CM_OINSC_MD - IS-Oil SC - Master Data Replication

The following messages are stored in message class CM_OINSC_MD: IS-Oil SC - Master Data Replication.
It is part of development package OIN_MD_MAPPING in software component IS-OIL-DS-SC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-Oil Shipment Costing - Master Data Mapping".
Message Nr
Message Text
002Invalid Location Kind supplied
003Location Mapping table currently locked by another user
004Log Handle for Application Log could not be created (sy-subrc &1)
005Message could not be added to the Application Log (SY-SUBRC &1)
006Messages could not be saved to the DB (sy-subrc &1)
007Log handle number is empty. Messages could not be saved '&1
008Plant '&1' for Location ID '&2' could not be determined
009Location '&1' is already mapped
010Provide the object for the application log (sy-subrc &1)
011Provide the subobject for the application log (sy-subrc &1)
012No messages provided for adding to application log (sy-subrc &1)
013Own logical system not defined (SY-SUBRC '&1')
014Determination of Business System Group failed (SY-SUBRC '&1')
015BuPa '&1' for Location ID '&2' could not be determined
016Writing TM Locations failed (SY-SUBRC '&1')
017Error determining unique locno for new location in TM
018Invalid mapping for Location ID '&1' from '&2' removed
019Invalid mapping for Location ID '&1' from '&2' found
020Location LOCID '&3' (LOCNO '&1', EXT_LOCNO '&2') mapped to TM
021Location LOCID '&1' could not be mapped to TM
022Initial EXT_LOCNO supplied for location mapping
023Log header not found in the DB (sy-subrc &1)
024Error occured while displaying of log (sy-subrc &1)
025No application log found in DB (sy-subrc &1)
026Error in refreshing application log memory (sy-subrc &1)
027Existing mappings successfully validated
028Existing mappings successfully validated - No clean up required
029Transfer executed � see Log
030Shipping Point '&1' for Location ID '&2' could not be determined
031Location ID '&1': Assignment of Shipping Point '&2' to plant not unique
032Address '&1' for Location ID '&2' could not be determined
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