CM_EHPRC_SUB_BOL - Message Class for Substances and BOL

The following messages are stored in message class CM_EHPRC_SUB_BOL: Message Class for Substances and BOL.
It is part of development package EHPRC_BO_SUB_IMPL in software component EHS-MGM-PRC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BO Substance - Implementation".
Message Nr
Message Text
100* validations/checks
101Identification is defined more than once: &1
102Identification is not defined: &1
103Identification cannot be deleted: &1
104Exemption with type &1 already exists
105Price without currency not allowed
109Internal only representative: value "&1" not found
110At least one of the following fields is mandatory: Legal Entity, Plant
111Selected plant is not valid for the selected legal entity
112Only representative must not be identical to the legal entity
114You do not have authorization to set the authorization group
115Legal entity &1 already exists
116At least one of the following fields is mandatory
117'External Organization' is currently locked by user &1
118'External Organizations' were saved
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