CLASSIFICATION_TOOL - Classification tool

The following messages are stored in message class CLASSIFICATION_TOOL: Classification tool.
It is part of development package SPAK_API_CLASSIFICATION in software component BC-DWB-UTL-CLS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "API for Classification Tool Set".
Message Nr
Message Text
000The object type group &1 does not exist
001An inactive version of the object type group &1 does not exist
002An active version of the object type group &1 does not exist
003The object type group has successfully been saved
004Enter a name of an object type group
005The object type group &1 already exists
006The source group name must differ from the target group name
007The specified source group does not exist or is not active
008The specified target group already exists
009Object type group &1 has successfully been created
010Object type group '&1' has successfully been deleted
011The object type group does not contain any errors
012The object type group has been activated
013You are not authorized to perform the operation.
014The operation has not been realized yet.
015The switch to display mode has not been carried out.
016Unable to display the online documentation
017The characteristic & does not have any valid values.
020An inactive version of characteristic & does not exist.
021An active version of characteristic & does not exist.
022The characteristic & does not exist
023No object type group defined for characteristic &.
024You have to allow implicit changes for delegation or inheritance.
025Long runtime expected for characteristic &1, limit your selection
026There is a duplicate entry vor value &1.
030The characteristic & cannot be used to classify this object. -> Long text
031The chosen organization cannot be selected for &. (See long text.)
035The client interface for service &1 of package &2 propagates the object.
036The client interface for &1 of package &2 does not contain the object.
037The reference characteristic has not been specified.
040The virtual object type group & cannot be changed.
042The object is already classified accordingly. (AVAS &)
050Specify an implementation name.
051Choose an enhancement that implements the spot CLASSIFICATION_TOOL
052The enhancement implementation & already exists.
053Specify a class.
054The class/interface & already exists.
055The composite enhancement implementation & does not exist.
074&1: Request &2 has target '&3'. Select a request with target '&4'.
075&1: Choose a local transport request.
076Classifications in packages with differing targets. Editing not possible.
077&1: &2
080Classification &1 is missing in the request.
100An object type group must not contain itself.
101There is a duplicate entry for type &1.
102Circular reference: The type group &1 is contained group &2.
106First choose a report run
110The characteristic &1 does not exist.
111Non existing characteristics have been deleted from the set.
113The characteristic has successfully been saved.
114Enter a name of a characteristic.
115The characteristic &1 already exists.
116The source characteristic name must differ from the target name.
117The source characteristic '&1' does not exist or is not active.
118The specified target characteristic '&1' already exists.
119Characteristic &1 has successfully been created.
120Characteristic '&1' has successfully been deleted.
121The characteristic does not contain any errors.
122The characteristic &1 has been activated.
123Values have been automatically set for characteristic &1.
128The values can not be displayed under this conditions
130Enter the name of the field that contains the characteristic value.
132Field &1 does not exist in the table &2.
135Only fields with character type are allowed.
140Aspect characteristics must have specific explicit values.
141Aspects can refer to multi-valued characteristics only.
142The remark will not be saved (see long text).
150The current settings have been changed.
151The functionality is not supported in customer systems.
200Unknown assignment id.
201Invalid value: &1
202The object &1 &2 &3 &4 does not exist.
203The object type &1 is not allowed.
204No object type specified.
205The type combination &1 - &2 does not exist.
206The classifications for characteristic &1 have to be local.
207Specify at least one (existing) characteristic.
208The value &1 has been specified more than once.
209The definition of the characteristic &1 cannot be accessed.
210Operation cancelled.
211The value &1 is not allowed for characteristic &2.
212The characteristic &1 requires local packages for the classifications.
213The characteristic &1 requires home-packages for the classifications.
214The characteristic &1 requires transportable packages for classifications
215The package & is unknown.
216The classifications are assigned to the packages of the objects.
217Invalid request: &.
218Invalid characteristic definition(s).
219Specify a package for each characteristic.
220Maximum number of columns (&1) exceeded.
221Cirular link chain detected (at &1 &2 &3 &4).
222The characterized object must not link to itself.
223& is not a single-valued characteristic, display in tree-view only.
224Specify at least one active characteristic or object type (group).
225The object &1 &2 &3 &4 does not adhere to the filter criteria.
226The changes have been saved.
227No characteristics have been selected for display.
228The settings have been saved.
229There is no characteristic that applies to the selected object(s).
230Enter a valid request for characteristic &.
231Enter an existing package for characteristic &.
232Specify a local package for characteristic & (e.g. $$TMP).
233Specify a package with software component HOME for &.
234Specify a package for & that neither belongs to HOME or LOCAL.
235Some classifications could not be locked (see object list).
236No classifications could be locked. Operation terminated.
237The classifications of only one object could be locked.
238No objects adhere to the filter criteria.
239Value &1(&2) contradicts value &3 of characteristic &4
240Some classifications could not be locked.
241Select at least one row or characteristic.
242The classification contains errors.
243The classification has been successfully deleted.
244No explicit classifications found.
245Classification &1(&2) is not allowed for object (type) &3 &4
246The name of the object has not been specified.
247The name of the sub object has not been specified.
248Specify a characteristic.
249The object cannot be classified with the specified value(s).
250Deletion of characteristic &1: Deleting &2 classifications.
251Obsolete classifications have been deleted for characteristic &1.
252No characteristic has been selected.
253The characteristic & has been added automatically.
254Further characteristics have been selected automatically.
255Internal Error: &
256Select a single value.
257The selected value is no longer valid. Please refresh.
258The selected characteristic does not allow implicit classification.
260No relevant classifications found.
261The source of the characteristic values is not defined.
262Classification cleansing ignored in multitenancy environment.
300Enter a remark for '&'.
302The actions and characteristics are empty.
303Specify at least one action (Create Object List or Create Statistics)
304Nothing to change: No valid object or characteristic selected.
305Classifications with rectect to & cannot be changed manually.
306The classifications have not been recorded during the report run
310The report definition &1 does not exist.
313The report definition has successfully been saved.
314Enter a report name.
316The source report name must differ from the target report name.
317The source report definition '&1' does not exist or is not active.
318The specified target report definition '&1' already exists.
319Report definition &1 has successfully been created.
320The report definition '&1' has successfully been deleted.
321The report definition &1 does not contain any errors.
322The report defnition &1 has been activated.
325Report &1 is inactive and can not be executed.
326Report &1 doesn't exist or is inactive.
328Job &1 is successfully scheduled.
329An inactive version of the report &1 does not exist.
330Report run &1 is not aborted.
331The job could not be scheduled. (Authorization problem?)
332Report run &1 is aborted.
334The expiration date should be later than the current date.
336The report run &1 is locked.
350This function cannot be executed in state &1.
360Enter the aspect data completely.
365Apects must not have explicit classifications.
370The authorization group &1 is undefined.
380Report Run is successfully scheduled.
400Enter a sign.
401For this characteristic, only the result of "=" or "<>" is defined.
402Enter a complete condition.
420There is no run of report &1 with execution date &2 and number &3.
421The classification report &1 does not exist.
422The object list of the selected run is empty.
501The report is not defined or the report is not aktive.
502The version doesn't exist.
503Enter the complete version of a report run
551Report run doesn't exist.
600Select an object.
650Not all assignments or links are deleted. (see long text)
651Delete in step: &1 assignments, &2 links, &3 TADIR entries
652Deleted total: &1 assignments, &2 links, &3 TADIR entries
653To delete total: &1 assignments, &2 links, &3 TADIR entries
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