CM_EHFND_FW_CALC_ENG - Common ACE Calculation Engine Exception Class
The following messages are stored in message class CM_EHFND_FW_CALC_ENG: Common ACE Calculation Engine Exception Class.
It is part of development package EHFND_FW_CALC_ENGINE in software component EHS-SUS-FND. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Calculation Engine".
It is part of development package EHFND_FW_CALC_ENGINE in software component EHS-SUS-FND. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Calculation Engine".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Usage of arithmetic operator in the variable name is not permitted |
001 | Usage of reserved word "&1" in the variable name is not permitted |
002 | Invalid variable name; use an alphabetic character at the beginning |
003 | Usage of mathematical function "&1" in the variable name is not permitted |
004 | Usage of only non-alphanumeric symbols in brackets "&1" is not permitted |
006 | Duplicate or mismatch usage of operators "&1" |
007 | Lack of operator between variables or functions in expression excerpt: &1 |
008 | Incorrect usage of math functions "&1"; there must be "(" instead of "&2" |
009 | Usage of mathematical function "&1" at the end is not permitted |
010 | Mathematical function "&1" lacks a closing bracket |
011 | Opening brackets do not match the closing brackets |
012 | Usage of nonalphanumeric symbol "&1" at first position is not permitted |
013 | Usage of nonalphanumeric symbol "&1" at last position is not permitted |
014 | Mathematical function "&1" does not contain any attributes |
015 | Usage of symbol "&1" before number "&2" is not permitted |
016 | Usage of unknown operator "&1" after number "&2" is not permitted |
017 | Usage of decimal symbol "&1" is not permitted at this place |
018 | Usage of logical operator "&1" is not permitted at this place |
019 | Usage of symbol "&1" is not permitted |
020 | Variable name that comprises only digits is not permitted |
021 | Usage of character "&1" right after number "&2" is not permitted |
022 | Variable name "&1" should start with a letter |
023 | Potential variable "&1" is not defined as input variable |
024 | Calculation result unit "&1" (&2) differs from calculated unit "&3" (&4) |
025 | "Find" functionality based on regular expression causes exception "&1" |
026 | "Replace" functionality based on regular expression causes exception "&1" |
027 | BAdI of calculation engine is not implemented or activated "&1" |
028 | Added input variable "&1" is not used anywhere in the given expressions |
029 | Division by zero is detected in expression excerpt "&1" |
030 | Cannot fragmentize the given expression |
031 | Cannot convert unit "&1" (&2) to "&3" (&4) |
032 | Cannot solve expression "&1" |
033 | Variable "&1" is neither a valid number, nor an existing input variable |
034 | Cannot convert "&1" to a valid floating point number |
035 | Expression excerpt "&1" causes incorrect dimension expression "&2 &3 &4" |
036 | Valid SI unit for dimension "&1" is not defined in transaction "CUNI" |
037 | Incorrect power equation "&1"; exponent must be a dimensionless quantity |
038 | Value identifiers of base and exponent of a power expression do not match |
039 | Exponent of power expression must comprise only one valid value |
040 | Parsing expression "&1" based on regular expression causes exception "&2" |
041 | Incorrect power equation in expression excerpt "&1" |
042 | Not existing unit of measure "&1" |
043 | Incorrect syntax in expression excerpt "&1" |
044 | Usage of arithmetic operator in the variable name "&1" is not permitted |
045 | Usage of reserved word "&1" in the variable name is not permitted |
046 | Requested unit &1 for result name "&2" differs from calculated unit &3 |
047 | Duplicate input variable "&1"; variables must be unique |
048 | Usage of mathematical function "&1" as a variable is not permitted |
049 | "&1" is not a valid number; enter a valid number |
050 | Incorrect syntax of ABAP function in expression excerpt "&1" |
051 | Input variables list is not available |
052 | Execution of function "&1" caused internal exception "&2" |
053 | Function "&1" does not exist |
054 | Argument "&1" of function "&2" is not defined as a valid input variable |
055 | Result name "&1" has evaluated unit "&2" (&3) |
056 | Result name "&1" has non-existing evaluated unit "&2" (&3) |
057 | Division by zero: "&1/0" |
058 | Division by zero: "&1\0" |
059 | Division by zero: "&1%0" |
060 | Argument value "&1" must differ from (2k + 1)Pi/2; k is an integer >= 0 |
061 | Argument value "&1" must differ from (2k + 1)*90; k is an integer >= 0 |
062 | Argument value "&1" must differ from k*Pi; k is a positive integer |
063 | Argument value "&1" must differ from k*180; k is a positive integer, or 0 |
064 | Hyperbolic cotangent argument must differ from 0 |
065 | Arcsine argument value "&1" is out of domain [-1,1] |
066 | Arccosine argument value "&1" is out of domain [-1,1] |
067 | Arccotangent argument value "&1" is out of domain [-1,1] |
068 | Exponential argument value "&1" is out of domain [-709,709] |
069 | Natural logarithm argument value "&1" is out of domain (>0) |
070 | Logarithm to base 10 argument value "&1" is out of domain (>0) |
071 | Square root argument value "&1" is out of domain (>=0) |
072 | Factorial argument value "&1" is not in domain (>=0, <=170) |
073 | Factorial argument value "&1" must be a natural, non-negative number |
074 | Unknown mathematical function "&1" |
075 | Unknown aggregation function "&1" |
076 | Empty input data source; provide at least one value to aggr. funct. "&1" |
077 | Invalid power expression "&1^&2" causes division by zero |
078 | Exponential argument &1 = &2*ln(&3) is out of domain [-709, 709] |
079 | Incorrect argument of power expression |
080 | Weighted average aggregation function "&1" operates with two arguments |
081 | Empty input data source |
082 | Unknown vector aggregation function "&1" |
083 | Number of elements does not match the number of elements weights |
084 | Empty series of elements and weights for aggregation function "AVGW" |
085 | Unknown operator "&1" |
086 | Cycle dependency detected between: &1 |
087 | Function "&1" must have "&2" input arguments |
088 | Requested &1 for result "&2" differs from calculated &3&4 |
089 | Expression "&1" caused error: "&2" on date: "&3" |
090 | Result "&1" with error "&2" on date: "&3" |
091 | Requested &1 differs from calculated &2&3 |
092 | Division by zero: "&1/0" at date: &2 |
093 | Not supported mathematical function "&1" with more than one argument |
094 | Incorrect usage of result "&1" (period "&2") in result "&3" (period "&4") |
095 | Cannot calculate due to an exception in parameter "&1" |
096 | Power expression "&1^&2" will cause overflow error |
097 | There is an inconsistency in the provided input data |
098 | Improper power expression "&1^&2" of type "series ^ series" |
099 | Execution of "&1" caused internal exception "&2" |
100 | Missing mathematical operator between variable "&1" and bracket "&2" |
101 | Requested unit "&1" is not defined in transaction "CUNI" |
102 | Aggregation function "&1" is either incorrect, or does not exist |
103 | Number of arguments "&1" of aggregation function "&2" is incorrect |
104 | Number of rolling periods "&1" must be integer equal to or greater than 1 |
105 | Number "&1" should be presented either by an integer or an input argument |
106 | Input variable "&1" should have value of type "Date" |
107 | Argument "&1" should be presented either by timestamp or input argument |
108 | Argument "&1" of aggregation function "&2" is not a valid input or result |
109 | "From" date "&1" must be earlier than "To" date "&2" in aggr. funct. "&3" |
110 | Data source type of argument "&1" should be of type "Fixed Value" |
111 | Input variable "&1" should have data source type "Date" |
112 | Aggr. function "&1" should have specified data source for argument "&2" |
113 | Result "&1" with period "&2" should not aggregate "&3" with period "&4" |
114 | Argument "&1" of aggregation function "&2" should be periodic |
115 | Aggregation function "&1" should have exactly two periodic arguments |
116 | Second argument of aggregation function "&1" should not be fixed value |
117 | Variables of type "Date" such as "&1" should be used only in aggregations |
118 | Usage of nonalphanum. symbol "&1" after opening bracket is not permitted |
119 | Usage of nonalphanum. symbol "&1" before closing bracket is not permitted |
120 | Usage of adjacent opposite brackets "&1" is not permitted |
121 | Usage of separator "&1" before opening bracket is not permitted |
122 | Usage of blank symbols before opening bracket is not permitted |
123 | Variable "&1" is not a valid argument of aggregation function "&2" |
124 | Variable "&1" is not in the list of recognized input arguments of "&2" |
125 | Incorrect usage of argument delimiter "&1" in function "&2" |
126 | Incorrect usage of subexpression "&1" as argument in function "&2" |
127 | Usage of result "&1" as a first arg. of an aggr. funct. is not permitted |
128 | Period of variable "&1" should be less than the period "&2" of the result |
129 | Incorrect usage of date "&1" as a first argument in function "&2" |
130 | Argument "&1" of aggregation function "&2" should be of type "Date" |
131 | Usage of nonalphanumeric symbols in the name "&1" is not permitted |
132 | Usage of symbol "&1" is not permitted in excerpt "&2" |
133 | Usage of "&1" as both, periodic argument and fixed value, isn't permitted |
134 | Usage of "&1" more than once in an aggregation function is not permitted |
135 | Usage of "&1" as both, fixed value and date, is not permitted |
136 | Usage of "&1" not aggregated in equation "&2 = &3" is not permitted |
137 | Usage of "&1" as both, periodic argument and date, is not permitted |
138 | Provided data for both inputs in expression "&1" is not synchronized |
139 | No implementation found for interface "IF_EHFND_CALC_VALIDATOR" |
140 | Function module "&1" cannot be used with "&2". |
141 | Enter at least one argument for "&1". |
142 | You can use a maximum of &2 arguments to ABAP function "&1". |
143 | Missing variable data for non-number argument "&1" of function "&2". |
144 | Missing values for an input of function module "&1". |
145 | Exception occurred: &1 |