CM_EHPMA_PCEP_LOGS - Messages for SVT PCEP Logging

The following messages are stored in message class CM_EHPMA_PCEP_LOGS: Messages for SVT PCEP Logging.
It is part of development package EHPMA_SVT_COMN in software component EHS-SUS-PMA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SVT Objects for Preprocessing, Calculation and Aggregation".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Product exclusion is created for material document &1.
001Preprocessing tasks for logical system "&1" are created.
002The compl. req. ver. "&1" is not relevant for substance volume tracking.
003Reprocessing after activation of comp. req. versn. finished successfully.
004Calculation task of type "&1" for compl. req. versn. "&2" is created.
005No relevant substance list is found for material document &1 and CRV "&2"
006No previous version is found for compl. req. versn. "&1".
007No differences found between CRV "&1" and CRV "&2".
008Reprocessing of substance volumes from compl. req. "&1" to "&2" started.
009No substance list changes are found for compliance requirement version.
010Listed substance &1 removed from substance list &2. Reprocessing started.
011Listed substance "&1" added to substance list "&2". Reprocessing started.
012Listed substance "&1" added to group "&2" of substance list "&3".
013Listed substance "&1" removed from group "&2" of substance list "&3".
014Exempted application is added. Reprocessing started.
015Exempted application is removed. Reprocessing started.
016No material documents found for Manufacturing for period: &1 &2 - &3 &4.
017No material documents found for Purchasing for period: &1 &2 - &3 &4.
018No material documents found for Sales for period: &1 &2 - &3 &4.
019Number of purchasing documents relevant for substance volume tracking: &1
020No purchasing documents relevant for tracking are found in the system.
021No sales documents relevant for tracking are found in the system.
022Number of sales documents relevant for substance volume tracking: &1
023No production documents relevant for tracking are found in the system.
024Number of production documents relevant for substance volume tracking: &1
025No calculation information is found in the system for the given task.
026Recalculation task is not successfull.
027No preprocessing information is found in the system for the given task.
028Calculation task for a new active version "&1" is created.
029Number of purchasing documents relevant for compl. req. "&1": &2
030Number of production documents relevant for compl. req. "&1": &2
031Number of sales documents relevant for compl. req. "&1": &2
032No substance volume tracking performed for logistic system "&1".
033Reprocessing started.
034Substance "&2" is excluded from tracking for material document &1.
035Compliance view "&1" is exempted by application.
036Calculation task for new released compliance assessment "&1" is created.
037No compliance assesment result found in the system.
038No information found for the relevant compliance requirement.
039Exemption is found for compliance assessment "&1".
040CRR "&1" is released with exemption based on marketability status.
041No substance volume recalculation needed after release of &1.
042No information found for substance calculation.
043Compliance assessment "&1" is not released. No further processing.
044"&1" is not the last active version of the compliance requirement.
045No Compliance view is found in the system for material &1.
046Compliance assessment is not for a substance.
047The assigned CRR is not relevant for substance volume tracking.
048The comliance assessment is with "Unknown" calculation status.
049No recalculation will be done as the compl. assessment is not relevant.
050Recalculation for role of ingredient "&1" finished.
051Number of orders that were recalculated: &1
052Calculation task for newly saved compliance assessment "&1" is created.
053Substance list "&1" was added to compliance requirement version "&2".
054Substance list "&1" was removed from compliance requirement version "&2".
055Incoming CCI "&1" is not relevant for substance volume tracking.
056SVT task for added material assignment of material "&1" created.
057SVT task for removed material assignment of material "&1" created.
058No tracking relevant documents found in the system for material "&1".
059No calculations are carried out in the system for material "&1".
060No calculations are carried out for material &1 and compl. view "&2".
061SVT task for removed material assignment of material "&1" started.
062SVT task for added material assignment of material "&1" started.
063Calculation task for newly saved substance "&1" is created.
064No substance information found in the system.
065No tracking information found in the system for material "&1", CCI "&2".
066Substance "&1" has not been tracked before. No need for recalculation.
067No relevant documents for recalculation found in the system.
068A failed task is found for compliance view "&1".
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