094Task list type &1 is not supported
100Invalid selection
101No assignment flagged for deletion
102No lines for changing have been entered yet
103Select a valid line
104External operation: Enter data for external processing
105External operation: Enter purchasing organization
106External operation: Enter price
107External operation: Enter price unit
108External operation: Enter currency key
109External operation: Enter order quantity
110External operation: Enter order quantity unit
111External operation: Enter cost element
112External operation: Enter material group
113External operation: Enter purchasing group
114Info record & & does not exist
115Data copied from info record
116Maintain price and price unit together
150Company code changed as a result of plant assignment
151Invalid controlling area combination: Check plant allocation
152Invalid maintenance planning plant
153Maintain plant in current task list header
154No group counter exists yet in plant & for assignment
155Group counter & already deleted, therefore no assignment possible
156Invalid task list type
157No text maintained for task list type
158Plant & is not a maintenance planning plant
159Plan status & not permissible
200Error in function module &
201Internal error in module &
204Access with invalid index (&)
206Maint. package assignments from referenced task lists cannot be changed
227The maintenance package is not consistent
250Operation &: Product of work x execution factor is too large
251Operation &: Product duration (normal) x execution factor is too large
252Operation &: Product duration (minimum) x execution factor is too large
253Operation &: Product operation quantity x execution factor is too large
254Operation &1: Product material quantity x execution factor is too large
255Execution factor & not possible because of control key (service)
256Op&: Exec.factor and fixed OpQty indicator not possible simultaneously
257Operation &: Product of task list factor x execution factor is too big
258Operation &: Product of cost x execution factor is too big
300Long text of general task list & could not be copied
301Long text of equipment task list could not be copied
302Equipment task list is being processed
303General task list is already being processed
304No equipment task list exists for the selection criteria
305No general task list exists for the selection criteria
306No equipment task list selected (please select)
307No general task list selected (please select)
308List contains no equipment task lists
309List contains no general task lists
310Last selected equipment task list reached
311Last selected general task list reached
312First selected equipment task list reached
313First selected general task list reached
314Please enter equipment task list group
315Please enter general task list group
316Equipment task list & saved
317General task list & saved
318The planner group counter number has already been allocated
319The planner group counter number has already been allocated
320Equipment task lists exist in the past or the future
321General task lists exist in the past or the future
322Equipment task list deleted
323General task list deleted
324Equipment task list not released for productive use
325General task list not released for productive use
326You do not have the authorization to delete this equipment task list
327You do not have the authorization to delete this general task list
328Equipment task list &1 &2 is not valid at date &3
329General task list &1 &2 is not valid at date &3
330Eqpmt task list &1 &2 is not valid throughout the period from &3 to &4
331General task list &1 &2 is not valid throughout the period from &3 to &4
332Long text for functional location task list & could not be copied
333Functional location task list is already being processed
334No functional location task lists exists for the selection criteria
335No functional location task list selected (please select)
336List does not display any functional location task lists
337Last selected functional location task list has been reached
338First selected functional location tast list has been reached
339Specify the funtional location task list group
340Task list saved for functional location &
341The planner group counter number has already been allocated
342Task lists exist in the past or future for functional location
343Functional location task list was deleted
344Functional location task list is not released for productive use
345You have no authorization to delete this functional location task list
346Functional location task list &1 &2 is not valid at date &3
347Functional location task list &1 &2 is not valid throughout from &1 to &2
350PM task list has non-numeric task list group; see Note 1889052
400*** Relationships ***
401Operation & does not exist in general task list &
420*** Logical PNI Database ***
421Please limit selection
500Material does not exist
501Material not used in maintenance task lists
502No material where-used list in maintenance task lists for given selection
503No valid material where-used lists selected in maintenance task lists
504Invalid call for function: 'CS_WHERE-USED-MAT'
505Error in calling function module: 'CS_WHERE_USED_MAT'
506Plan status &1 is not a valid value
507Enter a component quantity for item category &1
508You cannot use a negative component quantity for item category &1
509A positive component quantity is not allowed for item category &1
510Specify item category for non-stock items
511Enter material or non-stock component first
512Please enter price data for non-stock item first
513Save task list before navigating to details of a new component
514The BOM item of this component is assigned to more than one component
550Missing work center.
551Missing plant.
552Missing supplier name.
553Missing contract.
554Missing purchasing organization.
555Please activate business function LOG_EAM_CI_14.
556Variant not found. Please check the variant name.
557An error occured during field catalog assembly.
558An error occured while reading the selection screen parameters.
559Missing authorization for change mode.
560Missing authorization for display mode.
561No task list selected.
562Target transaction is not included in the predefined transaction list.
563Select at least one task list
564Select at least one operation
565Task list &1/&2 has no operation and was not changed
566Change numbers for validities cannot be used in mass changes
567Change number &1 for task list &2 not valid
568Key date is not in the validity period for change number &1
569Change number &1 does not exist
570Alternative date does not match key date for task list &1
571Maximum number of customer-specific fields reached (20)
572Creation of log object failed
573Change number &1 for task list &2 not valid
574Specify a work center to change the plant
575Field &1 for task list &2/&3 has not been changed
576Task list &1/&2 has not been changed
577Field &1 for operation &2 in task list &3 has not been changed
578Operation &1 for task list &2 has not been changed
579Change number &1 cannot be locked
580Field &1 for suboperation &2 in task list &3 has not been changed
581Suboperation &1 for task list &2 has not been changed
582Operation &1 in task list &2/&3/&4 has been updated
583Suboperation &1 in task list &2/&3/&4 has been updated
584Equipment task list &1/&2 has no operations and has not been changed
585Task list for func. location &1/&2 has no operations and was not changed
586Change number &1 for equipment task list &2 not valid
587Change number &1 for task list for functional location &2 not valid
588Alternative date does not match key date for equipment task list &1
589Alternative date does not match key date for task list for func. loc. &1
592Equipment task list &1/&2 has not been changed
593Task list for functional location &1/&2 has not been changed
594Field &1 for equipment task list &2/&3 has not been changed
595Field &1 for task list for functional location &2/&3 has not been changed
596Equipment task list &1 is currently being processed
597Task list &1 is currently being processed
598Task list for functional location &1 is currently being processed
599Task list &1 is not current; update the table
600Equipment task list &1 is not up-to-date; update the table
601Task list for functional location &1 is not up-to-date; update the table
602Operation &1 is being updated in task list &2/&3/&4
603Suboperation &1 is being updated in task list &2/&3/&4
604Task list &1 is being updated
605Equipment task list &1 is being updated
606Task list for functional location &1 is being updated
607Operation &1, field '&2': Data may be lost
608Suboperation &1, field '&2': Data may be lost
609Change of field key together with user fields is not allowed
610Task list &1 is still used in maintenance item &2
611Task list &1 is used in maintenance plan &2
612Task list &1 is used in service product (&2)
613Invalid task list status entered
614Field key &1 does not exist
616Field cannot be changed for services
617Task list &1: &2
618Equipment task list &1: &2
619Task list for functional location &1: &2
620Standard text key copied from work center to operation &1
621Control key copied from work center to operation &1
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