CM_EHSDS_BO_OR - Output Request Messages

The following messages are stored in message class CM_EHSDS_BO_OR: Output Request Messages.
It is part of development package EHSDS_BO_OUTPUT_REQUEST in software component EHS-SUS-SDS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SDS Output Request / Bundling BO".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Delivery &1 does not exist.
002Material &1 does not exist.
003Shipment bundle is incomplete; SDS requirement and ctry/reg data missing.
004There is no active safety data sheet compliance requirement for &1.
005"Safety Data Sheet Management in Logistics" is not active.
006SDS shipment bundle for one safety data sheet document is created.
007SDS Shipment bundle for &1 safety data sheet documents is created.
008Safety data sheet classification for country/region "&1" is incomplete.
009The safety data sheet shipment request is deleted.
010&1 safety data sheet shipment requests deleted.
011Document "&1" is attached to the shipping bundle.
012No base safety data sheet is found.
013Delivery &1 has no SDS-relevant item. No shipping is requested.
014One SDS shipment bundle for &1 safety data sheets will be created.
015&1 base safety data sheets in language "&2" determined.
016No additional final safety data sheets are attached to shipment bundle.
017SDS shipment bundle already exists. No additional bundle is created.
018Safety data sheet status of delivery &1 prevents the SDS shipment.
019Safety data sheet &1 is already part of the SDS shipment bundle.
020The item status of the SDS shipment bundle is changed to "&1".
021No final safety data sheet exists for material &1 in country/region &2.
022Item &2 of delivery &1 is already assigned to the shipment bundle.
023No safety data sheet shipment bundle is created.
024An SDS shipment request event for request with ID &1 is triggered.
025An SDS shipment bundle with ID &1 does not exist.
026The overall status of the SDS shipment bundle is changed to "&1".
027Base SDS-related detail data (filename "&1") is stored.
028SDS document information with ID "&1" does not exist.
029SDS &4 &1 SDS generation parameters are stored.
030Base SDS detail with ID &1 does not exist in shipment request &2.
031Final SDSs for material &1 are already assigned to the request.
032The final SDS for material &1 is missing. The material is not shipped.
033The recipient for the SDS bundle is missing. The bundle is not created.
034The SDS recipient (business partner "&1") does not exist.
035The sales organization is missing from the safety data sheet.
036Sales organization "&1" doesn't exist.
037No email address is provided for sales organization "&1".
038Status "&1" of SDS shipment request &2 prevents the new shipment attempt.
039New attempt to ship safety data sheets with request ID &1.
040Final SDS is already defined for shipment request item &1.
041Final SDS cannot be generated. Base SDSs are not defined for item &1.
042SDS shipment for material &1 is not required as it was already received.
043Shipment rule is undefined ("&2"), "no subsequent shipment rule" applied.
044Safety data sheet for material "&1" is shipped.
045SDS is shipped, ship-to party has not received an SDS for &1 in &2 yet.
046The "12 months rule" for shipment of safety data sheets is applied.
047The "no subsequent shipment rule" of safety data sheets is applied.
048The "12 months rule" is applied and the safety data sheet is shipped.
049The "12 months rule" is applied and the safety data sheet is not shipped.
050Recipient doesn't have latest SDS version for &1 in &2. SDS is shipped.
051The unpackaged product assignment for "&1" has changed. SDS is shipped.
052Email address "&1" of safety data sheet recipient "&2" is invalid.
053The "subsequent shipment rule" of safety data sheets is applied.
054Ship-to party of safety data sheet is missing; SDS not added to bundle.
055Ship-to party of SDS (business partner "&1") does not exist.
056Recipient never received the SDS, so subsequent shipment is not required.
057"&1" is the safety data sheet recipient at ship-to party "&2".
058The "no subsequent shipment rule" is applied and the SDS is not shipped.
059SDS is not subsequently shipped since the shipment rule is undefined.
060SDS is not shipped. The recipient "&1" already has SDS major version &2.
061The "subsequent shipment rule" is applied. SDS is subsequently shipped.
062The "12 months rule" compares last goods issue date &1 with &2.
063Ship-to party of SDS (business partner "&1") is blocked.
064Safety data sheet assessment (ID &1) does not exist.
065SDS-based compliance requirement (ID &1) does not exist.
066Compliance assessment (ID &1) is not relevant for SDS shipment.
067Subsequent shipment not required. No previous version of the SDS exists.
068SDS shipment request (ID &1) is deleted.
069SDS shipment request (ID &1) can be deleted.
070A previous version &2 of the safety data sheet is detected.
071System checks if subsequent shipment of safety data sheet is required.
072A major change of the &1 SDS detected. Subsequent shipment is required.
073Compliance assessment is assigned to compliance view (internal name &1).
074Compliance assessment (ID "&1") is related to SDS management ("&2").
075SDS compliance requirement is based on subsequent shipment rule "&1".
076SDS compliance assessment does not contain a major SDS version change.
077&1 subsequent shipment-relevant SDS is added to the shipment bundle.
078No SDS shipment request determined that requires a subsequent shipment.
079System identified &1 new subsequent SDS shipment requests.
080&1 safety data sheet shipment bundle will be created.
081SDS recipient "&1" has an open shipment bundle (sales organization "&2").
082New shipment bundle for SDS recipient &1 created (sales organization &2).
083An error occurred in adding items to the bundle.
084&1 items are additionally attached to SDS shipment bundle (&2 in total).
085SDS recipient on item level differs from the bundle recipient (ID &1).
086No shipment bundle found for recipient "&1" (initiator &2). Not shipped.
087Shipment bundle status "&1" does not require any item status updates.
088Final SDS isn't required in language &1 for country/region &2.
089The item status &1 of the SDS shipment bundle is invalid.
090The safety data sheet recipient is changed to business partner "&1".
0911 item is additionally attached to SDS shipment bundle (&1 in total).
092Manual SDS shipment request created for &1 to &2 in country/region &3.
093Manual SDS shipment request not created.
094No SDS contact data for sales org. &1, product &2 and country/region &3.
095The SDS contact ID &1 is determined and assigned to the bundle.
096The SDS contact ID &1 does not exist, shipment not possible.
097Product &1 is added as output item to the bundle.
098The SDS contact with ID &1 is incomplete, no address is assigned.
099The SDS contact with ID &1 is incomplete, no logo is assigned.
100No address found for business partner &1 assigned to SDS contact &2.
101No address found for business partner &1.
102Shipment bundle has no target country assigned, shipment not possible.
103For delivery &1 in total &2 SDS shipment bundle(s) exists.
104The shipment bundle &1 has status &2.
105Request details: solution area &1, origin type &2, delivery &3
106System checks for pending SDS shipments belonging to delivery &1.
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