CKBA - Nachrichtenpool f�r Entwicklungsklasse CKBA

The following messages are stored in message class CKBA: Nachrichtenpool f�r Entwicklungsklasse CKBA.
It is part of development package CKBA in software component CO-PC-PCP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Procurement Alternatives and Mixing Ratios for Mixed Costing".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Material & has not been maintained
002Split valuation for material - valuation type can be entered
003No production version for BOM/routing
005Procurement alternative being created
007Procurement alternative exists
008Production version & does not exist for material & in plant &
009Plant & is not assigned to a valuation area
010Material & has not been valuated in plant &
011Material & is not subject to a split valuation
012Valuation type & for material & not allowed for
013Lot size transferred from material master
014For process & &, & & was transferred as the production lot size
015Lot size could not be determined
016Apportionment structure not entered for production version &
017Apportionment structure transferred from production version &
018Apportionment structure & not entered for material & and plant &
019Apportionment structure can only be entered for Production process categ.
020Apportionment structure & does not correspond to production version &
021Describe the BOM in full
022Describe the routing in full
023BOM and routing entries must be complete
024Procurement alternatives saved
025No changes to the data
026No alternative deleted
027Delete operation terminated
028Alternative & is still used
029Alternative & is not in the database
030All selected alternatives deleted after saving
031No alternatives selected for deletion
032Master data displayed is no longer consistent
033Apportionment structure cannot be maintained
034Mixing strategy & created/changed
035Mixing strategy & deleted
036Alternative BOM & for material & not found
037Routing for material & not found
038Lot size & outside lot-size range of the BOM
039Lot-size range of production version & from & to &
040Enter purchasing organization
041Enter vendor
042Purchasing orgaization & not found
043Purchasing organization & for plant & is not authorized
044Vendor & in purchasing organization & not maintained
045Special procurement plant and plant of manufacture are identical
046Material & is not managed in plant &
047Check reveals no inconsistencies
048Change not required
049No BOM or routing for production version &
050Lot size & is outside lot-size range of routing
051Alternative & cannot be deleted (database problems)
052BOM & and routing & are not suitable for production version &
055Material & costed without quantity structure
056Deletion not possible
058No procurement alternatives for material & plant &
059No alternative selected
060Changes could not be updated
061Multiple changes carried out
062Lot size 0 not allowed
063Material & in plant & created as fixed price co-product
064Material & in plant & is not intended for joint production
065Material & is a process material, procurement alternative not possible
066More than one procurement alternative can be changed
067Material & in plant & is not a process material for co-product &
068Costing with quantity structure not allowed for material & &
069Procurement alternative & missing in mixing ratio
080Split valuation obligatory
082Lot size 0 cannot be costed
083Pricing strategy 'Valuation with an additive cost comp. split' exists
090Object & & locked for maintenance
091Error when locking objects
092Resetting data
099Program errors
100Procurement alternative for material & & cannot be created
157Error reading procurement alternatives
158Error in ALV list tool
159No values could be selected
160Error reading procurement alternatives
161Error when calling FM &
162Error reading table &
163Special procurement key & does not exist
164Material & & is a phantom assembly or is reserved in other plant
165Material & & is configurable - procurement alternative cannot be created
300No procurement alternatives exist for material &
301No mixing ratios - all procurement alternatives are displayed
302Entry & & & in table & does not exist
303Strategy & is period-dependent - enter period and year
304Strategy & is year-dependent; period deleted
305Strategy & is year-dependent - enter a year
306Strategy & is not time-dependent, period and year are deleted
307Category & is not consistent with the strategy for mixed costing
308Plant & does not belong to a valid organizational structure
309Material & & does not exist
310Processing terminated
311Mixing ration & & %, and therefore not 100 %
312Mixing ratio of the valuation types is not 100 %
313Mixing ratios must be maintained for both valuation levels
314No mixing ratios exist
315Display filtered
316Select column
317Select a procurement alternative
318Mixing ratio & for material & valuation type & is not 100 %
319Mixing ratio & & & & already exists
320Mixing ratio imported from production plan - only display possible
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