CM_EHFND_PCEP - Message Class Product Compliance Event Processing

The following messages are stored in message class CM_EHFND_PCEP: Message Class Product Compliance Event Processing.
It is part of development package EHFND_BO_PCEP in software component EHS-SUS-FND. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Business Object Product Compliance Event Processing".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Required event parameter is missing.
002An error occurred during event processing. See application log &1.
003Event type &1 is not supported.
004Event type &1 has no processor configured.
005Created event &1 for synchronous processing on &2 system time &3 (&4).
006Processing of event "&1" started on &2 system time &3 (&4).
007Processing of event "&1" finished on &2 system time &3 (&4).
008Dispatching event to consumer &1 on &2 system time &3 (&4).
009Creating event &1 for asynchronous processing on &2 system time &3 (&4).
010An error occurred during the finding of a job for program &1.
011An error occurred during the creation of a job with job name &1.
012An error occurred in closing the background job &1 with job name &2.
013An error (&3) occurred during the start of job &1 with job name &2.
014Event processing lock cannot be acquired.
015Restart event "&1" for asynchronous processing on &2 system time &3 (&4).
016Class &1, method &2, line &3 - Exception occurred.
017Exception details: &1 &2 &3 &4.
018Job &1 was started successfully.
019Job was already started. Running job &1.
020Events whose status changed from "In Progress" to "Fatal Error": &1
021Events in status "Completed" that have been removed: &1
022Events whose status changed to "Fatal" (maximum attempts reached): &1
023Events found for processing: &1
024Start event and task processing.
025End event and task processing.
026An error occured during the creation of notifications.
027Exception details: &1 &2 &3 &4.
028Event "&1" has been processed and has changed status to "Completed".
029Error in saving the data. Saving ended with error code &1.
030Changes are rolled back.
031Database transaction rejected by BOPF transaction manager.
032Job was scheduled on &1 system time &2 (&3).
033An error occurred during event creation.
034Authorization check failed.
035Event "&1" was set to status "Failed" due to an unexpected error.
036Synchronous events changed to asynchronous processing: &1
037Event "&1" was set to status "Failed"; max. number of attempts reached.
038Event "&1" (&2) was changed to status "In Progress".
039Event linkage for event type &1 is disabled or does not exist.
040An error occurred in raising the background event.
041Event "&1" (&2) set to status "Completed". Dependent object not found.
042Task "&1" (&2) set to status "Completed". Dependent object not found.
043Task type &1 is not supported.
200Required task parameter is missing.
201Task found for processing.
202Task "&1" has been processed and has changed status to "Completed".
203Tasks whose status changed from "In Progress" to "Failed": &1
204Processing of task "&1" started on &2 system time &3 (&4).
205Processing of task "&1" finished on &2 system time &3 (&4).
206An error occurred during task processing. See application log &1.
207An error occured during task creation.
208Created task &1 on &2 system time &3 (&4).
209Expected the task class to implement the method "execute".
210Processing of product compliance task failed.
211Processing of product compliance event failed.
212Event "&1" has failed and changed status to "Error".
213Event "&1" has failed and changed status to "Fatal Error".
214Task "&1" (&2) has failed and changed status to "Error".
215Task "&1" has failed and changed status to "Fatal Error".
216Tasks whose status changed to "Fatal" (maximum attempts reached): &1
217Tasks whose status changed from "In Progress" to "Fatal Error": &1
218Task was set to status "Failed" due to an unexpected error.
219Task was set to status "Failed"; maximum number of attempts was reached.
220Not yet implemented
221Restart task "&1" on &2 system time &3 (&4).
222Event processing started.
223Task processing started.
224Task "&1" (&2) was set to status "In Progress".
225&1 Released
226&1 Saved
227&1 Created
228Tasks in status "Completed" that have been removed: &1
229An error occured in looking up the data provider for &1
230Event set to completed as dependent object &1 of type &2 doesn't exist.
231Task set to completed as dependent object &1 of type &2 doesn't exist.
232Event source object &1 of type &2 doesn't exist.
233Event class &1 has to derive from ABAP class CL_EHFND_PCEP_EVT_WF
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