CM_EHFND_CHM - Messages for Chemical Agents

The following messages are stored in message class CM_EHFND_CHM: Messages for Chemical Agents.
It is part of development package EHFND_BO_CHM_IMPL in software component EHS-SUS-FND. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Implementation for Business Object Chemical".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Enter a unit for listed substance "&1"
001Chemical data is transferred from an external source
002Enter a smaller minimal proportion for listed substance "&1"
003You are not authorized to create chemicals
005Enter minimal proportion for substance "&1"
006Max. proportion must be bigger than min. proportion for substance "&1"
007Chemical deleted successfully
008&1: Unit "&2" is not allowed in field "&3"
009&1: Check digit of EC number is not unique
010&1: Check digit of EC number is incorrect, correction: &3
011&1: Format of EC number is incorrect
090No phrase sets for transfer defined in BAdI "&1"
091Phrase set &1 &2 is not available on RFC system
092System connection failure &1
093Error updating hazard category &2 for hazard statement &1
094No phrase exists for phrase set &1
096Report for data transfer started in test mode on &1 at &2
097Report for data transfer finished in test mode on &1 at &2
098Report for data transfer started on &1 at &2
099Report for data transfer finished on &1 at &2
100Internal error while transferring chemical from external source "&1"
101Internal error while transferring chemical "&1", ID &2
102Multiple chemicals found referring to external source "&1"
103No update required for chemical "&1"
104Cannot update chemical "&1"; object is locked
105Cannot update chemical "&1"; error while writing data for node "&3"
106Cannot update chemical "&1"; save of data was rejected
107Cannot create chemical "&1"; error while writing data for node "&2"
108Cannot create chemical "&1"; save of data was rejected
109Chemical "&1" updated
110Chemical "&1" created
111Chemical &1 of &2 processed
112Cannot update chemical "&1"; revision with same split date already exists
113Material "&1" (&2) has already been assigned
114Name of chemical "&1" already used
115Reading data from specification database
116Processing listed substances
117Creating BO structures
118Writing chemical data
120"&1" has already been added to &2 in section &3
121Action only possible for safety data sheet documents
122Action only possible for documents that have a vendor assigned
123Cannot assign vendor; vendor already assigned
124Some safety data sheet documents have no vendor assigned
125Hazardous ingredient "&1" (&2) has already been assigned
126Cannot assign vendor to safety instruction documents
127"&1" already assigned
128Listed substance "&1" has already been assigned
129Chemical type is undefined
130Revision &1 will be released
131Revision &1 will be released; revisions &2 will be set to historic
132Revision &1 will be set to historic and cannot be edited any more
133Cannot delete entry; approval tasks have already been sent
134Some statements are still used in historical revisions
135You cannot add more than one hazardous ingredient
136Only one listed substance allowed for chemicals of type "substance"
137Source substance contains multiple values for field &1 in node &2
138Multiple hazard classes exist in &1 for one instance of property &2
139Multiple hazard categories exist in &1 for one instance of property &2
140Value &1 of characteristic &2 in property &3 is not numeric
141Error while generating the document
142Source substance contains multiple compositions in property &1
143Multiple route of exposure exist in &1 for one instance of property &2
144Multiple target organs exist in &1 for one instance of property &2
145Cannot update text for &1; text '&4' already exist in table &3
146Error updating phrase &1 of phrase set &2 in table &3
147Error updating following text for &1 from &2 in &3: '&4'
148Error updating hazard &2 for hazard statement &1
149Name of the chemical is undefined for "&1"
150"&2" is not a valid input for "&1"
151Sum of proportion exceeds 100%
152Sum of proportion is less than 0%
153Component "&1" (ID: &2) has been assigned already
154SDS not available for your country/region; contact your supervisor.
155Specify proportion value for component "&1"
156Property &1 already assigned to chemical
157Chemical/physical property doesn't exist
158Unit "&1" is not valid for chemical/physical property "&2".
163No approved chemicals at location �&1� and its sublocations
164----- Start message block for substance "&1"
165----- End message block for substance "&1"
166Country/region &1 is already assigned.
167"&1" has already been added to &2
168GHS Classification with Sort Order &1 ignored due to overlap
169GHS Classification with Sort Order &1 is invalid
170Hazadous Ingredient with Sort Order &1 ignored due to overlap
171Add at least one SDS document
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