CM_EHHSS_HSP_COMN - Common messages for Health Surveillance Protocols

The following messages are stored in message class CM_EHHSS_HSP_COMN: Common messages for Health Surveillance Protocols.
It is part of development package EHHSS_BO_HSP_IMPL in software component EHS-SUS-HS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Implementation of BO Health Surveillance Protocol".
Message Nr
Message Text
000You are not authorized to view the selected protocol
001You are not authorized to edit the selected protocol
002You are not authorized to create the selected protocol
003You are not authorized to delete the selected protocol
004Entered protocol does not exist
005Country/region "&1" does not exist.
006Region "&1" does not exist
007Cannot display text; no recommendation criteria entered
008Select a protocol from the table
009No risk assessment types specified for OH integration
010The protocol "&1" is recommended by the system &2
011for country/region "&1"
012for country/region "&1" and region "&2"
013For agent "&1", all of the following criteria are fulfilled
014Agent "&1" is present
015Age of the Person in Years: &1
016Gender of the Person: &1
017Exposure rating "&1" does not exist
018You are not authorized to create protocols
019You are not authorized to create revisions
020The recommendation is based on the following information
021You are not authorized to duplicate protocols
022You are not authorized to update protocol names
023Names updated from integrated occupational health application
024Names cannot be updated. Foreign lock detected.
025Recommendation criteria "&1" of "&2", revision "&3" is not consistent
026For exposure "&1", all of the following criteria are fulfilled
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