CM_EHFND_BO_CRQ - Messages for Chemical Compliance Request

The following messages are stored in message class CM_EHFND_BO_CRQ: Messages for Chemical Compliance Request.
It is part of development package EHFND_BO_CRQ in software component EHS-SUS-PMA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Business Object Chemical Compliance Request".
Message Nr
Message Text
001The system updates the marketability status of document &1 (item &2).
010The system cannot process requests with this status.
011The referenced material does not have the logistics role 'sold'.
012The referenced material does not have the logistics role 'produced'.
013The request for product &1 references a not existing logistic document.
014The product marketability status in the delivery "&1" changed to "&2".
015Rejected request updates the sales item status to "&1".
016Exceptionally approved request updates the sales item status to "&1".
017Completed request updates the sales item status to "&1".
018The request does not reference a packaged or unpackaged product.
020The unpackaged product reference for the new compliance view is missing.
021The internal name or responsible unit is missing.
022The unpackaged product does not exist or is not recognized.
023Rejected request updates the delivery item status to "&1".
024Exceptionally approved request updates the delivery item status to "&1".
025Completed request updates the delivery item status to "&1".
026The type of the new compliance view is not present.
027The referenced material does not have the logistics role 'sourced'.
028The material you're referencing needs the logistics role 'transported'.
050--- Request API ---
051Update of request status for product &1 failed for technical reasons.
052Related logistics requests couldn't be updated due to errors.
053Related requests couldn't be updated due to locked delivery "&1".
054Related outbound delivery &1 is currently being processed and locked.
055Related sales document &1 could not be updated due to errors.
056Safety data sheet status of document &1/&2 is updated to &3.
057Product marketability status of document &1/&2 is updated to &3.
058Number of potential requests with undefined SDS regulation: &1
059Safety Data Sheet regulation has changed for &1 countries.
060CL_EHFND_CRQ_API started the processing of the event.
061CL_EHFND_CRQ_API finished the processing of the event.
062Number of requests to be updated: &1
063Number of added packaged products: &1
064Number of removed packaged products: &1
065Number of added materials: &1
066Number of removed materials: &1
067Number of added logistics roles: &1
068Number of removed logistics roles: &1
069Number of updated market assessments: &1
070Number of released compliance results: &1
071Chemical Compliance Relevance changed in &1 products.
072Number of open requests with compliance relevance undefined: &1
073Dangerous goods status of document &1/&2 is updated to &3.
074Task 'Update Compliance Status of Logistics Document' &1 added.
075Status recalculation for related logistics document &1/&2 started.
076Current logistics request status: &1, set direct &2, set recalculated &3.
077Set new status of logistics request (&1) to: &2.
078Reason for request of &1 changed from "new product" to "new process".
079Status of dangerous goods based request for &1 will be recalculated.
080Status of SDS based compliance request for &1 will be recalculated.
081Status of marketability based request for &1 will be recalculated.
082Incoming CCI &1 is not relevant for compliance request processing.
083No Compliance Requirement was applied to country/region &1.
090An error occurred while the system was updating the status of &1 &2.
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