CND_EXCHANGE - Fehlermeldungen im Datenaustausch Konditionen

The following messages are stored in message class CND_EXCHANGE: Fehlermeldungen im Datenaustausch Konditionen.
It is part of development package CND_EXCHANGE_GENERAL in software component SD-MD-CM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Exchange Conditions General".
Message Nr
Message Text
000**************** Inbound Conditions (General) ************************
001Record KNUMH = &1, VARNUMH = &2: temporary no. at UPDKZ = &3 is illegal
002Structure (BAPIMTCS TABNAME) &1 is unknown
003Record KNUMH = &1, VARNUMH = &2: the data is consistent, UPDKZ = '&3'
004Block &1: &2 records for usage &3, table &4 correctly processed
005Mapping for record KNUMH = &1 was not sent, mapping not possible
006Error assigning value to content &2 in field &1
007No value found for field &1 in conversion function &2
008Conversion error for field &1 in function module &2
009Conversion type & unknown
010Condition type &1, appl. &2 is not importable for usage &3 table &4
011A logical system has not been assigned to the current client
012Condition table &2 for usage &1 does not exist
013Condition table &2 for usage &1 is inconsistent
014No values available for field &1 and conversion function &2
015Mapping for field &1 = &2 was not sent; mapping not possible
016Mapping for field &1 = &2 (GUID = &3) is not possible
017There are conflicts with other initial uploads; action cancelled
018Processing terminated due to a fatal error
019Update conditions: error during INSERT (return code &1)
020Update conditions: error during UPDATE (return code &1)
021Update conditions: error during DELETE (return code &1)
022Update conditions: error during MODIFY (return code &1)
023Conversion function & is not active
024First block of an initial upload contains no data
025Conflicts with another initial upload for usage &1 condition table &2
026Usage &1 is invalid
027Internal error during intial upload of condition table &2 for usage &1
028Mapping definitions for field &1 unknown or contain errors
029Initial upload: usage or condition table (BAPICONDDD) unknown
030Update mapping conditions: error during INSERT (return code &1)
031Update mapping conditions: error during UPDATE (return code &1)
032No entries were transferred from table /SAPCND/T681M
033Entries from tables MNTCNT and /SAPCND/T681M are not synchronized
034An initial upload has already been started for condition table &1
035There is no entry for condition table &1 in lock table CND_MEM_INF_UPL
036Entries for REF_ID &1 were not deleted from table CND_MEM_INITIAL_UPL
037There is no entry for REF_ID &1 in lock table CND_MEM_INF_UPL
038No active implementation is available for BAdI &1
039Data already exists in table &2 for new KNUMH = &1
040Importing conditions for use &1, application &2 is not supported
041Posting conditions: MODIFY in table &2 of use &1 had no effect
042Block &1: No records to be processed
043Block &1: No database changes necessary
044No database changes necesary
050********* Inbound Conditions Usage 3 (Campaign Determination) ***********
051Record KNUMH = &1, VARNUMH = &2: det. data missing (structure BAPICONDCD)
052Error during INSERT in table KOND3 (campaign determination)
053Error during UPDATE in table KOND3 (campaign determination)
054Error during DELETE in table KOND3 (campaign determination)
055Error during MODIFY in table KOND3 (campaign determination)
056Error updating table CMPB_MAP (campaign mapping)
057Number range interval &1 for number range object &2 contains errors
070********* Inbound Conditions Usage A/E (Prices & Rebate) ***********
071Record KNUMH = &1, VARNUMH = &2: det. data missing (structure BAPICONDHD)
072Record KNUMH = &1, VARNUMH = &2: det. data missing (structure BAPICONDIT)
073Error updating table KONH (UPDKZ = &1, return code &2)
074Error updating table KONP (UPDKZ = &1, return code &2)
075Error updating table KONM (UPDKZ = &1, return code &2)
076Error updating table KONW (UPDKZ = &1, return code &2)
077Record KNUMH = &1, VARNUMH = &2: Bonus status cannot be changed
120*********** Inbound Conditions Usage N (Free Goods) *********************
121Record KNUMH = &1, VARNUMH = &2: det. data missing (structure BAPICONDFG)
122Error during INSERT in table KONDN (free goods)
123Error during UPDATE in table KONDN (free goods)
124Error during DELETE in table KONDN (free goods)
125Error during INSERT in table KONDNS (free goods scales)
126Error during UPDATE in table KONDNS (free goods scales)
127Error during DELETE in table KONDNS (free goods scales)
140******** Inbound Conditions Use G (Listing and Exclusion) ***************
141Record for use G, cond.type &1, var.key &2, time per.&4 created correctly
142Record for use G, cond.type &1, var.key &2, time per.&4 changed correctly
143Record for use G, cond.type &1, var.key &2, time per.&4 deleted correctly
150************************* Inbound Agreements ****************************
151Record KNUMA = &1, AG_GUID = &2: temporary no. at UPDKZ = &3 is illegal
152Record KNUMA = &1, AG_GUID = &2: deletion of agremeent is illegal
153Record KNUMA = &1, AG_GUID = &2: data is consistent, UPDKZ = '&3'
154Block &1: &2 agreement(s) correctly processed
155Record KNUMA = &1, AG_GUID = &2: agreement type &3 is not permitted
156Record KNUMA = &1, AG_GUID = &2: agrmt type &3 deviates from Customizing
157Record KNUMA = &1, AG_GUID = &2: application &3 deviates from Customizing
158Record KNUMA = &1, AG_GUID = &2: agreement type &3 not supported
159Record KNUMA = &1, AG_GUID = &2: application &3 not supported
160Record KNUMA = &1, AG_GUID = &2: sales organization &3 not available
161Record KNUMA = &1, AG_GUID = &2: company code for sales org. &3 missing
162Record KNUMA = &1, AG_GUID = &2: maintenance object type &3 not supported
163Mapping for agreement KNUMA = &1 was not sent; mapping not possible
164Record KNUMA = &1, AG_GUID = &2: maint.obj.key missing (typ B = campaign)
165Internal error: agreement initial
166Update agreements: error during INSERT (return code &1)
167Update agreements: error during UPDATE (return code &1)
168Update agreements: error during DELETE (return code &1)
169Update agreements: error during MODIFY (return code &1)
170Update agreement-campaign relat.: error during INSERT (return code &1)
171Update agreement-campaign relat.: error during UPDATE (return code &1)
172Update agreement-campaign relat.: error during DELETE (return code &1)
173Update agreement-campaign relat.: error during MODIFY (return code &1)
174Update mapping agreements: error during INSERT (return code &1)
175Update mapping agreements: error during UPDATE (return code &1)
176Agreement &1 was not re-sent upon initial upload
177Record KNUMA = &1, AG_GUID = &2: agreement does not yet exist
178Record KNUMA = &1, AG_GUID = &2: Number alloc. agrmt type &3 not possible
179Record KNUMA = &1, AG_GUID = &2: Ext. number not permitted(agrmt.type &3)
180Updating mapping aggreements: Error during MODIFY (return code &1)
181Record KNUMA = &1, AG_GUID = &2: Bonus status cannot be changed
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