CM_EHFND_REQ_EXT_IMP - Message Class For External Content Providers Import

The following messages are stored in message class CM_EHFND_REQ_EXT_IMP: Message Class For External Content Providers Import.
It is part of development package EHFND_BO_COMPLIANCE_REQ_IMPORT in software component EHS-SUS-CI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Compliance Requirement Integration and Import".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Proxy init. for Web service "&1" and logical port "&2" caused error "&3"
001Operation "&1" for Web service "&2" caused error "&3"
002Deserialization for content provider "&1" caused error "&2"
003Web service connection details not provided for content provider "&1"
004Data on sheet "&3", row &1, column "&2" is not valid for import
005Invalid header row on sheet "&1" of the import file
006Specified file has no compliance requirements or paragraphs for import
007Validity start date "&3" is after the end date "&4" on sheet "&2", row &1
008Paragraphs with name "&3" under same parent parag. on sheet "&2";rows: &1
009Invalid compliance requirement level on sheet "&1", row &2
010Invalid compliance requirement ID on sheet "&1", row &2
011Invalid sheet name "&1"
012Name of root paragraph on sheet "&2", row &3 must match req. name "&1"
013Specified file is not valid for import
014An exception occurred: "&1"
015Created compliance requirement "&2" with ID "&1"
016Created location classifier "&1" in the system
017There is empty mandatory field on sheet "&3", row &1, column "&2"
018Errors prevented the import of compliance requirement with ID "&1"
019Domain on sheet "&1", row &2 is not in the list of domains in Customizing
020End dates were set to "infinity" for newly created regulations on rows &1
021Updated compliance requirement "&2" with ID "&1"
022Created new revision of compliance requirement "&2" with ID "&1"
023Classifier "&1" is assigned only once to compliance requirement paragraph
024Mandatory sheet "&1" is missing.
025Description is required for new revision of requirement "&2" with ID "&1"
026Data on sheet "&3", row &1, column "&2" was ignored
027Revision description of requirement "&2" with ID "&1" was ignored
028Cannot update "&3" revision with validity period "&2" of req. with ID &1
029Duplicate records exist for compl. req. ID "&3" on sheet "&2", rows: &1
030&1, &2
031Cannot update ID of paragraph "&3" from "&1" to "&2".
032Paragraphs with ID "&3" for the same requirement on sheet "&2"; rows: &1
033No root paragraph for compliance requirement with ID "&1".
034Cannot update a non-existing compliance requirement with ID "&1"
035Cannot update or add new revision with different &2 of req. with ID "&1"
036Entry on sheet "&3", row &1, column "&2" is too long; max. length is &4
037Requirement with ID "&2" already has revision with "Valid From" date "&1"
038Created compliance requirement "&2"
039Updated compliance requirement "&2"
040Created new revision of compliance requirement "&2"
041Errors prevented the import of the compliance requirement
042Revision description of requirement "&2" was ignored
043End date was set to "infinity" for new revision of regulation: ID "&1".
044End date was set to "infinity" for a new revision of regulation "&1".
045XML format error�on�sheet�"&3",�row�&1,�column�"&2".
046&1 regulations have been imported.
047&1 regulations have been updated.
048Next Web service call not possible until &1 &2 &3 &4.
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