CM_ARCHIV - Archiving Data

The following messages are stored in message class CM_ARCHIV: Archiving Data.
It is part of development package CBUI in software component EHS-SAF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Company Environment Information System".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Here are the messages related to archiving in the
001development class CBUI.
002All messages called up within the project must be defined
004The messages are divided up into the following areas:
005Entry already exists; select a different entry
006Message no. Usage
007100-199 General
008200-399 Reports
100-------------------------------- General --------------------------------
101No info structure defined for &
200----------------------------- Reports ------------------------------
201Choose a document type
202No reports found
203Report & is locked by another user
204Report & is not archived; it does not contain a document
205Report & is not archived; document for report missing in SAP database
206&1 report(s) were set to status '&2'
207No reports were set to status '&1'
208Deletion flag for document & cannot be set
209No reports exist in the archive file
210Report & is locked by another user
211Document & was not reloaded
212No documents were reloaded
213Action &1 is not permitted for reports with status &2
214Document &1 does not exist in the information structure
215&1 &2 does not exist in the archive
216Document &1 is not yet physically deleted from the database
217Set the 'Use Archive Selection' indicator
218&1 document(s) are flagged for deletion
219Display not possible; document &1 has status 'Archiving Is Running'
220Additional information cannot be displayed
221Document &1 was not set to status &2
222No archive file found for period &1
223Document & was reloaded
224&1 document(s) with status 'Archived' found
225Check archiving step 'Write'
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