The following messages are stored in message class CMM_CMDTY_HB: .
It is part of development package FIN_CMM_CMDTY_HEDGE_BOOK in software component FIN-FSCM-CMM-RSK. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Commodity Hedge Book".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Enter a valid pricing period
002Enter a valid delivery period length
003Enter a valid delivery period
004Deletion of database table CMMT_HB for Hedge Book failed
005Insert of database table CMMT_HB for Hedge Book failed
006Update of database table CMMT_HB for Hedge Book failed
007Hedge Book &1 already used by other applications
008Hedge Book &1 already exists
009Hedge Book ID is a required field
010Pricing Period is a required field
011Shift Delivery Period is a required field
012Delivery Period is a required field
013Hedge Book &1 can't be modified being used in other applications
014Hedge Book &1 is Invalid
015Invalid delivery period in Hedge Book &1
016Error during dates calculation for Hedge Book &1
017Invalid period class &1 is maintianed in Hedge Book &2
018No period class is maintained in Hedge Book &1
019You are not authorized
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