The following messages are stored in message class CM_EHENV_CDEF: .
It is part of development package EHENV_BO_CDEF_IMPL in software component EHS-SUS-EM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Implementation for Business Object Calculation Definition".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Input variable "&1" specified multiple times
001Input variable "&1" does not have a valid data source in revision &2-&3
002Aggregation result is of the same data period as the input variable "&1"
003&1 &2, &3 / ID: &4
004Result expression of calculation "&1" is not entered
005&1 &2..., &3/ID: &4
006Input variable "&1" has an approved "Data Not Available" value for &2
007New valid input variables were added to the "Input Variables" table
008All variables were added to the "Input Variables" table already
009Input variable "&1" must be aggregated first
010Given expression does not comprise any potential variables
011&1 of &2
012Data period "&2" in input variable "&3" cannot result in data period "&1"
013Input variable "&1" with data source type "&2" has no mapped data
014Input variable "&1" with data source type "&2" has no data period
015Cannot calculate; there is no valid input data
016Cannot proceed; calculation "&1" is incomplete
017Input variables of data source type "Fixed Value" do not have mapped data
018Recurrence detected: chosen data source for variable "&2" points to "&1"
019Input variable "&1" with data source type "&2" cannot be "&3" aggregated
020&1 new amounts calculated
021&1 amounts recalculated and replaced
022&1 new amounts with not available values created
023Date "&1" is before the start date "&2" of the compliance scenario
024Date "&1" is after the end date "&2" of the compliance scenario
025Enter a date in the "From" field
026Enter a date in the "To" field
027Test data for variable "&1" is cleared
028Test data for variable "&1" is loaded from data source
029"From" date "&1" cannot be after "To" date "&2"
030Recalculating this period will override existing calculated data
031Data is missing for variable "&1" for the required period "&2" to "&3"
032Provide a comment before you recalculate and overwrite existing values
033There is missing input data for &1
034You cannot set title for intermediate results
035Result title "&1" has already been set
036&1 of &2, &3
037Data source for variable "&1" has not been defined
038Result title has not been defined for "&1" result with name "&2"
039Reaggregating this period will override existing aggregated data
040Provide a comment before you reaggregate and override existing values
041Result "&1"("&2") must be aggregated first when used in result "&3"("&4")
042Sampled data "&1" must be aggregated first when used in nested expression
043Input variables "&1" of this aggregation must have equal data periods
044Sampled data "&1" is not aggregated; check the values in this data period
045Calculation "&1" already exists
046Cannot save; there are no valid calculated values
047Value "&1" for variable "&2" with date "&3" is not a valid number
048Data source type for variable "&1" has not been defined
049Calculation setup "&1" was changed
050Selected period of &1 &3 exceeds maximum allowed period of &2 &3 (&4)
051Cannot save; close calculation "&1" and compliance scenario "&2" first
052Period is read-only to avoid inconsistency in the changed calculation
053Period for recalculation is too long for manual calculation mode
054To avoid inconsistency, record was reset by automatic calculation of "&1"
055"&1" time should not be empty
056Date for variable "&1" has not been defined
057You cannot set period for final results
058You cannot set period because it was preset in the equation
059You cannot change the period because calculated data exists already
060You cannot set period as it can be determined implicitly
061Result period has not been defined for "&1" result with name "&2"
062Recurrence detected: "&2" refers to loc. aggregation that aggregates "&1"
063Recurrence detected: Specified data source "&1" refers to "&2"
064Specified data source "&1" causes recurrence and will not be applied
065Recurrence detected: Activity "&1" uses loc. aggr. with same classifier
066Specified composition "&1" does not contain proportion
067Input variable "&1" of calculation "&2" does not have a valid data source
068Recurrence: data source for var. "&2" points to "&1" in period "&3 - &4"
069Data classifier is used in a location aggregation.
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