CM_EHFND_CHM - Messages for Chemical Agents
The following messages are stored in message class CM_EHFND_CHM: Messages for Chemical Agents.
It is part of development package EHFND_BO_CHM_IMPL in software component EHS-SUS-FND. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Implementation for Business Object Chemical".
It is part of development package EHFND_BO_CHM_IMPL in software component EHS-SUS-FND. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Implementation for Business Object Chemical".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Enter a unit for listed substance "&1" |
001 | Chemical data is transferred from an external source |
002 | Enter a smaller minimal proportion for listed substance "&1" |
003 | You are not authorized to create chemicals |
005 | Enter minimal proportion for substance "&1" |
006 | Max. proportion must be bigger than min. proportion for substance "&1" |
007 | Chemical deleted successfully |
008 | &1: Unit "&2" is not allowed in field "&3" |
009 | &1: Check digit of EC number is not unique |
010 | &1: Check digit of EC number is incorrect, correction: &3 |
011 | &1: Format of EC number is incorrect |
090 | No phrase sets for transfer defined in BAdI "&1" |
091 | Phrase set &1 &2 is not available on RFC system |
092 | System connection failure &1 |
093 | Error updating hazard category &2 for hazard statement &1 |
094 | No phrase exists for phrase set &1 |
096 | Report for data transfer started in test mode on &1 at &2 |
097 | Report for data transfer finished in test mode on &1 at &2 |
098 | Report for data transfer started on &1 at &2 |
099 | Report for data transfer finished on &1 at &2 |
100 | Internal error while transferring chemical from external source "&1" |
101 | Internal error while transferring chemical "&1", ID &2 |
102 | Multiple chemicals found referring to external source "&1" |
103 | No update required for chemical "&1" |
104 | Cannot update chemical "&1"; object is locked |
105 | Cannot update chemical "&1"; error while writing data for node "&3" |
106 | Cannot update chemical "&1"; save of data was rejected |
107 | Cannot create chemical "&1"; error while writing data for node "&2" |
108 | Cannot create chemical "&1"; save of data was rejected |
109 | Chemical "&1" updated |
110 | Chemical "&1" created |
111 | Chemical &1 of &2 processed |
112 | Cannot update chemical "&1"; revision with same split date already exists |
113 | Material "&1" (&2) has already been assigned |
114 | Name of chemical "&1" already used |
115 | Reading data from specification database |
116 | Processing listed substances |
117 | Creating BO structures |
118 | Writing chemical data |
120 | "&1" has already been added to &2 in section &3 |
121 | Action only possible for safety data sheet documents |
122 | Action only possible for documents that have a vendor assigned |
123 | Cannot assign vendor; vendor already assigned |
124 | Some safety data sheet documents have no vendor assigned |
125 | Hazardous ingredient "&1" (&2) has already been assigned |
126 | Cannot assign vendor to safety instruction documents |
127 | "&1" already assigned |
128 | Listed substance "&1" has already been assigned |
129 | Chemical type is undefined |
130 | Revision &1 will be released |
131 | Revision &1 will be released; revisions &2 will be set to historic |
132 | Revision &1 will be set to historic and cannot be edited any more |
133 | Cannot delete entry; approval tasks have already been sent |
134 | Some statements are still used in historical revisions |
135 | You cannot add more than one hazardous ingredient |
136 | Only one listed substance allowed for chemicals of type "substance" |
137 | Source substance contains multiple values for field &1 in node &2 |
138 | Multiple hazard classes exist in &1 for one instance of property &2 |
139 | Multiple hazard categories exist in &1 for one instance of property &2 |
140 | Value &1 of characteristic &2 in property &3 is not numeric |
141 | Error while generating the document |
142 | Source substance contains multiple compositions in property &1 |
143 | Multiple route of exposure exist in &1 for one instance of property &2 |
144 | Multiple target organs exist in &1 for one instance of property &2 |
145 | Cannot update text for &1; text '&4' already exist in table &3 |
146 | Error updating phrase &1 of phrase set &2 in table &3 |
147 | Error updating following text for &1 from &2 in &3: '&4' |
148 | Error updating hazard &2 for hazard statement &1 |
149 | Name of the chemical is undefined for "&1" |
150 | "&2" is not a valid input for "&1" |
151 | Sum of proportion exceeds 100% |
152 | Sum of proportion is less than 0% |
153 | Component "&1" (ID: &2) has been assigned already |
154 | SDS not available for your country/region; contact your supervisor. |
155 | Specify proportion value for component "&1" |
156 | Property &1 already assigned to chemical |
157 | Chemical/physical property doesn't exist |
158 | Unit "&1" is not valid for chemical/physical property "&2". |
163 | No approved chemicals at location �&1� and its sublocations |
164 | ----- Start message block for substance "&1" |
165 | ----- End message block for substance "&1" |
166 | Country/region &1 is already assigned. |
167 | "&1" has already been added to &2 |
168 | GHS Classification with Sort Order &1 ignored due to overlap |
169 | GHS Classification with Sort Order &1 is invalid |
170 | Hazadous Ingredient with Sort Order &1 ignored due to overlap |
171 | Add at least one SDS document |