CM_EHFND_REQ - Messages for Compliance Requirement

The following messages are stored in message class CM_EHFND_REQ: Messages for Compliance Requirement.
It is part of development package EHFND_BO_COMPLIANCE_REQ in software component EHS-SUS-CI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Business Objects for Compliance Requirements".
Message Nr
Message Text
001"&1" is not a region of &2. Please enter a valid region.
002&1: &2
003&1 with title "&2" already exists.
004Paragraph "&1" already exists at this structure level.
005Please move the paragraph under a new parent paragraph.
006Cannot move the paragraph, as &1 is higher than &2 in the structure.
007Cannot move the paragraph under the same parent paragraph.
008&1 (&2)
009&1 &2 &3
010BAdI for environmental limit checks is not implemented or activated.
011&1 must be greater than &2.
012Field "&1" contains an incorrect value.
013&1, &2
014(&1) &2
015Cannot set status to Historical. The requirement is used in a scenario.
016Cannot set status to Historical. The revision is not in the past.
017Causes exceedance when the value is greater than &1.
018Causes warning when the value is greater than &1 and less or equal to &2.
019Causes warning when the value is greater than &1.
020Causes exceedance when the value is less than &1.
021Causes warning when the value is less than &1.
022To provide a compliance requirement, use the input help.
023Causes warning when the value is greater or equal to &1 and less than &2.
024Chemical property "&1" does not exist.
025Unit "&1" is not valid for chemical property "&2".
026Cannot move existing paragraphs. You can move those in a new revision.
027Unit "&1" with dimension "&2" is not applicable to subject dimension "&3"
028Cannot use symbol combination "|~|" in compliance requirement title "&1"
029"&1" = "&2"
030&1, &2
031&1 &2, &3
032Equation "&1" already exists in this paragraph
033Input variable "&1" is specified multiple times
034Output variable "&1" is specified multiple times
035Chemical property is valid only for subject of type substance/mixture
036New valid input variables were added to the "Input Variables" table
037All variables have already been added to the "Input Variables" table
038"&1"; "&2"
039Variable "&1" is specified multiple times
040Cannot proceed; paragraph "&1" is incomplete
041Expression for output variable "&1" of equation "&2" is not entered
042Equation "&1" has no final result
043Input variables "&1" with data source type "&2" cannot be aggregated
044Data period "&1" is not valid for data source type "&2"
045Variable "&1" must be aggregated first in output "&2"
046Result expression of output variable "&1" has not been entered
047Results of type "Final" must have the same data periods, or must be blank
048Result "&1" used in expression of "&2" has invalid usage period
049Too many listed substance matches (&1); choose additional search criteria
050&1 with ID "&2" already exists. Please use a unique ID.
051Number range object EHFNDREQID is not specified correctly.
052Pattern "&1" is unknown. Please select a valid pattern.
053End of transition period date must be after the effective date.
054A new version of compliance requirement "&1" cannot be created.
055Effective date of version "&1" must be later than previous version.
056Business process "&1" is already assigned.
057Version name "&1" already exists. Please use a unique version name.
058Application "&1" is already assigned.
059Exemption "&1" is already assigned.
060Unit "&1" is not valid. Please select a valid unit.
061The "Unit" field is empty. Use the value help to select a valid unit.
062Component type "&1" is already assigned.
063Enter a positive threshold.
064Activity "&1" is already assigned.
065Cannot set status to Historical. Compliance requirement has not expired.
066Listed substance "&1" is already assigned to the list.
067Cannot release. Please select at least one processing level.
068Cannot release. Processing level assignment for pattern "&1" is invalid.
069Cannot delete the compliance requirement. See additional details.
070Cannot delete the compliance requirement because it is already released.
071Log on in language EN to specify compliance requirements.
072For environmental limit "&1", please provide the requested values.
073Please assign at least one substance list.
074Please assign at least one listed substance to substance list "&1".
075List type "&1" of substance list "&2" is not allowed.
076Compliance requirement version successfully assigned to delivery "&1".
077Compliance requirement version is not assigned to delivery "&1".
078Listed substance "&1" does not exist.
079Listed substance "&1" added to the list.
080Selected process integration levels are not supported by pattern "&1".
081Cannot create own version of compliance requirement with pattern "&1".
082Use a group of substances instead of substance "&1".
083Specified subject is not valid for data source type "Chemical Data"
084No version of compliance requirement "&1" can be created.
085A new version of compliance requirement "&1" cannot be created.
086No version of SAP-delivered compliance requirement "&1" can be created.
087You cannot save compliance requirements with more than one action.
088Paragraph with ID "&1" already exists for this requirement.
089Cannot set status to "Historical". The requirement is in use.
090Default compliance requirement pattern "&1" cannot be changed.
091Pattern ID "&1" is not in the allowed namespace.
092No permits found with permit lifecycle 'Expired' or 'For Renewal'
093Recipient does not exist for selected permits
094Action: Set to 'Expired' and 'For Renewal' completed.
095Activation status could not be changed due to a system error.
096&1 of &2 compliance requirements activated.
097&1 of &2 compliance requirements deactivated.
098No business user assigned to system user &1.
099Permit Lifecycle "&1" will be set to "&2"
100------- Start of messages for program R_EHFND_REQ_MIGRATION ----------
101-------- End of messages for program R_EHFND_REQ_MIGRATION -----------
102Client &1: List "&2" with DB_KEY &3 - UUID/language combi. not unique
103Client &1: List "&2" with PARENT_KEY &3 has no root or structure node
104Client &1: List "&2" with PARENT_KEY &3 has multiple structure nodes
105Client &1: List "&2" with PARENT_KEY &3 has no valid root record
106Client &1: List "&2" with DB_KEY &3 - UPDATE statement failed
107Client &1: Error (&2) occurred while committing data into the database
108Client &1: Routine &2 finished in &3 ms
109Client &1: Finished in &2 ms
110Program R_EHFND_REQ_MIGRATION finished in &1 ms
111Client &1: Regulatory list type "&2" has no chemical property code
112Client &1: Chemical property code "&2" has no regulatory list type
113Client &1: Migration started
114Client &1: Requirement "&2" - UUID/language combination not unique
115Client &1: Requirement "&2" - UPDATE statement failed
116Can't change Permit Lifecycle to Expired before the expiration date
117Client &1: Requirement "&2" - error during insert
118Client &1: Requirement name "&2" - INSERT statement failed
119Client &1: Official name "&2" - INSERT statement failed
120Client &1: Issuing organization "&2" - INSERT statement failed
121Client &1: Country/region "&2" - INSERT statement failed.
122Client &1: Regulatory list "&2" - INSERT statement failed
123Client &1: Regulatory list name "&2" - INSERT statement failed
124Client &1: OEL values "&2" - INSERT statement failed
125Client &1: Regulatory list revision "&2" - UPDATE statement failed
126Client &1: Listed substance with key "&2" cannot be converted
128Client &1: Number range interval for EHFNDREQID - UPDATE failed
129Client &1: Number range interval for EHFNDREQID - INSERT failed
130Sorry, cannot delete the equation; it is used in the listed calculations
131You can safely delete the equation. Do you want to proceed?
132Equation deleted successfully
133Sorry, cannot move a subordinate paragraph above the top-level paragraph
134Sorry, you cannot move the top-level paragraph
135Cannot delete env. limit; it is used in the following scenario activities
136Environmental limit can be safely deleted. Do you want to proceed?
137Check entered URL manually and see long text.
138Check URL manually. URL returned HTTP status code &1 and may not exist.
139Add a protocol, such as "http://", to the entered URL.
140URL cannot be checked. Contact the system administrator.
141Compliance requirement cannot be released; check URL availability.
142Check URL manually. A live check can't be run due to missing certificates
143Data period "&1" of result "&2" differs from period "&3" of result "&4"
144To resolve the URL issues, see the long text.
145Calculation result "&1" produced the following error: &2&3&4
146Equation "&1": &2&3&4
147OEL with duplicate key found: &1;&2;&3;&4
148Paragraph "&1": &2&3&4
149Check the URL. The website was moved.
150The character "@" is not allowed within URLs.
151The key word "JavaScript" is not allowed within URLs.
152URL format or syntax does not match the RFC 2396 standard.
153Composition type "&1" does not exist.
154Cannot save the status.
155Please delete the duplicate entries for the languages.
156Please delete the duplicate entries for the modes of transport.
157Please delete the duplicate entries for the enclosure variants.
158URL does not pass security policy.
159Please correct the mode of transport "&1".
160Please correct the enclosure variant "&1".
161Check URL, you can release only with valid URL.
162Unit "&1" is not valid for chemical/physical property "&2".
163Client &1: Chemical property &2 - INSERT failed
164Client &1: Chemical property &2 - no description for language &3
165Client &1: Chemical property &2 text &3 - INSERT failed
166Client &1: Chemical property &2 unit &3 - INSERT failed
167Client &1: Chemical property &2 language &3 - text &4 already exists
168Client &1: DB table &2 - UPDATE failed
169Client &1: Error (&2) occurred while modifying reglulatory list data
170Client &1: Chemical property &2 has no property key
171Client &1: DB table &2 - INSERT failed
172Client &1: DB table &2 - missing root node for value &3
173Client &1: DB table &2 - missing text node
174Regulatory list data deleted successfully
175Cannot delete. Regulatory list data is used in the following activities:
176Regulatory list data can be safely deleted. Do you want to proceed?
177Cannot release object. Select at least one country/region.
178Client &1: DB table &2 - INSERT failed
179Cannot release object. Enter country/region &2 without region.
180Cannot release object. Select at least one language.
181Cannot release object. Ctry/reg &2 is already assigned to regulation &3.
182The code of the qualifying words must be unique.
183The code for qualifying word &1 is empty.
184No translation in English available for &1.
185No translation in &1 available for &2.
186Translation in &1 is not required for &2.
187The ID of the segregation group must be unique.
188Enter Description Template
189The Description Template cannot be deleted because it is in use.
190Cannot delete compliance requirement. Regulatory list data is used in it.
191Paragraph data deleted successfully.
192The sequence of the selection rules must be unique.
193Please enter valid characters for Compliance Requirements
194Invalid Status "&2" for Permit Lifecycle "&1", select another status.
196Choose a date before the Expiration Date &1
300Compliance requirement cannot be activated because it is already used.
301Compliance requirement &1 can't be deactivated via mass deactivation.
302Changes cannot be confirmed. Compliance requirement is already used.
303Compliance requirement is being activated in the background.
304Compliance requirement &1 is deactivated.
305Compliance Requirement was created with key &1
306Enter mandatory action parameters
307Valid "from" date must be later than, or equal to &1
308&1 new compliance requirements were created
3091 new compliance requirement was created
310Compliance requirement "&1" cannot be activated due to a technical error.
311Cannot compare compliance requirement version with itself.
312This compliance requirement does not have a previous active version.
313There is no comparator for CRVs with this pattern.
314Specify a country/region to narrow down search results.
315You cannot create tasks in requirements with historical revisions only.
316There are more compliance requirement changes than can be displayed.
317Retention period not met for &1
318Incomplete task definitions exist for &1
319Incomplete task instances exist for &1
320Planned task instances exist for &1
321No task instances exist for &1
322Setting archiving status failed for &1
323Compliance requirement update is confirmed.
324Cannot delete compliance requirement. Some tasks aren't 'Canceled'.
325Cannot delete SAP-delivered compliance requirements.
326Compliance requirement deleted successfully.
327Cannot delete paragraph. Some tasks aren't 'Canceled'.
328Cannot delete paragraph. Regulatory list data is still used.
329Enter information for one of the following required fields: &1
330Entered issuing authority is not a valid business partner
331Issuing organization is updated
332Update translations for issuing organization
333Cannot release object; assign english as required language for documents
334No data to download
335Error in uploading data
336Excel uploaded; save is required
337No file to upload
338Error in generating Excel
339Excel empty; no data to upload
340Compliance requirement &1 can't be deactivated because it is still used.
341Enter a Valid Number
350Cannot add list. Regulatory list &1 is already assigned.
351Enter a valid list ID number
352Compliance requirement "&1" has already been activated
353Select at least one business process scenario.
355Waste code with the same key already exists
356Open Compliance Requirement: &1 exists
357Compliance Requirement &1 cannot be Archived, incorrect component
358Compliance Requirement &1 to be Archived
359Previous compliance requirement is deactivated.
360Only one validity area for domain "waste" permits allowed
361You can't save a compliance requirement with duplicate actions
362Cannot edit permit. Add country/region in the location's address first
363There�s no region entered for this location
364The country/region of the location and permit do not match
365Invalid Location. Add country/region in the location's address first
366You can't copy an existing hazardous label. Please choose another label.
367Deletion with "Permit Lifecycle: &1" is not allowed
368Choose a date after the Effective Date &1
369Compliance requirement "&1" can't be deactivated due to technical errors
371Compliance requirement "&1" is the last active Version of its Compl. Req.
372Regulatory Level Unit cannot be empty if value is filled
373Only one upper limit is allowed for Waste Permit
374Risk level with name "&1" already exists for language &2.
375Risk level name for language &1 already exists.
384Permit with number "&1" already exists. Please use a unique number
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