CM_EHFND_LHR - Message Class for Location Structure

The following messages are stored in message class CM_EHFND_LHR: Message Class for Location Structure.
It is part of development package EHFND_BO_LHR_IMPL in software component EHS-SUS-FND. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Business Object Location Hierarchy Implementation".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Select location to remove
001Select location to cut
002&1 is higher than &2 in the inheritance structure
003&1 was inserted below &2
004&1 was created
005Action canceled
006Target location has been removed by someone else
007Drop the location onto its new parent location
008&1 has been cut; select new parent location and choose "Paste"
009Location "&1" is not assigned to the currently displayed structure
010Not authorized to drop location "&1" at location "&2"
020-----------------&Messages for Location Structure Migration&-------------
021Not authorized to import the location structure
022Location structure is migrated already
023Location structure was imported successfully
024Location structure could not be saved
025Location structure is ready to be imported
026Cannot find location ID &1; its structure was not imported
027Location structure in the target system is empty, validate it
028Location structure in the target system is not consistent; maintain it
030Location "&1" with parent "&2" doesn't lead to a top-level location.
031Hierarchy record is duplicated for location "&1" with parent "&2".
032Parent-child hierarchy conflict exists for "&1" - "&2" and "&3" - "&4".
033Location hierarchy revision with start date "&1" was imported.
034Location &1 must have a revision in hierarchy revision period "&2 - &3".
035The key or ID of the child location must be filled in for "&1".
036Parent location "&1" does not have a child location specified.
037Location "&1" with parent location "&2" already exists in the hierarchy.
038Top-level location "&1" already exists in the system for this revision.
039Hierarchy record is duplicated for top-level location "&1".
040Location "&1" already exists in this hierarchy revision.
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