The following messages are stored in message class CM_EHFND_SCHEDULER: .
It is part of development package EHFND_COMN in software component EHS-SUS-FND. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Common objects for all components".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Scheduler run complete; &1 schedules executed
001Scheduler is starting up
002PCO assigned to process (&1; &2; &3) has the wrong type
003Process definition of setup &1: (&2; &3; &4) is not valid
004Scheduled run for process (&1; &2; &3) complete
005Undefined error when starting PCO for process (&1; &2; &3)
006Generated cron string &1 has an invalid format
007Cannot open job with the name &1
008Cannot submit job &1:&2 for report &3
009Cannot schedule job &1:&2 for &3 &4
010Error while creating the fallback job for report &1
011Error while deleting the fallback job for report &1
012Error while creating a job for report &1 on &2 &3
013Authorizations are missing for releasing a job for report &1
014Entry &1 of the process scheduler is invalid
015Run of schedule &1 complete; process (&2, &3, &4) started
016Scheduler has executed all schedules and is not rescheduled for now
017Scheduler executes the next time on &1 (UTC)
018Attempting to clone the BO template for setup &1, process (&2, &3, &4)
019BO template for setup &1 cloned; process (&2, &3, &4)
020Attempting to create the PCBO for setup &1, process (&2, &3, &4)
021PCBO for setup &1 created; process (&2, &3, &4)
022Error while attempting to clone the BO template for setup &1
023Error while attempting to create the PCBO for setup &1
024Setup &1 is defined to create the PCBO directly on the related BO
025Setup &1 is defined to create the PCBO on a clone of the related BO
026Error in setup &1; related node has no "clone" action "&2" (BO: &3)
027Error in setup &1; related node has no "create PCBO" action "&2" (BO: &3)
028Error while attempting to execute the setup &1
029Setup &1 executed
030Start date &1 must be before end date &2
031Start date &1 must be in the future
032EXECUTE action of the process setup was called for more than one node
033Keys for the related BO of process setup &1 are invalid
034Template node (&1:&2:&3) for the creation of the clone was not found
035Node instance (&1:&2:&3) for the execution was not found
036Execution of process setup root node &1
037Attempting to execute setup &1
038Error while attempting to execute the setup &1; state "Executing"
039Error while attempting to execute the setup &1; state "Write Back"
040Error while attempting to execute the setup &1; state "Saving"
041Error while attempting to execute the setup &1; exception: &2
042End date is before the first execution date
043Setup &1 disabled; use report R_EHFND_PSE_ENABLE_ENTRY to re-enable it
044Cannot delete job &1:&2 for report &3
045Cannot schedule job &1 in the past (at &2 &3)
050User &1 triggered rescheduling of job to start scheduled processes
051Job to start scheduled process was rescheduled; next execution: &1 (UTC)
052Rescheduling of job to start scheduled processes failed
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