CM_SDM_API - Messages of HANA DB 2 ABAP mapping service

The following messages are stored in message class CM_SDM_API: Messages of HANA DB 2 ABAP mapping service.
It is part of development package PPH_GENERAL in software component PP-MRP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PP on HANA: General Functions".
Message Nr
Message Text
000This functionality can work only on HANA database
001Error happened when converting date to a factory date
002Failed to get finalized MDPSX data from HANA procedure
003Failed to get finalized MDPSX data from ABAP procedure
004Input parameter &1 shall not be initial
005Unexpected error happened
006Failed to read domain values of BESKZ
007Error reading array &1
008Failed to calculate amounts
009Error reading master data for population of the output parameters
010Error calling HANA database proxy
011Parallelization not possible. Enter number of parallel processes
012Parallelization failed, try non-parallel version
013Inconsistent data found when processing entity &1
014Entry already exists
015Procurement progress indicator can only be set for AR and BB demands
016& is not an allowed supply MRP element category
017& is not an allowed demand MRP element category
018Manufacturing order status code can only be set for FE and BR supplies
019MRP element firming indicator can only be set for LE, BA, and PA supplies
020Enter a minimum lot size ratio
021Min. lot size percentage can only be set for appropriate threshold type
022Input parameter &1 has an invalid value
023&1 No authorization for application in plant &2
024Error occurred when updating the database cache
025Error occurred when reading from the database cache
026Calculation of uncovered demands only makes sense for ordered demands
027Maintain area of responsibility &1
028Enter a material shortage threshold type
029Material &1 is not planned in the net requirements segment
030No shortage definition found: &1
031Material requires a feature that is not supported by the MRP apps: &1
032To check comps the Calc.Uncovered Dmnd checkbox must also be selected
033Definition for comp. check already exists: Only one allowed per profile
034Too many data records selected; change your area of responsibility&1
035Forecast demands have to be excluded for material flow logic
036Maximum Coverage Calculation only makes sense for ordered supplies
037&1 No authorization for application in plant &2 controller &3
038&1 No authorization for Vendor &2
039&1 No authorization for Document Type &2
040&1 No authorization for Purchase Group &2
041&1 No authorization for Purchase Organization &2
042&1 No authorization in Plant &2
043&1 No authorization for Customer &2
044&1 No authorization for Sales Organization &2/&3/&4
045&1 No authorization for Plant &2 Type &3 Category &4
046&1 No authorization for Category &2
047Shortage Profile and Shortage Counter have to be fully specified
048No Filter for MRP Controller or MRP Plant provided
049More than 20000 data records selected; change filter settings
050Invalid input value for Filter TimeHorizonInDays
051Only exactly one Shortage Profile is allowed
052Only exactly one Shortage Counter (Shortage Definition) is allowed
053For every selection field exactly one selection value is supported
054For Filtering only logical operator 'EQ' is supported
055Invalid input value for Filter TimeHorizonCode
056Invalid input value for Filter PeriodType
057No Fiscal Year Variant maintained in Material Master
058No Planning Calendar maintained in Material Master
059Undefined Error during Aggregation
060Aggregation for Period Type &1 is not supported
061Read aborted for Material &1 / MRP Plant &2 / MRP Area &3
062Not supported filter field: &1
063Error while building up planning data
064Material Shortage Profile &1 does not exist
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