CKMLMV - Nachrichtenklasse f�r Mengenger�stverwalter

The following messages are stored in message class CKMLMV: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Mengenger�stverwalter.
It is part of development package CKMLMV in software component CO-PC-ACT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Quantity Structure Tool".
Message Nr
Message Text
000<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Event Structure >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
001Profile &1 has not been created. Please check your entry
002Costing run &1 is locked
003Packet processing started: packet &1 / level &2
004Packet processing ended: packet &1 / Level &2
005Cycle &1 broken off after &2 repititions
006Internal error: Costing object &1 no longer exists
007Internal error: step synchronization (costing run: &1, level: &2, RC: &3)
008You can not perform price determination in period &1 / &2
009Internal error in program &1 in position &2 (RC = &3)
010Process category '&1' does not exist
011Package processing started: Package &1 / Level &2 / Cycle &3
012Input material &1 will be removed for the iteration (process &2)
013Internal error: Not possible to remove more input materials
014Internal error during the iteration
015Package processing terminated: Package &1 / Level &2 / Cycle &3
016Material in selection list belongs to a cycle
017Internal error: Parameters were set incorrectly for individual processing
018Step &1: Packet &2 costed again with a reduced BOM
019No target BOM determinable for procurement process
020Step &1: Packet &2 is first costed with the actual BOM
021Multilevel price determination with a reduced actual BOM
022A target BOM was created for the procurement process
023Procurement alternative does not need to be corrected
024Material sucessfully costed with reduced BOM
025More material prices need to be determined with multi-level determination
026&1 materials were converted for table &2
027&1 entries were converted for table &2
028Table &1 contains plant blank
029The index for accessing the actual quantity structure must be recreated
030Data was changed
031<<< Error number is no longer used>>>
032Start: &1
033End: &1
034Cycle &1 will be recosted with the reduced actual BOM
035Automatic error management performed with preset values
036The indicator for cycles was deselected
037&1 &2 &3 &4
038An error has occurred with the iteration of cycle &1
039Iteration of cycle &1 diverges in currency/valuation &2
040Material does not contain any input objects
041Iteration of cycle &1 ended after &2 steps by user &3
042Cycle &1 recalculated after removing the critical edges
043Cycle &1 recalculated without iteration
100<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Quantity structure import from Logistics>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
101No valid plant selected
102Material &1 was not found
103Material &1 is not maintained in plant &2
104Production version &1 not valid on quantity structure date &2
105Planned BOM &1 / &2 does not exist
106Inconsistent callup of BOM read module
107Material was not found
108No authorization.
109The material does not have a BOM
110Material &1 is not maintained in plant &2. (don't use! -> 103)
111No appropriate BOM found
112Material type &1 is not maintained
113Importing the quantity structure during componentization is not possible
114No materials selected. Check the entries
115Consumption quantity of component &1 has wrong sign
116Planned BOM &2 / &3 was imported for procurement process &1
150<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Determine basic selection, costing order>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
151Object list created for costing run &1
152The object list was initialized
153The predecessor/successor model was initialized
154The filter table was initialized
155Selection of warehouse stock. &1 materials were rejected
156Selection of sales-order-stock. &1 materials rejected
157Selection of project stock. &1 materials were rejected
158The object list was created. It contains &1 materials
159The filter table was created. It contains &1 entry
160A predecessor/successor model was created for costing run &1
161The object list was read. It contains &1 materials
162The predecessor/successor pair was selected
163Predecessor/successor model was created. It contains &1 relationships.
164Steps and cycles were created
165Predecessor/successor model was read. It contains &1 relationships.
166Data for the level and cycle determination was read
167Level determination and cycle determination determined
168The object list was refreshed. &1 entries were changed
169No valuation class is assigned to material &1
170Costing run blocked by user &1
200<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Functiongroup CKMLMVUTIL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
201Please maintain the master data for material &1
202The valuation area for plant &1 cannot be deterimined.
203No cost estimate number was found for material &1, plant &2.
204Naming structure &1 is not maintained
205Plant &1 is not maintained
206Incorrect call of function module &1
207Material &1 was assigned to the Controlling level "Not specified"
208Assignment of a Controlling level to material &1 was terminated
210Internal error in function module &1
211No naming structure is assigned to plant &1
212Specify the Controlling level for material &1
213Select a valid line
250>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Function group CKMLMVALPROC <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
251Process &1 does not exist
252No process or procurement alternative with the number &1 exists
253A Controlling level could not be determined for material &1
300<<<<<<<<<<<<< Function group CKMLMVLIST >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
301Choose an entry
302No actual BOM exists
304Posting to a prior period: Actual BOM exists in the previous period
305Choose a multi-level procurement/consumption
306Period &2 in year &3 not found for fiscal year variant &1
307No period found for fiscal year variant &1 date &2
308No uses found
320<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Other programs and reports>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
321Client &1 not found
322&1 is currently locked
323The object selected is not an incactive Conrtolling level
324Multiple naming groups are assigned to Controlling level &1 &2 &3
325<<< Error number is no longer used>>>
326The object selected is neither a prod. process nor a procurement altern.
327Place the cursor on the 'Order' field
328No linked orders were found for the production process
329No linked orders were found for the procurement alternative
330Controlling level was not changed
331Mark a Controlling level
332Controlling level is not used
333Controlling level does not exist. Check your entry
334Enter material and plant
335Plant-specific material does not exist
350<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Function group CKMLMVCONNECT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
351Order &1 is not associated with any production process
352Multiple valid product cost collectors exist for production process &1
353Order &1 cannot be changed
354Product cost collector &1 already exists
355A valid product cost collector exists for order &1
356Another valid product cost collector exists for process &1
400<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Function group CKMLMVTOOL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
401Field &1 is initial (FBS: CKML_MGV_QUANTITY_CHECK)
402Procurement alternative/process &1 not created (yet)
403No production versions have been created for material &1
450<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Function group CKMLMVQUANT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
451Process categories &1 and &2 do not correspond
500<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Function group CKMLMVSURF>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
501Data was saved
502Procurement alternatives were deleted
503Deletion run terminated
504No authorization for creation in plant &1
505No authorization to make changes in plant &1
506No authorization for display in plant &1
550<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Function group CKMLMVCAM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
551At the moment, it is not necess. to maintain plant &1.
999 &1 &2 &3 &4
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