CM_EHPMA_SUBLST_MAP - Messages for CCI to Substance List Mapper

The following messages are stored in message class CM_EHPMA_SUBLST_MAP: Messages for CCI to Substance List Mapper.
It is part of development package EHPMA_SVT_COMN in software component EHS-SUS-PMA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SVT Objects for Preprocessing, Calculation and Aggregation".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Distributing compliance view "&1" to composition started.
002Concentration of substance "&1" in composition type "&2" is calculated.
003Calculation using upper limit &1 for substance concentration has started.
004Calculate concentration using fallback composition.
005Calculation using default concentration &1 has started.
006Number of legal deviations with replacements substances found: &1
007Substance "&3" is replaced by "&4" in composition "&1", component "&2".
008Increased concentration by &4: substance &3, composition &1, component &2
009Composition "&1" with substance "&2" removed from composition components.
010Composition type "&2" valid until &3 is not primary for CCI "&1".
012A higher threshold for substance "&1" is found in substance list "&2".
013A lower threshold for substance "&1" is found in substance list "&2".
014No composition found for compliance view "&1".
019Substance "&1" is found in compl. req. versn. "&2", substance list "&3".
022Substance list "&1" with threshold &2 &3 is relevant for tracking.
023Substance is not found in any substance list.
024Substance is excluded from substance list "&1".
025Substance is found in inventory list "&1".
026Substance "&1" is excluded from tracking with compl. assessment "&2".
027Excluded by role of ingredient. Substance list "&1", ingredient "&2".
028Applications of compliance view "&1" excluded by compl. req. versn. "&2".
029Compliance view "&2" excluded due to marketability. Compl. assessment: &1
030Compliance view "&1" is excluded with compliance assessment "&2".
031Substance list "&1" is removed.
032Comp#sition type "&2" is primary for compl. req. versn. "&1".
033Concentration of substance "&1":&2. Volumes relevant for tracking: &3 &4.
034Composition type "&1" valid until &3 is relevant for CRV "&2".
035Comp#sition type "&2" is not primary for compl. req. versn. "&1".
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