CM_EHPMA_SVT_LOGS - Log messages for GLayer and OLayer Processing
The following messages are stored in message class CM_EHPMA_SVT_LOGS: Log messages for GLayer and OLayer Processing.
It is part of development package EHPMA_SVT_COMN in software component EHS-SUS-PMA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SVT Objects for Preprocessing, Calculation and Aggregation".
It is part of development package EHPMA_SVT_COMN in software component EHS-SUS-PMA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SVT Objects for Preprocessing, Calculation and Aggregation".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Number of CCI UP created for CRR "&1": &2. |
001 | Number of exclusions created for compliance assessment "&1": &2 |
002 | Number of purchase orders items found: EKPO: &1. |
003 | The compl. req. versn. "&2" is first version for CR "&1". |
004 | Error during processing PURCO data. |
005 | The compl. req. version "&2" is not the first version for CR "&1". |
006 | New CCI user profiles created for CRR: &1. |
007 | Number of header results created for CRR &1: &2. |
008 | Missing supplier &1 for material document &2. |
009 | Missing plant &1 for material document &2. |
010 | Number of item results created for CRR &1: &2. |
011 | Error getting connection of material &1 and CCI &2 in SVT. |
012 | Delete mat doc without purchase order &1. Item number: &2.MATDOC: &3. |
013 | The following ctry/reg. is added to the validity area: &1 |
014 | The following ctry/reg. is removed from the validity area: &1 |
015 | Error loading substance lists of compl. req. versn. "&1". SY-SUBRC = &2 |
016 | Error during loading supplier info: SY-SUBRC = &1. |
017 | Number of preprocessing documents relevant for the ctry/reg. change: &1. |
018 | Error during loading SVT-relevant material documents: SY-SUBRC = &1. |
019 | Processing of country/region added has started. |
020 | Processing of country/region removed has started. |
021 | No regulatory profiles relevant for compl. view "&1" found in the system. |
022 | Purchasing document type '&1' is exempted for Substance Volume Tracking. |
025 | Error during update of substance volumes: SY-SUBRC = &1. |
026 | Error during update of substance volume header: SY-SUBRC = &1. |
028 | Loading sales orders from material documents started. |
029 | Material document &1 is not relevant for tracking. No CCI is assigned. |
032 | Error loading production item data: SY-SUBRC = &1. |
040 | Preprocessing task &1 for logical system &2 is completed. |
041 | Error during loading customer information: SY-SUBRC = &1. |
042 | Error during loading shipping point information: SY-SUBRC = &1. |
046 | Error getting PURCO entries by date range. End date is missing. |
047 | Error getting PURCO entries by date range. Start date is missing. |
050 | Error getting PURCO entries by date range &1 - &2: SY-SUBRC = &3. |
051 | Error getting PURCO entries by purchase ID &1: SY-SUBRC = &2. |
053 | Calculation task "&1" for compliance requirement "&2" is completed. |
064 | There are no OL documents relevant for Red Layer processing. |
068 | &1 entries of substance volume header updated. |
069 | &1 entries of substance volume item updated. |
070 | &1 entries of substance volume item inserted. |
072 | Aggregation task &1 for compliance requirement &2 is completed. |
075 | Header documents: &1, item documents: &2 created. |
079 | Number of headers &1 to be deleted. |
080 | Number of items &1 to be deleted. |
081 | Number of existing header documents: &1, number of item documents: &2. |
082 | Saving Orange Layer documents started. |
083 | Number of substance volume items to be inserted: &1. |
084 | Number of substance volume headers to be inserted: &1. |
085 | &1 entries of substance volume header inserted. |
087 | Number of substance volume items to be updated: &1. |
088 | Number of substance volume headers to be updated: &1. |
104 | The start date of the tracking period is not specified. |
109 | Number of PURCO entries to add: &1. |
111 | No sales entries in MATDOC to process. |
113 | Number of sales orders found: LIKP = &1 |
121 | Number of entries added to SALCO: &1. |
122 | Delete sales documents without delivery: &1. Item number: &2. MATDOC: &3 |
123 | Order document header &1 has no relevant order items. |
124 | Delivery document header &1 has no relevant delivery items. |
125 | Delivery type exempted for SVT: &1. Delete delivery document: &2. |
129 | Error getting PROCO entries by purchase ID &1: SY-SUBRC = &2. |
131 | Number of productions orders found: AUFK: &1. |
134 | Error getting PROCO entries by date range. Start date is missing. |
135 | Error getting PROCO entries by date range. End date is missing. |
136 | Error getting PROCO entries by date range &1 - &2: SY-SUBRC = &3. |
140 | Number of PROCO entries to add: &1. |
141 | Delete production matdoc without order &1. Item number: &2.MATDOC: &3. |
145 | Error getting salco by date range. End date is initial. |
146 | Error getting salco by date range. Start date is initial. |
147 | Error getting salco by date range. Date range &1 - &2.SY-SUBRC = &3. |
148 | Error getting salco by sales id: &1.SY-SUBRC = &2. |
149 | Error updating last changed date time for salco entries. SY-SUBRC = &1. |
153 | Error modifying documents for items by business process: &1. |
154 | Error deleting documents for items by business process: &1. |
155 | Error getting documents for items by business process: &1. |
156 | Error modifying header documents: &1. |
157 | Error deleting header documents: &1. |
158 | Error getting header documents: &1. |
159 | Error modifying item documents: &1. |
160 | Error deleting item documents: &1. |
161 | Error getting item documents: &1. |
162 | Aggregation Layer processing started at: &1 &2. CR: &3. |
163 | Number of existing RL header documents to update: &1. |
164 | Number of existing RL item documents to update: &1. |
165 | Number of existing RL item bus proc documents to update: &1. |
166 | Creation of aggregation docs failed for calculation header &1 at item &2. |
171 | RL header documents created: &1. RL header documents processed: &2. |
172 | RL item documents created: &1. RL item documents processed: &2. |
173 | RL item by business process documents created: &1. Processed: &2. |
176 | Error getting substance list information by substance list UUID. |
184 | No composition found for compliance view "&1". |
193 | Unit conversion fails for the inventory list: &1. |
209 | Aggregation for Substance &1 to CR &2 started. |
212 | Preprocessing of Purchasing Task started at: &1 &2. |
215 | &2 CRVs found for Compliance Requirement: &1 |
216 | Calculation of substance volumes started at: &1 &2. CR: &3; Bus Proc: &4. |
217 | Preprocessing Purchasing Documents :&1 relevant for CR. |
219 | Delete matdoc that already exists in salco. MATDOC: &1. |
220 | Delete matdoc that already exists in proco. MATDOC: &1. |
221 | Preprocessing of Sales Task started at: &1 &2. |
222 | Preprocessing of Production Task started at: &1 &2. |
224 | No relevant Pre-Processing documents for Compl. Req. &1. |
225 | Complience Requirement is inital. There is nothing to calculate. |
227 | Filter out Matdoc documents for Production by MRP Controler: &1 |
229 | Filter out Matdoc documents for Purchasing by MRP Controler: &1 |
232 | Filter out Matdoc documents for Sales by MRP Controler: &1 |
233 | Calculation task type &1 for &2 is created. |
238 | Aggregation task for &1 is created. |
239 | &1 is not a valid date. |
249 | Preprocessing of Purchasing Task started for Period: &1:&2 - &3:&4 |
250 | Preprocessing of Production Task started for Period: &1:&2 - &3:&4 |
251 | Preprocessing of Sales Task started for Period: &1:&2 - &3:&4 |
252 | Delete matdoc that already exists in purco. MATDOC: &1. |
255 | Error inserting exclude reasons. |
256 | Error getting PROCO entries without Calc docs for CRV &1 : SY-subrc: &2 |
257 | Error getting SALCO entries without Calc docs for CRV &1 : SY-subrc: &2 |
258 | Error getting PURCO entries without Calc docs for CRV &1 : SY-subrc: &2 |
260 | Deaggregation for CR &1 started. |
261 | No documents relevant for deaggregation. |
262 | Number of items relevant for deaggregation: &1. |
263 | Substance &1 for aggregation header &2 ready for delete. |
264 | Deaggregate substance &1 for aggregation header &2. |
265 | Aggregation header ready for delete: &1. |
266 | AL ducuments deleted: Headers: &1, Items: &2, Items by BP: &3. |
267 | AL ducuments updated: Headers: &1, Items: &2, Items by BP: &3. |
277 | Number of substance volume headers to be modified: &1. |
278 | Number of modified substance volume headers: &1. |
279 | Error modifying substance volume header documents. |
280 | Number of substance volume items to be modified: &1. |
281 | Error modifying substance volume item documents. |
282 | Number of modified substance volume items: &1. |
290 | CCI &1 is not exempted by application. |
291 | CCI &1 is checked and is tracking relevant. |
294 | Reprocessing of substance volume aggregation started. |
295 | Reprocessing of substance volume aggregation ended. No relevant changes. |
296 | Recalculated aggregartion item &1. Status is changed from &2 to &3. |
297 | Threshold of aggregartion item &1 is changed from &2 to &3. |
299 | Reprocessing of threshold change for aggregartion item &1 failed. |
305 | Error calculating volumes for material document &1 and CRV "&2". |
312 | Applications of CCI: &1 excluded by CRV: &2. |
317 | Task for retracking failed purchase document &1 created. |
318 | Re-calculation task for failed header uuid &1 created. |
319 | Aggregation header for for CR: &1 and Substance &2 is created. |
320 | Aggregation item for Aggregation header &1 is created. |
322 | Exemption for CCI &1 is removed. |
323 | Preprocessing Sales Documents :&1 relevant for CR. |
324 | Preprocessing Production Documents :&1 relevant for CR. |
325 | Recalculation task &1. There is no Calculation Header with uuid &2. |
326 | Recalculation task &1. In Calc Header &2 Business process is initial. |
327 | Recalculation task &1. There is no SVT Business Process &2. |
328 | Exclude reason for calculation item &1 is removed. |
329 | Exclude reason for calculation item &1 is added. |
330 | Exclude reason for calculation header &1 is removed. |
331 | Exclude reason for calculation header &1 is added. |
332 | Error modifying documents in EHPMAD_SVT_MATPR. SY-SUBRC = &1. |
333 | Error modifying documents in EHMPAD_SVT_MATCC. SY-SUBRC = &1. |
334 | Error modifying documents in EHPMAD_SVT_CCIRO. SY-SUBRC = &1. |
335 | Error modifying documents in EHPMAD_SVT_CCIUP. SY-SUBRC = &1. |
336 | Error modifying documents in EHPMAD_SVT_CUPSM. SY-SUBRC = &1. |
337 | Error modifying documents in EHPMAD_SVT_SUBRP. SY-SUBRC = &1. |
338 | Error modifying documents in EHPMAD_SVT_CLLST. SY-SUBRC = &1. |
339 | Error modifying documents in EHPMAD_SVT_HDRPR. SY-SUBRC = &1. |
340 | Error modifying documents in EHPMAD_SVT_ITMPR. SY-SUBRC = &1. |
342 | Material document &1 found for tracking in the current period &2 - &3. |
343 | Material document &1 is outside range &2-&3. Saved for future processing. |
344 | Processing calculation item &1 after activation of compl. req. versn "&2" |
345 | Error filtering material documents with existing purchasing information. |
346 | Removed connection for Item &1 to Substance List &2 with LISU &3 |
347 | No documents to update from exempted application change for period &1-&2. |
348 | Error filtering material documents with existing production information. |
349 | Number of exclude reasons for compliance assessment "&1": &2 |
350 | No recalculation of existing documents needed for compl. assessment "&1". |
351 | Migration started. |
352 | Preprocessed document '&1' for CR '&2' is already calculated. |
353 | Migration is already carried out. |