CMD_BP_XPRA - Message Class for XPRA

The following messages are stored in message class CMD_BP_XPRA: Message Class for XPRA.
It is part of development package APPL_MD_BP_XPRA in software component LO-MD-BP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Package for all XPRAs delivered for Business Partner".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001&1 no of records fetched from table &2.
002&1 no of records identified from table &2 for Insert operation.
003&1 no of records identified from table &2 for Delete operation.
004&1 no of records identified from table &2 for Update operation.
005Operation executed successfully.
006Could not execute Insert Operation on table &1. Please retry.
007Could not execute Delete Operation on table &1. Please retry.
008Could not execute Update Operation on table &1. Please retry.
009One or more SQL commands were unsuccesful. Please retry.
010No inconsistent records found.
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