CM_EHPRC_SUB_BOL - Message Class for Substances and BOL
The following messages are stored in message class CM_EHPRC_SUB_BOL: Message Class for Substances and BOL.
It is part of development package EHPRC_BO_SUB_IMPL in software component EHS-MGM-PRC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BO Substance - Implementation".
It is part of development package EHPRC_BO_SUB_IMPL in software component EHS-MGM-PRC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BO Substance - Implementation".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
100 | * validations/checks |
101 | Identification is defined more than once: &1 |
102 | Identification is not defined: &1 |
103 | Identification cannot be deleted: &1 |
104 | Exemption with type &1 already exists |
105 | Price without currency not allowed |
109 | Internal only representative: value "&1" not found |
110 | At least one of the following fields is mandatory: Legal Entity, Plant |
111 | Selected plant is not valid for the selected legal entity |
112 | Only representative must not be identical to the legal entity |
114 | You do not have authorization to set the authorization group |
115 | Legal entity &1 already exists |
116 | At least one of the following fields is mandatory |
117 | 'External Organization' is currently locked by user &1 |
118 | 'External Organizations' were saved |