CNV10992 - Message class for CNV_10992

The following messages are stored in message class CNV10992: Message class for CNV_10992.
It is part of development package CNV_10992 in software component CA-DT-CNV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Generic conversion of texts".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Parameter &1 could not be allocated correctly
002No form routine for converting TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2,PREFIX=&3 was found
003Object is locked by user &1
004The following text objects(TDOBJECTS) are relevant for conversion:
005TDOBJECT=&1: TDIDs=&2
006Global parameters of conversion program are not set
007Org. unit delimitation is not active
008Domain &1 is not active in dictionary (TDOBJECT=&2,TDID=&3)
009Incorrect domain length for &1; correct: &2 (TDOBJECT=&3,TDID=&4)
010&1: Total length = &2 exceeds field length = &3
011&1: Overlap of structure fields for &2 and &3
012Text object table was maintained correctly
013Data element &1 is not active in dictionary (TDOBJECT=&2,TDID=&3)
014Data element &1 is not assigned to domain &2 (TDOBJECT=&3,TDID=&4)
015The following objects for which texts exist are unknown:
016TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2 is unknown (see long text)
017No unknown text objects found in STXB, STXH, STXL
018Do NOT complete checks for texts
019Execute activity "Maintain and check text object table"
020Program CNV_10992_FIND_UNKNOWN_OBJECTS is missing in status management
021Activity 'Find unknown text objects' has not been executed
022Activity 'Find unknown text objects" is not yet finished
023Program CNV_10992_MAINTAIN_TEXTOBJECTS is missing in status management
024Activity 'Maintain and check text object table' has not been executed
025Activity 'Maintain and check text object table' not yet completed
026Program CNV_10992_DATA_CHECK missing in status management
027Activity 'Check existing text data' not yet executed
028Activity 'Check existing text data' not yet completed
029Program CNV_10992_FORMS_CHECK missing in status management
030Activity 'Check form routines to be used for texts' not yet executed
031Activity 'Check FORM routines to be used for texts' not yet completed
032The spool list contains the same list in a more convenient form
033Add the missing conversion-relevant text objects in the table
034Sample value for TDNAME: &1
035TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2 unknown; structure analysis not possible
036TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2 unknown; suggested structure for TDNAME:
037Incorrect log call; log name is empty
038Org. unit could not be determined (&1,&2,&3)
039Position 1 missing (TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2)
040Check restricted to text objects with conversion-relevant fields
041Check all text objects from text object table
042Maximum number of entries to be considered per text object = &
043TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2,Value=&3: Prefix could not be determined
044Structure determination is carried out
045Suggestion: Offset=&1,Length=&2,Domain=&3,Data el.=&4
046Sample value=&1; &2 % found in value table &3
047Sample value=&1; no value table exists
048Error; job name is initial
049No structure determination is carried out
050&1 % of &2 checked data not found! Sample value= &3
051List of FORM routines used:
052TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2,Domain=&3,Data el.=&4
053Sample call: PERFORM &1
054USING &1
056Value &1 was found in value table &2 for domain &3
057Value &1 not found in value table &2 for domain &4
058TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2,domain=&3,value=&4; value is initial
059Sample value=&1;
060&1 &2 &3 &4
061Existing unknown text objects are ignored; see long text
062Ignore unsuccessful check of existing texts; see long text
063Selection of form routines and parameters for use found to be correct
064Selection of form routines and parameters for use not correct
065Status of 'Find unknown text objects' set to 'warning'
066Status of 'Check existing text data' set to 'warning'
067Status of 'Check form routines to be used for texts' set to warning
068Status of 'Check form routines to be used for texts' set to error
069Special search for text objects with prefix in STXB and STXH ... (t=&)
070Text object table was successfully checked for consistency
071Text object table contains errors
072Job TEXTE_FORMS was started (see long text)
073Job TEXTE_DATA was started (see long text)
074Short description: &1
075There are warnings
076Short description for text object: &1
077Parameter number & > 8; number of parameters is too high
078General search for text objects in STXB and STXH ... (t=&)
079Select data (TDREFOBJ,...) from &1 ... (t=&2)
080No line is highlighted; Execute 'check' first
081Download of table contents was carried out
082Upload of table contents was carried out
083Program CNV_10992_FORMS_CHECK was started; log:CNV_10992_FORMS_CHK
084Download of table contents failed
085Activity terminated
086Analysis of newly found text objects ... (t=&)
087New object: &1 with instance=&2 in &3 (&4)
088&1: TDOBJECT = &2; TDID = &3
089&1: TDREFOBJ = &2; TDREFID = &3
090There are warnings => See log after leaving maintenance
091Value check is carried out with maximum & instances
092No value check is carried out
093Read control table ... (t=&)
094Incorrect entry; data element &1 is not defined in the Dictionary
095TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2,TDNAME=&3 in table &4
096Output of unknown text objects with prefix ... (t=&)
098Existing known conversion-relevant text objects:
099No optimization for table &1
100&1 % found, &2 % not found, &3 % initial (&4 checked data)
101&1 % of &2 checked data are initial
102TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2,Offs=&3,Data el=&4: There is no value table
103TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2,Offs=&3,Data el=&4: Data not found in value table
104No data was loaded; possible reasons: EXCEL is open or format error, Title=&2
106More fields in & are relevant for conversion
107Other tab. fields besides texts relevant for conversion?; no pre-select
108Optimization for &1: Program &2 was modified
109Offs=&1,data el. &2: Not transferred automat. to SLO dev./deliv. system
110TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2,Offs=&3,data el.=&4:
111For &1: SELECT statement not found in program &2
112Offs=&1,data el. &2: Value=&3; no value table exists
113Offs=&1,data el. &2: Value=&3 not found in value table &4
114Offs=&1,Data el. &2: Value is empty
115Offs=&1,data el. &2: Value=&3 not in value table &4; see long text
116Offs=&1,data el. &2: added to structure table
117&1 no table/structure; object may have to be added (see long text)
118&1,&2 no tables/structures; objects may have to be added-see long text
119Duplicate long texts: No prio rule was found &1,&2,&3
120No relevant data records found in STXB, STXH, STXL (see long text)
121TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2, PREFIX=&3 already exists
122No optimization for long texts was selected
123More fields in & are relevant for conversion
124No text objects are known for the relevant domains
125TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2,PREFIX=&3: Conversion w/o org.-derivation/-delimit.
126Analyze the unknown text objects; add them if necessary
127&1,&2 : Object needs to be inserted?
128Missing information in data record in control table: &
129No automatic suggestion for structure possible
130Program CNV_10992_FORMS_CHECK completed
131Program CNV_10992_DATA_CHECK completed
132New object: TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2
133TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2 with unknown prefix; sample value: TDNAME=&3
134Offs=&1,Data el.=&2 added to structure table
135&1: Data type &2 for data el. &3 not taken into account for value check
136New object: TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2,with PREFIX=&3 (from digit &4)
137No new text objects found for TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2
138Sample value for TDNAME: &1
139Suggestion:TDOBJ=&1,TDID=&2,Offs=&3,Datael&4 not transfered automatically
140Instance: &1
141Following text objects for (&1,&2) do not have a known disting. criterion
142Following text objects that are known to be relevant exist:
144Following additional text objects exist:
145Derivation field is emtpy; &1,&2,&3
146No org. derivation was determined for TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2
147Suggestion was transferred to structure table
148Suggestion for structure not possible
149Field overflow; total length > 70 - Offs=&1,data el.=&2
150There are warnings; see log after leaving maintenance
151Upload is not allowed in system &1
153No long texts for TDOJBECT=& found
154Long texts for TDOBJECT=& found
155No org. dependency was determined for TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2,TDNAME=&3
156All valid text-IDs for & are copied into structure table
157All valid text-IDs for & already with entries in structure table
158CNV_00001_API returned error. Contact SAP for support
159Entry changed : TDOBJECT =&1, TDID =&2, PREFIX =&3
160Unknown text objects are (t=&):
162Domain & is not defined or has length zero
163TDOBJECT=& cannot be selected for this option
164No new text objects found in table &1
165Transport order was created
166Object already exists
167No new text-IDs for TDOBJECT=&2 found in table &1
168Active phase is not 'Package Settings'
169New entry added: TDOBJECT =&1, TDID =&2, PREFIX =&3
170Entry deleted : TDOBJECT =&1, TDID =&2, PREFIX =&3
171Entry copied : TDOBJECT =&1, TDID =&2, PREFIX =&3
182Prefix could not be identified; &1, &2, &3
183Content of & was not analyzed; you must check it (see long text)
184Org. unit determination: Field empty (&1,&2),TDNAME=&3
185Error in CNV_10000_CHECKOBJECTS (&1,&2),TDNAME=&3
196TDOBJECT=&1,TDID=&2 : No suitable form routines were found
198SUBMIT job: & SUBMIT not possible
199The jobs & were scheduled
200The jobs & were released
202Select an entry
209Select only one entry
215Job & was started
216No limited selection is possible for &1; range (&2 obj.) is too large
217No optim. possible for &; Other table fields are converted as well
218In table &2, the record : TDOBJECT=&1 &3 is stored
219There are no relevant text objects
230Error during background scheduling of CNV_10992_FIND_UNKNOWN_OBJECTS
231Program CNV_10994_FIND_UNKNOWN_OBJECTS was scheduled in background
238&1: READONLY set
240&1: Full Table Scan
241&1: Loop over TTXID-TDOBJECT
242Analysis for TDOBJECT between &1 and &2
243Analysis of table &1 limited to TDOBJECT=&2
244&1: Loop over TTXID
245Analysis for TDOBJECT <= &1
246Analysis for TDOBJECT >= &1
247'Find unknown text objects' was not completed
250Minimum package size must be lower or equal to parallel threshold
260Mode 'Parallel selection' performed
261Mode 'Single program' performed
262No relevant TDOBJECT found; &1 excluded from conversion
263&1: In program with ID=&3: TDOBJECT=&2
264Selection of &1 with single program
265Settings are kept
266CNV_10992_START_SEARCH called with IMMEDIATE action
268Maintain structure info of unknown text object found in Find unknown Obj
269Check setting for Unknown Text Objects is success!
400Active package not found
790CNV_10992_START_SEARCH called with IMMED=&1,START=&2,DATE=3,TIME=&4
791CNV_10992_START_SEARCH called with IMMEDIATE action
806Select at least one entry
807Choose only one entry
808Select no more than & entries
893Job &1 was scheduled and released
894Job &1 was scheduled, but not released
895Job &1 was scheduled with start date (&2 &3)
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