CM_EHFND_CNS_CCI - Message Class for UI Chemical Compliance Info

The following messages are stored in message class CM_EHFND_CNS_CCI: Message Class for UI Chemical Compliance Info.
It is part of development package EHFND_BO_CCI in software component EHS-SUS-FND. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Business Object Chemical Compliance Info".
Message Nr
Message Text
001You are not authorized to create this object.
002To save the &1, choose a valid substance from value help.
003To save the &1, choose a valid role of ingred. from value help.
004Enter values between 0 and 100 for unit "%".
005To save the &1, enter lower limit between 0 and 100.
006To save the &1, enter upper limit between 0 and 100.
007To save the &1, choose a valid replaced substance.
008For &1 "&2", the total concentration exceeds 100%.
009Enter concentration or concentration range.
010&1 has been released.
011New version of &1 has been created.
012&2 in progress has been deleted.
013Errors occurred during the changing of specification "&1":
014No authorization group is assigned to the responsible unit.
015Errors occured during the changing of specification data.
016Specification &1 is edited by &2.
017Specification is not created.
018To save the &1, choose a valid raw material from the value help.
019Enter a concentration.
020To save the &1, choose a valid legal deviation from the value help.
022For product "&1", the total concentration is less than 100%.
023Substance "&1" has already been added.
024You are not authorized to assign suppliers.
025Errors during assignment of purposes. Draft not activated. See log &1.
026Errors during assignment of supplier. See log &1.
027Raw Material "&1" has already been added (&2).
028Errors during approval of supplier. See log &1.
029Errors during blocking of supplier. See log &1.
030For supplier raw material "&1", the total concentration exceeds 100%.
031Errors during preparation of compliance requirements for calculation.
032Errors occurred while calculating compliance requirements. See log &1.
034Legal deviation "&1" has already been added.
035Replaced substance &1 is already substituted by &2 for &3.
041Enter up to 6 decimals.
042Enter a valid range.
043Enter a valid concentration.
050Copy not possible. No released analytical composition exists.
051Components have been copied from the analytical composition.
052To save the &1, choose a valid substitute substance or delete substance.
053Components have been copied from the polymer composition.
054Polymer composition has been released.
055Copy not possible. No released polymer composition exists.
056&1 is set as default composition.
057Only released compositions can be set to default.
058&1 is already set as default composition.
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