CM_EHFND_PHRS - Messages for Phrase Management

The following messages are stored in message class CM_EHFND_PHRS: Messages for Phrase Management.
It is part of development package EHFND_RAP_PHRASE in software component EHS-SUS-CI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RAP Object Phrase".
Message Nr
Message Text
002File upload failed, error code &1.
003Phrases will be loaded from &1.
004Could not update file in MIME repository.
006Phrase with ID &1 is invalid and wasn't imported.
008Text of phrase &1 in language &2 (&3) is invalid and wasn't imported.
009Update from content provider &1 was imported with version &2.
010Phrase update not necessary. File wasn't changed.
014Language tag &1 couldn't be converted.
015CR version &2 doesn't exist and can't be assigned to phrase &1.
019&1 is a mandatory field.
020Creation of new phrase failed.
021No Content Provider could be determined.
022Phrase with UUID &1 is set to historical.
024Either context or pattern must be maintained.
026Copy of phrase failed.
027Creation of phrase-enabled fields failed.
028Deletion of phrase-enabled fields failed.
029Copy of phrase with invalid or wrong parameter
030Conversion of phrase-enabled fields failed
031Import of phrases is already running: execution canceled.
032Text of phrase &1 is invalid because of unknown language key &2.
033Creation of Application log failed with error key &1.
034Writing message to application log failed, error key &1.
035Writing application log to database failed, error key &1.
036Text of phrase &1 in language &2 has no valid parent.
037Text of phrase &1 in language &2 has no text maintained.
038Text of phrase &1 in language &2 has no language maintained.
039Phrase &1 has no valid English translation.
040Phrase &1 has no valid parent.
041Text of phrase &1 in language &2 exists multiple times.
042Data of phrase-enabled field &1 isn't registered for Phrase Management.
043Phrase load encountered an exception, job will be canceled.
044Phrase texts in language &1 have been loaded for the first time.
045First load of the phrases for field &1.
046First load of the phrases for field &1 and compliance requirement &2.
047Executed in Test Mode.
048Executed in Productive Mode.
049Logical Key of phrase-enabled field &1 changed.
050UUID of phrase-enabled field &1 with CRV UUID &2 changed.
051Logical Key of phrase &1 changed.
052UUID of phrase &1 of Content Provider &2 changed.
053Phrase with UUID &1 exists multiple times.
054Phrase &1 has text in language &2 in the database, but not in the import.
055No data could be found in content storage.
056Messages logged in application log (Object = EHFND_CI, subobject = ADMIN)
057Phrase &1 has no English translation.
058No English translation could be determined.
059Phrases for field &1 were loaded.
060Phrases for field &1 and compliance requirement &2 were loaded.
061Phrase-enabled field with UUID &1 doesn't exist.
062Phrase texts can be created or changed only for customer phrases.
063Copy of phrase is only possible for extensible phrase-enabled fields
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