CNV20200 - Nachrichten zu Entwicklungsklasse CNV_20200
The following messages are stored in message class CNV20200: Nachrichten zu Entwicklungsklasse CNV_20200.
It is part of development package CNV_20200 in software component CA-DT-CNV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Company code merge and rename".
It is part of development package CNV_20200 in software component CA-DT-CNV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Company code merge and rename".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | No company codes in mapping for package &1 |
003 | No companies saved in CNV_20200_T880 |
004 | ISSR_ACRE-mapping added: value_old=&1, value_new=&2, prio=&3 |
005 | CNV_00001_API returned error. Contact SAP for support |
006 | To select a log, double-click it |
007 | Test run; no data changes are made |
008 | No optimization: No domains/ table fields are excluded |
009 | CO object numbers are excluded from the conversion in any case |
010 | BUKLS &1 contains intervals and is not in mapping; is not converted |
011 | The usage of non-leading ledgers in new G/L was analyzed |
012 | The usage of number assignment for depreciation postings was analyzed |
013 | Ranges table &2 not converted (RELID=&1,SRTFD=&3) |
014 | &1 is a dependent package of &2 and concerned with object numbers |
015 | Table ONRAO: at least &1 data records become identical |
016 | Table ONR00: relevant object type &1 found |
017 | Optimization for &1: check in process-related control |
018 | Table ONRAO: data is changed; possibly no duplicates |
019 | No entries for package &1 found in table CNV_20200_NRIV |
020 | Only previously saved data gets downloaded |
021 | Error while calling &1 with following values: &2, &3, &4 |
022 | Check payment program tables for relevance to conversion |
023 | Check archive index tables for relevance to conversion |
024 | Securities account &1 &2 does not exist |
025 | Could not get package ID from runtime |
026 | Failed to load mapping table for mapping template &1 with namespace &2 |
027 | ACAC_OBJTYPE=&1 has not been analyzed |
028 | Cash journal &1 &2 does not exist |
029 | Cash journal business transaction &1 &2 does not exist |
030 | &1=&2 cannot be processed. Company code information is missing |
031 | &1=&2 cannot be processed. Company code and fiscal year info is missing |
032 | &1=&2 cannot be processed. Fiscal year information is missing |
033 | &1=&2 cannot be processed. Wrong format of fiscal year information |
034 | &1=&2 cannot be processed. Company code &3 without fiscal year variant |
035 | &1=&2 cannot be processed. Date &3 / fiscal year variant &4 inconsistent |
036 | &1=&2 cannot be processed. Number range number is missing |
037 | &1=&2 (CoCd &3) cannot be processed. House bank ID is missing |
038 | &1=&2 cannot be processed. Company code and house bank id info is missing |
039 | Securities account group &1 &2 does not exist |
040 | House bank ID &1 &2 does not exist |
041 | House bank account ID &1 &2 &3 does not exist |
042 | Determination of processed table (name) failed |
043 | &1=&2 cannot be processed (CoCd &3). Fiscal year information is missing |
044 | &1=&2 cannot be processed (CoCd &4). Wrong format of fiscal year info &3 |
045 | VERTT=&1 has not been analyzed. |
046 | You cannot continue until you have confirmed all activities |
047 | RANTYP=&1 has not been analyzed. |
048 | SANLF=&1 has not been analyzed. |
049 | &1=&2 is not processed (CoCd &3). Fiscal year &4 is questionable |
050 | No open payment runs exist for participating company codes |
051 | There are open payment runs for the participating company codes |
052 | Open payment run (date=&1, ID=&2) with paying CoCd &3, sending CoCd &4 |
053 | &1=&2 cannot be processed. Company code information is not unique |
054 | &1=&2 cannot be processed. House bank ID information is not unique |
055 | Change documents for NRINTERVAL and PRCTR: SumUp A set for CDPOS |
056 | &1 : &2=&3 could not be converted, missing company code. SRTFD=&4 |
057 | Business place &1 &2 does not exist |
058 | &1=&2 (HouseBankID &3) cannot be processed. Company code info is missing |
059 | &1=&2 (Fiscal year &3) cannot be processed. Company Code info missing |
060 | Document category &1 has not been analyzed |
061 | REFDOCLN is initial for &1 &2 &3 &4 |
062 | Cancelation by user |
063 | Routine CNV_20200_CONVERT is called with unknown object = &1 |
075 | Syntax error in dynamic sub-routine pool => Development Support |
076 | Active phase is not "Mapping Tables"; activity opens in display mode |
077 | Generation error for dyn. subroutine pool: probably due to memory problem |
078 | Error when generating dyn. subroutine pool (SY-SUBRC=&) |
080 | Data was saved |
081 | Exclude indicator set for: &1, &2, &3 |
083 | &1 &2 excluded from conversion |
084 | AWTYP=& was not yet considered! |
085 | Status & is not defined |
086 | Org. determination was activated for the company code merge |
087 | KeyUpdate indicator was initialized |
088 | The key-update indicator was set for package & |
089 | Company code &1 participates in the conversion |
090 | KeyUpdate indicator set for table &1 |
091 | KeyUpdate indicator for package &1 is initial |
092 | Company code &1 set for organizational derivation |
093 | No company code mapping available. No organizational derivation required |
100 | &1 (&2) = &3 : wrong format |
101 | &1 data records selected from table &2 |
102 | &1 data records added to table &2 or updated |
103 | &1 of &2 records from upload file added to table &3 |
104 | Data was not saved! |
105 | Error message: file_open_error in function module WS_UPLOAD |
106 | Error message: file_read_error in function module WS_UPLOAD |
107 | Error message: invalid_type in function module WS_UPLOAD |
108 | Error message: no_batch in function module WS_UPLOAD |
109 | Error message: unknown_error in function module WS_UPLOAD |
112 | Cluster table &: CNVTABLES-USECLTECH set to 'X' |
113 | Cluster table &: CNVTABLES-USECLTECH initialized |
115 | Structure &1, field &2 not found in list of table fields (table (DD03L) |
116 | ORACLE-DB: no deterioration in perform. due to initial key-update indic. |
117 | Cyclistic change/ chain regarding &1=&2 |
118 | Target object &1=&2 exists, but is not the reference object! |
119 | Successful closing of periodic asset accounting was confirmed |
120 | Status of program &1 changed from error to warning |
121 | Settings confirmed on &1 by &2; status changes were made |
122 | Settings confirmed on &1 by &2; no status changes necessary |
123 | Canceled by user &1 |
124 | Simulated status change; confirm ALL activities by saving |
125 | Simulation: No status change required for selected activities |
126 | |
132 | Error! Scenario & is not covered by CNV_20200_PRIO_SET_KNB4! |
133 | Search term not found |
136 | &1 not yet known! Conversion rule for &2=&3 not applicable! |
137 | Function module &1 returns no structure information for &2 = &3 |
139 | Following domains were excluded from conversion: |
141 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
142 | &1: find out if field NORDER in table &2 should be converted |
143 | &1: Table &2 belongs to Treasury loans! Field NORDER is not converted |
144 | Settings have been confirmed; program cannot be run any more |
145 | &1: Check if data el. NORDER should be converted according to table &2 |
146 | Conversion routine &2 is not defined for table &1; see long text |
147 | There exist already mapping entries |
148 | New derivation. Existing mapping will be overwritten |
149 | No mapping for VAT registration numbers required |
150 | &1 entries for VAT registration number mapping were saved |
151 | CoCd: &1, old value: &2, new value: &3 |
154 | Contract no.: (&1=&2) type not considered so long |
157 | &1: Function module KEY_ZU_OBJEKT does not produce result for &2 (&3=&4) |
158 | &1=&2 not yet considered |
159 | &1: Product category is not considered (SANLF=&2 (&3)) |
163 | &1: CO-PA table - conversion settings were adjusted |
164 | &1: New G/L table - conversion settings were adjusted |
165 | &1: Special Ledger table - conversion settings were adjusted |
166 | Table=&1, field=&2: Missing parameter fields |
167 | Valuation area setting: Valuation area = company code |
168 | &1: check! Correct routine may be &2 |
169 | __Deleted in CNVFIELDSCU: &1, &2 |
170 | Consistency check was successful |
171 | __Deleted in CNVFIPARSCU: &1, &2 |
172 | __Added in CNVFIELDSCU: &1, &2, &3, &4 |
173 | __Added in CNVFIPARSCU: &1, &2, &3, &4 |
174 | CNVTABLES-SEQNUM=&1 set for table &2 |
175 | The jobs & were released |
176 | The jobs & were scheduled |
177 | **** Analysis and postprocessing of table & **************** |
178 | Merge with target company code & : |
179 | No depreciation run found for merge (target CoCd &); no action required |
180 | &1 in CNVFIELDSCU was set to NOTUSE |
181 | FIAA-BELNR number range is external => number level not updated! |
182 | No depreciation number range for target company code & found |
183 | No deprec. runs with numeric doc. numbers found for merge (target CoCd &) |
184 | Entry in TABA for ( BUKRS=&1, AFBLGJ=&2, AFBLPE=&3 ) is overwritten: |
185 | __previous: (from-no.,to-no.)=&1,&2 |
186 | __now: (from-no.,to-no.)=&1,&2 |
187 | Update run: Table TABA (depreciation posting documents) is modified |
188 | Test run: Table TABA (depreciation posting documents) is not modified |
189 | No original document for recurring entry (CoCd=&1,DocNo=&2,FY=&3) |
190 | TCJ_DOCUMENTS-D_POSTING_NUMB adjusted for CoCd &1 and CJ number &2 |
196 | For document type (DOCCT) &1, document number (DOCNR) is not converted |
197 | &1 AVIK header with (BUKRS,KOART,KONTO,AVSID)=&2 missing; &3=&4 |
198 | Event &1: BELNR is converted as number range object &2 |
199 | No obsolete domains found |
200 | Event &1: Number range object of field BELNR is unclear |
204 | Relevant company code: &1 |
206 | Program & was modified |
207 | Program &1 was included in status management in phase &2 |
210 | &1 is empty! Conversion logic is not applicable for &2=&3 |
211 | &1 and &2 empty! Conversion rule for &3=&4 not applicable! |
212 | APPLK=&1 is not considered! |
213 | &1: CNVSTEPS entries (TIMESTEP=&2,STEPNUM &3) were initialized |
214 | Error when reading data record from KNB4. MANDT=&1,KUNNR=&2,BUKRS=&3 |
215 | Performance optimization: Check for company code &1 |
216 | Performance optimization: Check for company &1 |
217 | Error when reading CNVJOBPROFILE for &1,&2,&3,&4 |
218 | &: Performance optimization switched on; see long text |
230 | _with macro: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
232 | Performance optimization: No company codes relevant for conversion |
234 | No perform. optimiz. because more than 10 cred.contr.areas were selected |
235 | Performance optimization: Check for credit control area &1 |
242 | Performance optimization: No companies relevant for conversion |
243 | Performance optimization: No credit control areas relevant for conversion |
245 | Optimized processing of table &1 |
246 | &1 is converted! Optimization of &2 is not suggested |
247 | Performance optimization: Check for &1 = &2 |
248 | Performance optimization: No relevant objects (for conversion) for & |
249 | Performance optimization: ASSIGN to field (of domain) &1 failed |
251 | Error during upload; check the format of file & |
252 | &1 is relevant for other packages; no optimization of &2 is suggested |
253 | &1: CNVINCLTAB entry (&2) was removed |
254 | &2 mapping entries stored in table &1 |
255 | No renumbering of payment advice line items required |
257 | Error while modifying program & |
258 | Start possible after 'Check mapping for company code merge' |
264 | Def. for &1 not found (function module DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET) for OBJTYPE=&2 |
265 | Parameter number &1 is greater than &2; too many parameters |
266 | Parameter &1 could not be allocated correctly |
267 | Field definition for &1 for DOKOB=&2 was not found! |
268 | Credit limit and recommended credit limit are added together |
269 | Credit limit and recommended credit limit frm reference credit cntrl area |
270 | At least one relevant object number for conversion was found |
271 | Following object types with participating CoCds or FM areas were found: |
272 | Object type (OBART) = &1, company code (BUKRS) = &2 |
273 | Object type (OBART) = &1, FM area (FIKRS) = &2 |
274 | No relevant obj.number found: Dom. J_OBJNR could be excluded |
275 | AO object numbers have to be converted |
276 | CO object numbers are converted |
277 | CO object numbers are excluded from the conversion |
278 | CNVDOMS entry was deleted: &1, &2, &3, &4 |
279 | CNVDOPARS entry was deleted: &1, &2, &3, &4 |
280 | &1 (&2) set to READONLY in CNVFIELDS |
281 | There are CO object numbers that are relevant for conversion |
282 | No other relevant object types found in table ONR00 |
283 | No AO object numbers need to be converted |
284 | CNVRENAME initialized for package &1 and DOMNAME=DOCNR and table &2 |
285 | Table &1 initialized for package &2 and table &3 and GL_SIRID in &4 |
286 | Parameter: P_DOCNR1=&1, P_DOCNR2=&2 |
287 | & data records in CNVRENAME were added for DOMNAME=DOCLN |
288 | Table field &1 not covered by analysis for unique secondary indexes |
289 | Table field &1 has field length &2! Only 3, 5 and 6 are considered |
290 | &1 blank! conversion rule for &2= (&3,&4) not applicable |
291 | &1=&2 missing in &3 |
292 | Table field &1 gets converted, but is not considered during analysis |
293 | Table field &1 is not considered during analysis |
294 | Field &1 with length &2 is not supported |
295 | No suitable unique secondary index found for table &1 |
296 | For &1, routine &2 is not supported for DOCLN determination |
300 | SUMUP A indicator set for &1 |
305 | Parameter & could not be assigned correctly |
314 | For company code &1, there is no house bank ID &2 |
315 | Target (CoCd=&1, house bank ID &2) exists, but not original |
316 | Wrong mapping for CoCd &1, house bank ID &2; cyclistic change or merge |
317 | '??' is not a valid target house bank ID |
318 | Company code &1/ house bank ID &2 exists more than once as a target value |
319 | No header record with KUKEY=&1 found in FEBKO; HKTID not converted |
341 | &1 contains relevant data for object type SK |
342 | &1 contains no relevant data for object type SK |
357 | CNVSTPARS entry for prio routine CNV_20200_PRIO_KNKK not found |
358 | Different currencies for recommended credit limit for KUNNR=&1: &2 &3 |
359 | HR is in use - HR package 21500 is not part of the active package |
364 | &1 &2 missing in value table &3 |
365 | For &1 &2, temporary duplicates may occur |
366 | Mapping contains implicit merge to &1 &2 |
367 | Missing priority indicator for merge to &1 &2 |
368 | More than one priority indicator for merge to &1 &2 |
369 | Mapping for &1 &2 corresponds to 1:1 rename |
370 | Company codes are merged; controlling areas are not merged |
371 | Company codes are merged; credit control areas are not merged |
372 | Assigned &1 &2 are not merged |
373 | Company codes are merged; FM areas are not merged |
374 | CoCds are merged; Companies (RCOMP) are not merged |
375 | CoCds are merged; Accounting codes are not merged |
376 | Non-participating company code &2 is assigned to &1 &3 |
377 | Parameter number &1 > &2. Number of parameters is too high! |
378 | Reference CoCd &1 und Asset CoCd with same name but different target val. |
379 | CoCd &1 is assigned to Credit Control Area &2, but does not participate |
380 | 1:1 rename of &1 &3 to &2; priority indicator is set |
381 | Company codes with and without assignment to &1 are merged |
382 | The mapping for &1 contains initial values |
383 | Mapping for &1 contains question marks in field 'new value' |
384 | &1 = &2 was not yet considered! |
385 | Reference CoCd &1 and credit control area with same name but diff. target |
386 | CoCd &1 is assigned to company &2, but does not participate |
387 | Reference CoCd &1 and company with same name but with differ. target val. |
388 | Reference CoCd &1 and accounting code with same name but diff. target val |
389 | Duplicates for &1: &2 |
390 | Ref. company code &1 merged into target CoCd &2 => special priority |
392 | Customizing for rental agreement no.s in CoCd=&1 missing in table TIPZB |
394 | Structure of rental agreement no. &1 in CoCd=&2 not yet considered |
397 | TFK033D: APPLK=&1,BUBER=&2. No data element found for &3 |
398 | SUMUP S indicator set for &1 |
399 | &1: in &2 KeyUpdate indicator is set |
420 | No &1 defined in the system |
450 | SUMUP P indicator set for &1: Prio routine=&2 with parameter &3 |
451 | RFBLG cluster table &1: &2 will be processed by the cluster program |
452 | &1 excluded from conversion |
453 | RFBLG cluster table &1 is processed cluster-optimized |
454 | &1: in CNVTABLESCU the sum-up A indicator is set |
455 | &1: in CNVFIELDSCU the priority indicator is set |
456 | &1: added to CNVSTEPS: TIMESTEP=&2,STEPNUM=&3,CONVFUNC=&4 |
457 | &1: added to CNVSTPARS: TIMESTEP=&2,STEPNUM=&3,PARAMVAL=&4 |
458 | &1: in CNVFIELDSCU added with ReadOnly indicator set |
459 | Depreciation posting periods of involved company codes differ |
460 | Parameter CNV_20200_J_OBJNR_NOT_RELEVANT = X was set |
461 | RFBLG cluster table &1 will be processed before RFBLG cluster |
465 | DOMNAME=&1: Source value not defined: &2 |
467 | CoCd &1 and &3 with differing depreciation plans are merged |
468 | &1: already entries existing for package no. &2 |
469 | Depreciation posting periods of involved company codes differ |
470 | Alphanumerical target value for TABA (CoCd=&1,&2=&3,AFBLGJ=&4) |
471 | &1 accounting documents from &2 were saved in table &3 |
472 | Customizing for rental agreement numbers in CoCd &1 not considered |
473 | For rental agreement numbers in CoCd &1 are customizing settings missing |
474 | Table &1 for CoCd &2 is filled. Archives exist? |
475 | Object numbers for object type &1 exist |
476 | &1: conversion routine &2 must be modified |
477 | New BEWTP=&1: BELNR is converted as accounting document |
479 | Numberrange overflow when calculating Balance Sheet Adjustment Runs |
480 | No relevant data found |
481 | Rebuilding balance sheet adjustment run mapping |
482 | RBSTAT=&1 has not been analyzed. |
490 | Backup of relevant information of table &1 |
491 | &2 record(s) was/were deleted from table &1 |
492 | Error while deleting from table &1 |
493 | &2 record(s) was/were inserted into table &1 |
494 | Error while inserting into table &1 |
495 | Database table &1 does not exist. No further action required |
496 | &1 Business Partners initially found with Account Balance Snapshot active |
497 | Account Balance Snapshot deactivated for all Business Partners |
498 | Account Balance Snapshots deleted from database |
499 | Table CNV_20200_SNAP is already filled for package &1 |
500 | &2 records inserted for package &1 into table CNV_20200_SNAP |
501 | Account Balance Snapshots created |
502 | Snapshots activated for &1 Business Partners |
503 | Into CNVRENAME &1 mappings were added for DOMNAME=&2 |
504 | Target CoCd &1 in J_1BECD_CUST03: More persons responsible as possible |
505 | CoCd &1, Person Resp. &2, CPF/Quali.Code &3, CRC &4 deleted |
506 | For CoCd &1 a mapping of STCEG cannot be derived (source or target blank) |
597 | Function module returns error code &1 |
600 | Table &1 couldn't be added to the Special Priority Handling |
601 | Table &1 can't be removed from Special Priority Handling |
602 | Target value of special priority does not exists in mapping |
603 | Table does not contain the specified priority value |
604 | Specified table does not exists in special priority handling |
605 | Specified priority value not part of the corresponding target mapping |
606 | No relevant data found |
607 | Processing canceled |
608 | Dependency of table &1 in special priority handling changed |
609 | Table &1 is removed from special priority |
610 | Table &1 is added to special priority |
611 | Special priority from table &1 target &2 is set to &3 |
612 | Special Priority Handling is active for Table &1 |
613 | Company Code &1 is taken preferred |
614 | An error occured while writing to the Database |
615 | No documentation available |
616 | Changes of data detected; see long text |
617 | Table &1 is excluded from the conversion; see long text |
618 | Target value &1 not found in mapping; see long text |
619 | Special priority value &1 not found in table; see long text |
620 | Special priority value &1 not found in mapping; see long text |
621 | Table &1 excluded from the conversion; execute activity in edit mode |
622 | Target value &1 not found in mapping; execute activity in edit mode |
623 | Spec. prio value &1 not found in table; execute activity in edit mode |
624 | Spec. prio value &1 not found in mapping; execute activity in edit mode |
625 | Program &1 was not completed properly |
626 | Special priority handling not affected by mapping changes |
627 | Merge Group table &1 target &2 removed from mapping |
634 | Provided language &1 is not valid. Check your entry! |
635 | Cash journal business transaction mapping generated. Check suggestions! |
636 | Generation canceled by user |
637 | No cash journal business transaction mapping required |
638 | Changes in CoCd mapping or customizing, mapping is re-generated |
639 | No changes in CoCd mapping or customizing |
640 | CoCd mapping could not be loaded |
641 | CJTRANS Names are not unique after merge. Call 'Specify Mapping Values' |
642 | Buffer overflow during generation. Contact SAP |
643 | Cash journal business transaction mapping generated. No action required. |
760 | Select start and end of block |
761 | Select end of block |
762 | More than two lines were selected; select start and end of block |
791 | __with parameters: IMMED=&1, START=&2, DATE=3, TIME=&4 |
792 | No customer-specific SL tables found for DOCLN analysis |
806 | Select at least one entry |
807 | Please select exactly one entry |
808 | Select no more than & entries |
809 | &1 entries generated, &2 entries modified |
810 | &1 entries generated |
811 | &2 entries modified |
812 | You must check that the mapping is correct from a business perspective |
856 | TABA-XBUKZ=X is set for original BUKRS=&1,AFBLGJ=&2,AFBLPE=&3,AFBANZ=&4 |
857 | &1 and &2 blank! Conversion rule for &3=&4 not applicable |
858 | &1 not yet known! Conversion rule for &2=&3 not applicable |
859 | IVBK-IV_ORGVG = &1 not known |
865 | &1 blank! conversion rule for &2= (&3,&4) not applicable |