CNV10300 - Nachrichtenklasse zu Entwicklungsklasse CNV_10300

The following messages are stored in message class CNV10300: Nachrichtenklasse zu Entwicklungsklasse CNV_10300.
It is part of development package CNV_10300 in software component CA-DT-CNV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Conversion of condition header data".
Message Nr
Message Text
001It was not possible to assign Parameter &1 properly
002For table &1, field &2 no description was found in DFIES!
003No FORM routine found for converting table &1, field: &2!
004No delimitation for table &1 and type &2 in CNVFIELDREF
005Module CNV_10000_CHECKOBJECT produces ReturnCode &2 for &1
006Delimitation in table &1 for field &2 is based on non-key field &3.
007Data for table &1 and field &2 cannot be read
008DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET with sy-subrc <> 0 for table &1, field &2
009KVEWE=&1,KOTABNR=&2: Table=&3,field=&4: Offset<9! Will not be converted!, Title=&2
011List of FORM routines used:
012Conversion routine &1 with &2 > 4 parameters will not be executed!
014No suitable form routine was found for KVEWE=&1,KOTABNR=&2
019&1: &2=&3 not taken into account!
020&1: Neither entry in exception table nor generic case!
021KVEWE='E'was used for KAPPL=&1,KOTABNR=&2, though more selection!
022No unambiguous condition table was found for KAPPL=&1,KOTABNR=&2!
023For KVEWE=&1,KOTABNR=&2 no condition table was found in table T681
024For KVEWE=&1,KOTABNR=&2 condition table &3 was determined
025For KAPPL=&1,KOTABNR=&2 there are several cond. tab.! VAKEY=&3 not found
026&1: No relevant entry found in structure table &2!
027&1: Error in field description of &2-&3
030No org. dependency was determined for KVEWE=&1,KOTABNR=&2,VAKEY=&3
031No org. derivation was determined for KVEWE=&1,KOTABNR=&2
037Wrong log call! Log name is empty!
038Org. unit could not be determined! (&1,&2)
040Check restricted to condition data with conversion-relevant fields
041Check all condition data
050__&1 % of &2 checked data not found! Sample value= &3
051Domain=&1,Data el.=&2,object total=&3
053Sample call: PERFORM &1
054________________________USING &1
055_____________________CHANGING &1
056Value &1 was found in value table &2 for domain &3
057Value &1 was not found in value table &2 for domain &3
060&1 &2 &3 &4
070Fiels for conversion routine CNV_40102_MANDT are not converted!!!
077Parameter number & > 8. Number of parameters is too high!
101__&1 % of &2 checked data are initial
102KVEWE=&1,KOTABNR=&2,Pos.=&3,domain=&4: There is no value table
103KVEWE=&1,KOTABNR=&2,Pos.=&3,Domain=&4: Data not found in value table!
125KVEWE=&1,KOTABNR=&2: Conversion without org.-derivation/-delimitation
145Derivation field is emtpy! &1,&2,&3
184Org.unit determination: Field is empty! (&1,&2),VAKEY=&3
185Error in CNV_10000_CHECKOBJECTS! (&1,&2),VAKEY=&3
200&1: Offs=&2, Domain=&3, Data el.=&4
203____________________________USING &1
204_________________________CHANGING &1 CHANGED_FLAG.
205&1,Data el.=&2: No form routine found
207__Sample call: PERFORM &1
892No relevant VAKEY found for KVEWE=E => VBOX is not selected
893No relevant VAKEY found for KVEWE=A,E => KONH is not selected
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