CM_EHFND_TM - Messages for Task Management

The following messages are stored in message class CM_EHFND_TM: Messages for Task Management.
It is part of development package EHFND_FW_WFF_TASK_MGMT in software component EHS-SUS-FND. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Task Management".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No notification for task "&1" was sent; no processor assigned
001Processor of task "&1" was not notified; task is already completed
002Processor of task "&1" was not notified; see further messages
003Processor of task "&1" was not notified; e-mail was not sent
004Processor(s) notified
005You cannot notify the processor of the tasks; check contact data
006Task "&1" is not open; cannot assign task to a processor
007Task "&1" is not a dialog task; cannot assign task to another processor
008You cannot assign task "&1" to &2; choose a possible processor
009Task "&1" is not open; cannot forward task to a processor
010Cannot forward task "&1" to another processor
011You cannot forward task "&1" to &2; choose a possible processor
012Task "&1" was forwarded to &2
013Task "&1" is now assigned to &2
014Tasks have been changed; refresh data to display current information
015Task "&1" was completed
016Processing of task "&1" was declined
017Task "&1" is already completed; cannot execute task
018Current notification text is used for all processors
019No tasks found
020E-mail subject will be shortened to 50 characters
021Process details are opened for first selected task
022Assignment is canceled for task "&1"
023Task "&1" is rejected
024Tasks with different types are selected
025Word longer than 255 characters found
026Cannot cancel assignment for task "&1"; see further messages
027Cancel assignment for task "&1" separately; reason required
028Cannot reject task "&1"; see further messages
029Reject task "&1" separately; reason required
030At least one of the selected tasks has no processor assigned to it
031Enter e-mail text and subject
032Task "&1" is completed
033Cannot complete task "&1"; see further messages
034No due date changed
035Due date of task "&1" not changed; new due date is in the past
036Due date of task "&1" not changed
037Due date of task "&1" changed from "&2" to "&3"
038You are not authorized to change the due date of task "&1"
039&1 changed the due date from &2 to &3
040Cannot add a comment to task "&1"
041Due date of task "&1" cannot be changed; no due date defined for the step
042Due date of task "&1" cannot be changed; due date already passed
043Due date of task "&1" cannot be changed; task not open
044Cannot change due date; new due date field is empty
045Cannot change due date; new due date is in the past
046Due dates might have been changed; refresh to display current information
047Maximum length of query time reached (&1 second(s))
048Restrict your search criteria or increase the query duration
049Task "&1" is already assigned
050You cannot execute the decision without a comment.
051An error occurred. Recheck the decision key.
101No processes found
102User not found
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