CM_VAI - EHS-BAS: Table-Based Value Assignment

The following messages are stored in message class CM_VAI: EHS-BAS: Table-Based Value Assignment.
It is part of development package CBUI_TV in software component EHS-SAF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Table-Based Value Assignment Screen in Spec. Database".
Message Nr
Message Text
022Choose a characteristic with a single value as standard sort field
023A standard sort field was already defined for value assignment type &1
024Column position &2 was already assigned for value assignment type &1
025Characteristic &1 was defined in the classif. system as a req. entry fld
026Characteristic &1 was defined in the classif. sys. as not ready for input
027Deletion not possible; select a multiple value assignment
028Position the cursor in a column
029Customizing settings allow only one instance for value assignment type &1
030Charact. was already assigned value with phrase &1 in instance (key &2)
031Action not possible; correct the errors that occurred
032Delete not possible; data in value assignment instance is inherited
033Sort setting for numerical characteristic &1 is not available
034Sorting not supported for charact. &1 (Can be valuated more than once)
035Deletion is not possible; select an editable field
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